Year 6 SATs/Camp Information Evening Welcome!
What are SATs? KS2 SATs are taken by pupils in Year 6 (when they are years old) as part of the National Curriculum assessment programme. Children undertake KS2 SATs papers in two core subjects: English and Maths. Science SATs are taken by a sample of children in a sample of schools bi-annually. We will be contacted in early spring if this applies to us.
Why do we do SATs? The secondary school use the results to enable them to group the children from an early stage in the year. Results are used with teacher assessment to gain a broader picture of your child’s attainment and progress. As a way of measuring the school performance.
When are the SATs? The provisional dates for the 2016 SATs are 9 th – 12 th May. Monday 9 th May – Reading Tuesday 10 th May – SPaG Wednesday 11 th May – Maths 1 and 2 Thursday 12 May – Maths 3
The tests: Reading test: Children will have 1 hour to read 3 texts of increasing complexity and answer a series of questions. Texts will cover a variety of genres but there will be a greater focus on fiction than perhaps in previous years.
SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) Test 1: * This will be a test of 45 minutes for children to demonstrate their knowledge of punctuation and grammar and their ability to apply grammatical terminology and a full range of punctuation. Test 2: A spelling test of 15 minutes to write 20 missing words from a piece of text read by the teacher.
Time to have a go…… Reading test: By yourself, or with others, read through the information and answer the questions given. Pick out the key words in the questions and what words in the text will help. SPaG: Can you answer the questions given – work alone or with a friend!
Maths Tests: Test 1: This will assess the children’s basic calculating across the four operations; including long multiplication and division. There will be 36 questions to complete in 30 minutes. This test has replaced the previous mental maths test.
Tests 2 and 3: These tests are both 40 minutes and will be similar to the tests of previous years. Children will be expected to answer questions and solve problems across a range of maths topics. They will also be required to show their stages of working out in some questions to demonstrate their mathematical reasoning. Over to you:
Writing Assessment: As in previous years, the children’s writing across a wide range of genre, will be teacher assessed and moderated by an external moderator. The strands the writing is assessed on are : Use of features of text type/genre Handwriting Grammar Punctuation Writer’s voice
Reporting of Results After the tests the children will receive their results as follows: A raw score (number of marks attained) A scaled score (using a conversion table once all papers have been marked) Whether or not they attained the expected standard
What can we all do to help? End of term assessments already help children prepare for SATs. We will provide additional opportunities to monitor and thus support their progress. From term 3/4 we will revise with the children; homework may take the form of practice SATs questions.
What can we do to help? Read with your child – aloud; help them develop their confidence and fluency, discuss the pronunciation and meaning of new words and phrases that they could use to enhance their writing. Look at the punctuation choices used – what effect do they have? Discuss the set, plot, characters and motives in the story – or when watching a TV show! Discuss authorial word choices and the impact they have on the reader. Share poetry, non-fiction – anything! Help your child gain confidence in their ability to understand all text types. Support your child with their homework; ensure they understand and always let us know if there is an issue.
What can we do to help? In the spring the children will receive a revision booklet to help them revisit their learning. The booklet will include websites which will be helpful and fun! Treat the SATs as another part of their school journey – they should try their best and aim high but know that they will be well prepared and do not need to worry.
Any questions?