Dr Nick Startin Admissions Tutor, Modern Languages and European Studies (MLES) Dr Nick Startin Admissions Tutor, Modern Languages and European Studies (MLES) Dr Nick Startin Admissions Officer for Modern Languages and European Studies ( MLES) BA (Hons) Modern Languages and European Studies (MLES) BA (Hons) Language and Politics
Excellent reputation for high quality teaching and research A broad-based contemporary and interdisciplinary approach Total immersion in the language An integrated year abroad programme Excellent graduate employment prospects High level of personal and academic support Why Languages at Bath?
Aims of the BA in MLES The aims of the BA in Modern Languages and European Studies are that graduates: read, write and speak two European languages with proficiency understand the social, political, economic and cultural evolution of contemporary Europe develop skills in research, analysis, communication and debate experience direct exposure to the cultures you have studied
BA Modern Languages and European Studies (Two languages from French, German, Italian Russian & Spanish) BA Language and Politics (One language from French, German, Italian, Russian or Spanish) BSc International Management and Modern Languages (One language from French or German or Spanish) N.B. French, German & Spanish can be studied post ‘A’ level, Italian post ‘A’ level and ab initio for beginners and Russian ab initio only Degree programmes with Languages at Bath
Aims of the BA in MLES The aims of the BA in Modern Languages and European Studies are that graduates: read, write and speak two European languages with proficiency understand the social, political, economic and cultural evolution of contemporary Europe develop skills in research, analysis, communication and debate experience direct exposure to the cultures you have studied
Admission requirements Grade requirements for MLES: ABB (with A in language); AAB for French/Spanish The intake: French: 70 German: 20 Italian: 35 (Combination of ab.initio & ‘A’ level) Russian: 25 Spanish: 65
BA in Modern Languages and European Studies (MLES) An overview of the programme Year 1 Language 1 Written & Spoken Language Politics, Society & Culture Language 2 Written & Spoken Language Politics, Society & Culture European Studies Intro to Europe Europe since 1945 Year 2 Written & Spoken Language Politics, Society & Culture Written & Spoken Language Politics, Society & Culture European Integration European options Year 3 Abroad Year 4 Written & Spoken Language National Options Written & Spoken Language National Options European Options
Typical MLES Year 1 Programme Structure Written & Spoken Language (20) Written & Spoken Language (20) Seminar (20) Seminar (20) Lecture (all) Lecture (all) Language 40% weighted 3 or 4 hrs per language per week Politics, Society & Culture 40% weighted approx 3 hrs per language per week European Studies 20% weighted approx 2.5 hrs per week
European Studies at Bath POLIS - A leading centre for European Studies in the UK. Staff expertise ranges over a wide variety of disciplines such as: Memory, history and identity Europeanisation and Euroscepticism EU public policy Conflict and security in Europe Democratisation in Europe Political corruption and scandal Migration in Europe Extreme Right parties in Europe
Why European Studies? In the midst of a European and global economic crisis the study of the issues and cleavages that divide Contemporary Europe have never been more salient: Totalitarianism v Democracy East v West North v South Left v Right Neo Liberal Europe v Social Europe Big states v small states EU ‘soft power’ v US ‘hard power’ European integration v national sovereignty (More Europe/less Europe) Euro v national currency Religion v secularism More migration v less migration
French: Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité - La France et ses idées; La persuasion et la Propagande; La montée du Front National; Les identités qui voyagent: Les cultures postcoloniales dans les arts et les lettres; Aux armes etc. - La France en chansons; Politique et Esthétique: Les avant-gardes Européens; Les banlieues dans la république; la France postcoloniale Spanish: The Post-Franco Party Political System in Spain; Gender in contemporary Spain; The Politics of Democracy & Development in Latin America; In search of Latin America: Diversity and the Dream of Unity; In the Shadow of Franco: Repression, Denial and Memory; International Relations of Latin America; Rebellion and Utopia in Latin American Popular Struggles; Latin American visual cultures German: Multikulturelles Deutschland; Protest und Widerstand; Heimat und Identität; Deutschland in Europa im 21. Jahrhundert Italian: Scrittrici Italiane del ventesimo secolo; Organised crime & democracy in Italy; The Berlusconi years ( ); Political Terrorism and its legacy in Italy Russian: Modern Russian Cinema; Gorbachev and Perestroika; Politics in Post-communist Russia; Literature and Society in Modern Russia Research-led teaching : A selection of final year Language content options
MLES students can study another language alongside their degree programme with the courses offered by the Foreign Language Centre (FLC) Languages available: Arabic, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. See following web-link for more details: Can I study a 3rd language?
How is the degree assessed? Two examination periods (S1 & S2) Assessment consists of a combination of coursework essays, class exercises, projects, oral presentations and examinations We also place strong emphasis on developing presentation and discussion/communication skills which, in many units, is part of the assessed work
How is the degree assessed? BA in Modern Languages & European Studies Weightings towards final degree Year 1Pass & proceed Year 224% Year 38% extended essay or examinations at overseas institution Year 468%
Languages at Bath and employment Skills and Employment The key transferable skills gained popular with employers in business and industry : Communication Research Critical analysis Organisation and Presentation Team work
Our performance in the KIS Data 2014 KIS stands for Key Information Set. The KIS is an official overview of comparable information on higher education courses for prospective students european-studies
Year Abroad - Choices Language Assistant in School Study at Foreign University (Student Exchange) Work Placement Can mix and match
Benefits of the year abroad: Improved language skills Improved confidence and problem solving skills Immersion in the country you have been studying Fun!
Current Exchange Partners France Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris & Strasbourg University of Paris III University of Toulouse University of Aix-en-Provence University of Lyon Italy University of Naples University of Parma University of Rome University of Siena University of Trento Russia Voronezh Tomsk Germany Free University of Berlin University of Konstanz University of Leipzig Spain/Latin America University of Alicante University of Madrid – Carlos III University of Madrid – Complutense University of Malaga University of Zaragoza Pontificada University, Santiago University of Guadalajara, Mexico
Language Assistant Usually September to May Apply through British Council (except Russian) Paid Employment Teach approximately 12 hours per week
Student Placements – a few examples Château de la Baudonnière, Normandy Simmons and Simmons Lawyers, Paris CBI Lobbying, Brussels ‘I Love Chile’, online newspaper, Santiago Open House Marketing, Barcelona IDEI, Human Rights, Bolivia Di Palma, PR, Milan Ernst and Young Technical Translation Department, Stuttgart LKW Walter, Logistics, Vienna
Fees In the new fee regime: £1, Eligible for student loan (work placement/assistantships receive 50%) Eligible to apply for an Erasmus grant for study/placements in Europe
Excellent reputation for high quality teaching and research A broad-based contemporary and interdisciplinary approach Total immersion in the language An integrated year abroad programme High level of personal and academic support Why study Languages at Bath? (a re-cap) Top-ranking university in a beautiful city in a safe, campus environment
Nick Startin Admissions Tutor Modern Languages and European Studies Central Admissions Website: Who to contact?