Spirochetes : Leptospira & Borrelia 이인혜 PPT 제작, 자료조사 김정근 QUIZ, 자료조사 양가인 발표, 자 료조사 이지원 PPT 제작, 자료조사
Classification Leptospira Borrlelia Spirochetes QUIZ
Spirochatales LeptospiraceaeLeptospira L.interrogansL.biflexa Spirochataeceae Treponema Borrelia B.hermsiiB.burgdorferiB.recurrentis
나선균 Outer sheat Axial filament
- Tight & Regular coil - bend or hook at one or both ends - Gram negative - Motility - Aerobic - Cannot dye with Anilin dyes - leptospirosis
Leptospira interrogans – cause leptospirosis in humans, animals – 200 serotypes – catalase (+) Leptospira biflexa – harmless – free-living saprobe
Zoonosis – Wild animals (rodents, skunks, raccouns, foxes) – Domestic animals ( horses, dogs, cattle, pigs) Shed in the urine of an infected animal
Contact of skin abrasions or mucus membrane Outdoor activity → high risk for infection (occupational disease) Mostly in the tropics Not usually transmitted from person to person
Principal targets
Leptospiremic phase : in the blood, cerebrospinal fluid : sudden high fever, chills, headache, vomiting, conjunctivitis, muscle ache Immune phase : Disappear the Blood infection → phagocyte, IgM
Weil’s syndrome - kidney invasion, hepatic disease, jaundice, anemia, neurological disturbances ⇒ death in elderly patients
a. History of environmental exposure, symtoms b. Dark-field microscopy c. Serological test d. MAT test
a. History of environmental exposure, symtoms → initial diagnosis b. Dark-field microscopy
c. Serological test : Leptospira infection → strong humoral response → patient’s serum for its antibody titer
d. Macroscopic slide agglutination test (MAT test) – serological test : live L.interrogans + patient’s serum → aggulatination with a dark-field microscope
Treatment - Penicillin G, tetracycline Prevent - doxycycline 200mg 1 회 /1 주 - No vaccine - wear protective foot wear and clothing - aviod swimming or wading in water
Two species : L. interrogans, L. biflexa Leptospirosis : zoonosis, contact with urine Two phase :Leptospiremic phase & immune phase Weil’s syndrome Dark field microscopy, MAT, Serologycal test
comparatively lager 3 to 10 irregularly spaced and loose coil Gram negative Microaerophilic Borreliosis : zoonotic disease Arthropod vector : ticks or lice
Reservoirs : squirrels, chipmunks, wild rodents, human-accidental host Mature and persist in the salivary glands & intestines of the tick → bite and scratching → initiate infection
Tick-borne relapsing fever (TBRF) : - in campers, backpackers - Borrelia hermsii - by soft tick Louse-borne relapsing fever (LBRF) : - famine, war, natural disaster, poor hygiene - Borrelia recurrentis
Symtoms - high fever, headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, muscle aches → disappear - if not treated → cycle may continue, damage to the liver, spleen, heart, kidneys, cranial nerves - Half of the patients hemorrhage into organs - some develop a rash on sholder and leg
Fluctuating course - Borrelia change surface Ag during growth → strategy for evading the immune system and avoiding destruction
Diagnosis - A patient’s history,clinical symptoms - Borrelia in blood smears Treatment - Tetracycline : except for pregnant and children under 7 years old - erythromycin, doxycyline and Chloramphenicol - easily treated with a 1~2 week course of antibiotics
Borrelia burgdorferi Reservoir : Hard tick, mouse, deer, bird Most prominent borreliosis in the USA High-risk groups : hikers, gardeners, campers
headache, stiff neck, fever, myalgia Neurologi cal symptoms, cardiac dysrhyth mias erythema migrans crippling polyarthr itis Erythema migrans → (EM; bull’s eye rash)
- ring-shaped lesions (EM) - isolation of spirochetes - serological test - Western blot - ELISA test
Treatment : doxycycline, tetracycline, amoxicillin, ceftriaxone, penicillin Prevention : protective clothing, boots, leggings, insect repellent(containing DEET)
CharacteristicTick-Borne RFLouse-Borne RFLyme Disease AgentSeveral speciesBorrelia Borrelia burgdorferi Vector Soft ticks (Ornithodoros spp.) Human body louse Hard ticks (Ixodes spp.) ReservoirRodentsHumansRodents EpidemiologyEndemicEpidemicEndemic DistributionTropical and temp.East Africa Temperate North America and Eurasia Serologic assay specificity Fair-poor Good-excellent ArthritisNo Common Antibiotic therapy Several dosesFew dosesSeveral doses