WELCOME Student Nurses to the Clinical Nursing Program HEALTH MAINTENANCE MEETING PLEASE sign in to be accounted for today Congratulations!!!


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WELCOME Student Nurses to the Clinical Nursing Program HEALTH MAINTENANCE MEETING PLEASE sign in to be accounted for today Congratulations!!!

Pharmacology Calculations ** Please check RVCC weekly for important updates I, and nursing personnel need to communicate to you, let me know if you do not have an RVCC

Uniform and ATI All students must purchase a uniform All students must purchase ATI computerized testing package- refer to handouts sent with admission letters

Health Maintenance Meeting RVCC Coordinator of Health Science Education Nadine M. Larson is the fastest and easiest way to contact me! Room H x 8610 Open office hours TBD for Summer 2016 and Fall 2016, is best!!!

Health Maintenance Requirements Nursing program requires students comply with: ◦ Obtaining and completing a health maintenance record form (each year you are here, there is a new form to fill out) ◦ Handing in copies of lab reports, titers, immunization records, and other documents that are requested WITH the health maintenance record TOGETHER! ◦ Purchase uniform and ATI ◦ Background check (met as a preclinical student and must be done yearly) ◦ Malpractice Insurance (must renew YEARLY) ◦ Current CPR certification (good for 2 years) ◦ Yearly Two Step TB testing (2 PPDs 1-4 weeks apart) ◦ Drug testing (yearly) ◦ An influenza immunization (yearly)

It is the student’s responsibility to keep current with yearly health maintenance procedures, i.e. CPR, Two Step PPDs, malpractice insurance, influenza immunization. Each year you are here, there is a form to be filled out and some type of health maintenance to keep current. You are ineligible for clinicals without up to date health maintenance!

Deadline Dates for Health Maintenance Records and ALL required documents Late admission Generic RN student: No later than August 2, 2016 *Forms and documents must be complete to be accepted!!! If anything is missing they will be given back to the student. Everything must be handed in together, not separate! Please use my i.e. check off sheet to verify you are handing in everything on the list! - You must make an appointment with me when you are ready to hand in completed documents and health requirements – after I see all documents are complete your registration form will be signed ( to be mailed within next few weeks) Please watch for important info, such as sections closing at full capacity.

Diagnostic Testing Each student is to have the following lab work done by their personal physician: hemoglobin, hematocrit, CMP (comprehensive metabolic panel) and urinalysis (NOT A URINE DIPSTICK IN OFFICE). The physician MUST fill in the values of each test on the “Student Health Maintenance Record” AND provide a copy of each lab to keep in the students’ file.

Immunizations & Titers Hepatitis B (HEP B) ◦ All students require a Hepatitis B titer  3 distinct vaccines in the series  Vaccine schedule must be followed - Get Dose #1, 28 days later dose #2, then 4 -6 months later dose #3. HEP B TITER DRAWN SIX-EIGHT (6-8)WEEKS after dose # 3 Students not immune NEED to follow-up with their health care provider because they may need to go through a second full series/booster, and then must re-titer.

Immunizations & Titers All students require a MMR titer Measles, Mumps, & Rubella (MMR) ◦ Students born before 1957 are considered to have natural immunity, but still need a titer. ◦ Students born after 1957 need to make sure they had two MMR vaccines before the titer is performed. Mumps & Rubella Titers ◦ Must show immunity; if negative titer, student must follow-up with their health care provider for boosters & re-titer ◦ If need vaccination, titer is done 6-8 weeks after series completed

Varicella/Chickenpox ◦ All students require a varicella titer ◦ It is NOT acceptable to simply get the date of disease documented – a titer is mandatory! ◦ Students with a negative/non-immune varicella titer must follow-up with their health care provider for the varicella immunization series & another titer 6-8 weeks later to show immunity

TdaP ◦ Tetanus shot good for 10 years ◦ Tdap for people under 65 years of age ◦ If never had any vaccination for tetanus or diphtheria, need to complete a series of 3 immunizations, then receive a titer 6 – 8 weeks later.

Influenza Flu shots are REQUIRED for nursing students during “flu season.” It is mandated by the clinical facilities – can get starting in August 2016 THERE IS A GREEN FORM TO HAND IN NO LATER THAN October 1, 2016 to PROVE YOU HAVE RECEIVED A FLU SHOT Please wait until the Fall to get your flu shot, as what is available NOW and what flu immunization will be available in August/September is different!!!

VACCINE TYPE TITER DATE & RESULT Vaccination Series - dates Hepatitis B* Date: ____________ Result: ___________* #1 ______________ #2_____________ #3____________ **See below if in series MMR* Date: ____________ Result: ___________* #1 ______________ #2_____________ Varicella* Date: ____________ Result: ___________* #1 ______________ #2_____________ AND/OR Date of disease_____________________ Tetanus-Diptheria- Pertussis (TdaP) N/A Last/Most up-to-date TdaP given_______________ Childhood immunization dates (if available)_____ __________________________________________ Influenza N/A Last date of vaccination _____________________ Two Step PPD/ Tuberculosis Testing N/A  Has received the BCG vaccine. Date received __________________________ *Speak to physician regarding this Test 1 (mm/dd/yy)___________ Read on (mm/dd/yy) _____________ Size of induration in mm__________positive/negative (circle one) Test 2 (mm/dd/yy)______________ Read on (mm/dd/yy) _____________ Size of induration in mm___________ positive/negative (circle one) If PPD positive, will require chest x-ray – provide report & physician’s note with recommendations

Background Check Students entering the nursing program MUST go to the Adam Safeguard website as a preclinical student, then every year after, get a criminal history background check done. -

Malpractice Insurance Policy  All PNAD and RN students MUST have malpractice insurance – some students use  Only valid submission of proof is Declaration sheet  Professional liability limitations 1 Million dollars for each occurrence/claim 6 Million dollars aggregate Time period must cover entire semester The policy should be purchased in May – please choose RN student status. Buying in May will allow the policy to be valid for the entire school year. If you are currently a health care provider who carries malpractice insurance, you will need to add on your RN student status, and make sure the liability amounts are correct. If you have any trouble doing this, I have a letter that I may customize for you to send to the insurance company.

CPR Certification All students must provide a copy of a valid BLS Healthcare Provider CPR Card, from the American Heart Association. No other CPR providers are accepted – only American Heart Association. A copy of CPR card is the only proof accepted that you are certified.

(continue CPR) Expiration dates before the end of the school year (3/31/17) are NOT helpful, because the CPR certification will not be valid through the entire school year!

CPR class (if needed) Hospitals in the area and RVCC offer the AHA BLS CPR classes, please take the class where you would like to do it. - Feel free to check hospitals or Google AHA BLS CPR classes – must do class and have card BEFORE we meet for health maintenance verification appointment and registration.

Tuberculosis Testing/PPD  All students in PNAD, 1 st Year, and 2 nd Year programs are required to have 2 PPDs yearly  PPD test must be assessed within hours after placement and measurement of the size (in mm) of induration noted. Then a 2 nd PPD test must be placed1-4 weeks later. It is then to be assessed within hours after placement. - The area is to be measured in mm and documented. There is a spot for physicians to document this on your health maintenance form.  If results are positive  follow-up chest x-ray required  for All students under 35 years of age, INH prophylaxis must be taken.

You do not want your PPD to expire in a semester. Tuberculosis testing for Generic Nursing Students should be done between May and July to avoid the PPD expiring in a semester and PNADs should have their 2 PPDs done in May (the first PPD can be in April). A two step PPD done 4/01/16 and 4/08/16 is NOT acceptable because it will not be valid through the entire Spring 2017 semester.

 Has received the BCG vaccine. Date received __________________________ Test 1 (mm/dd/yy)______________ Read on (mm/dd/yy) _____________ Size of induration in mm___________ positive/negative (circle one) Test 2 (mm/dd/yy)______________ Read on (mm/dd/yy) _____________ Size of induration in mm___________ positive/negative (circle one) If PPD is positive, chest X ray is REQUIRED. Date taken (mm/dd/yy)____________________ (You must attach copy of radiology report) Negative X ray: INH must be taken for everyone under 35. Date started (mm/dd/yy)_________________ Positive X ray: Recommendations of Physician_____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________

Drug Screening A yearly 11 point urine drug screening will be done 4-6 weeks prior to the start of clinical rotations. See handout for dates Urine drug screening must be done at the designated lab location – it is ordered via adamsafeguard during the testing dates

DRUG SCREENING DATES Generic RN students: Must do drug screening between August 22 – September 1, 2016

When ready to hand in documents... Look at the checklist provided to make sure you have everything, and copies of everything for yourself and to hand in I do not take partial paperwork, it must come in together or it will be given back to you and you may not register or attend class until it is completed The only thing I will get directly and you will not have to hand in is the drug screen (is faxed to me)). I will notify you when I receive the drug screen via RVCC . Check RVCC weekly to keep up with important information from the college!

Any student, after carefully reviewing all health maintenance paperwork and policies, who is unsure of ANY requirement needs to contact me. is the fastest way to get in touch with me! Feel free to me questions

Check list of things to hand in – they must be handed in all together to be accepted Original Health Maintenance Form (filled out) - Flu shot in Fall – now mandatory!! DRUG SCREEN – this gets faxed to me (*4-6 weeks prior to clinical date)- Purchase ATI Malpractice Insurance – declaration page only- Drug screen waiver Current CPR Card – copy of card-Progression and immunization 2 Step PPD/CXR – 2 PPDs, 1-4 weeks apartacknowledgement form MMR Titer – need copy Hep B Titer – need copy Varicella Titer – need copy Current Lab Reports – copy of all needed Hg/Hct CMP UA Background Check (previously done, updated yearly) Adacel (Tetanus shot)