BREAKING NEWS Last week a volcano erupted in the Puyehue- cordoncaulle volcanic chain. At the start people didn’t know which of the 4 volcanoes erupted because of the ash cloud that was produced. The ash cloud went 10 kilometres high and even went as far as Argentina people were evacuated from the area and airplanes were not allowed to fly.
Amazing Photos.
Chile Facts The population is over 16 million people who speak Spanish as their main language. It a long skinny country on the west coast of South America.
Santiago is the capital city. Easter Island is part of chile. Chile is the closest country to Antarctica. Chile is the 5 th biggest exporter of wine in the world.
In miners were stuck in a mine for 69 days and the all survived when rescued. General Pinochet was a famous man that ruled the country from In his time he killed thousands of people who didn’t agree with him.
The End by Josef van Plateringen