Midterm evaluation of teaching feedback Reading priorities Allow real answers to questions I pose Assignment examples and increased clarity Tragedy of the Commons overlearned? Getting off on tangents
With thanks to Kate O’Neill of UC-Berkeley for much of this lecture’s thinking
Who protects nature? International cooperation is usually assumed to be answer but … Efforts to protect the environment take several forms Social and technological infrastructure Governance Regulation Participatory activism
Non-state actor involvement in various types of solutions Treaties NGO-Governmental agreements Business-government agreements Corporations & corporate associations Public-private regulatory projects Non-governmental organizations Networks, alliances, coalitions Green parties Social movements
NGOs Resources- formal and informal Small staff and resources No legal, economic or physical force No military or physical force No official mandate or standing Views and norms do not reflect norms of all of global society Information as important resource Mostly claim moral vs. expert (scientific), legal (government), material (corporate) authority Southern NGOs Backlash NGOs Transnational issue networks Tactics
Multinational Corporations (MNCs) Extremely powerful and influential in civil society Greening of business Exporting environmentalism (Garcia-Johnson) Emergence in IEP Private regimes Identifying "markets" in which make money by protecting the environment
Global Civil Society Definition: "domain of associational life situated above the individual and below the state" but across state boundaries and which results "in a sense of allegiance and societal norms" that influences "the way public issues are addressed … [and as such] plays a role in governing the world polity“ Examples Civil society as alternative to government Governs behavior in several ways