Why Should I Protect Nature ? National Green Week Lesson for Grade 1:Day 5 © 2010 Green Education Foundation (GEF) All rights reserved.


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Presentation transcript:

Why Should I Protect Nature ? National Green Week Lesson for Grade 1:Day 5 © 2010 Green Education Foundation (GEF) All rights reserved

Why Protect Nature ? Because nature protects us Helps us to be healthy and happy

Trees A BIG Part of Nature The biggest plants in nature Homes for animals Food for animals and people

Trees Protect Us Trees are our breathing buddies Help our air by giving off oxygen

Trees Protect Us Roots hold soil in place Soil won’t blow away Soil won’t wash away

What Can You Do as a Child? Paper Products come from trees. Use less paper products less trees get cut. Recycle your paper Use recycled paper and poster board Use both sides of paper 1 ton of trash = 17 trees

What Can You Do As a Child? Save energy and resources Shut out lights Turn off TV Close doors Remind parents to use reusable shopping bags at the store Remind parents to pack snacks and drinks in reusable bottles and containers

What Can You Do As A Child? Put your trash in trash or recycling bins at parks and playgrounds Respect your natural surroundings and the plants and animals that live there

Experience Nature Protect Nature Go outdoors Enjoy nature See it Smell it Taste it Hear it Feel it Then you’ll want to protect it !!!

How Can You Experience Nature With your class discuss some ways you can experience and enjoy nature. On the following slides there are some ideas that you can also try to enjoy the great outdoors.

Experience Nature Get outdoors… Take a hike Go camping or sleep in backyard or in the city on a roof under the stars Plant a garden, watch it grow, harvest, eat Paddle a boat or canoe on quiet lake or river

Experience Nature Go apple picking or berry picking Make a snowman, snowfort, go sledding Visit the seashore Watch a bird for a while Build in sand Collect seashells and look in tide pools Wade in water

More Experience Nature Enjoy birds Build a birdhouse Start a bird list observe, record in journal, identify, Watch moon and stars Listen to night sounds Read books about nature Read about where you can’t go

What Can you Do Later As An Adult? Make good shopping choices Buy products with less packing Use reusable containers and bags Make good energy choices When buying home and car Walk, ride bike, plan trips to use car less Experience nature Plant trees Plant a garden

More Extensions Sesame Street: Outdoors with Jason Mraz is a video with catchy tune about spending time outdoors Link to video Read “Why Should I Protect Nature” by Jen Greene © 2010 Green Education Foundation (GEF) All rights reserved