THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM 1 I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy)
The Italian School System Primary Education Secondary Education University 2 I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM
Primary Education It is preceded by three years of non- compulsory nursery school. It lasts five years (from five to ten). 3 I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM
Nursery School 4 I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM
Primary School 5 I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM
Secondary Education Medie Inferiori (Middle School Level) Medie Superiori (Secondary School Level) 6 I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM
Medie Inferiori (Middle School Grades) It lasts three years and involves an exam at the end of the third year. 7 I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM
Medie Superiori (Secondary School Level) It lasts from three to five years. It involves an exam at the end of the final year. 8 I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM
Different types of secondary school level Liceo Scientifico Liceo LinguisticoLiceo Artistico Istituto Tecnico Istituto Professionale Liceo Classico 9 I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM
Liceo Classico It features Latin, Ancient Greek, Italian, History and Philosophy as its most important subjects. 10 I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM
Liceo Scientifico The emphasis is more on scientific and mathematical topics, such as geometry, calculus, chemistry or physic – although Latin, Philosophy and literature are also taught in depth. Together with the Liceo Classico it is the most prestigious in Italy. 11 I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM
Liceo Linguistico It puts emphasis on language learning and languages taught are usually English, French, Spanish an German altought recently Russian has been introduced as well. 12 I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM
Liceo Artistico It is oriented towards arts teaching in a theoretical and practical sense. 13 I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM
Istituto Tecnico It is more oriented towards pratical subjects, such as aeronautics, business administration, computer science building costruction, technical design, law and chemistry 14 I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM
Istituto Professionale It offers a form of secondary education oriented towards more practical subjects. 15 I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM
University Laurea breve (3 years, equivalent to a bachelor’s degree) Laurea specialistica (3+2 years, equivalent to a masters degree) 16 I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM
University Italian universities have a long history, beginning in medieval times with the establishment of the University of Salerno in the ninth century, and the University of Bologna in Further universities were founded in the subsequent centuries…. 17 I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM
….The vast majority of universities in Italy are public, and are usually named after the city or region in which they are located and styled “Università degli studi di...”. Nowadays, Italian universities follow the guidelines of the Bologna Process, and the courses are usually divided into two: the “Laurea” (3 years roughly equivalent to a bachelor's degree) and the “Laurea Specialistica” (3+2 years, roughly equivalent to a master's degree). 18 I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM
University System A typical year in an Italian university is divided into two semesters. Courses last no more than a semester and examinations are held at the beginning of the academic year (September), the middle of the year (mid January to the end of February) and at the end of the year (mid May to mid July)…. 19 I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM
….Grades are expressed on a scale from 1 to 30, with 18 being the minimum required to pass an examination. A cum Laude grade is sometimes awarded to exceed the 30-grade scale (thus, the grade higher than 30 is 30 e lode). At the end of each “tier” (Laurea and Laurea Specialistica) there is a final exam, often requiring the exposition of a thesis or dissertation that can be based on original experimental work by the students, or on a review of academic literature. The final grade is converted to a scale running from 1 to I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM
Italian University Degrees Laurea Breve (L/L3) Classification: 1st cycle university degree, characterised by both theoretical and applied studies. Aim: provide undergraduates with adequate knowledge of general scientific principles, mastery of related methods, and specific professional skills. Access: by the Italian school leaving qualification, or a comparable foreign one. Admission: generally free; in some cases by entrance tests, depending on places availability. 21 I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM
Laurea Specialistica (LS) Classification: 2nd cycle university degree, characterised by a strong theoretical part and specialistic studies in a given subject field. Aim: provide graduates with advanced education for highly qualified professions in specific sectors as well as with adequate training for advanced independent research. Access: by a related L3, or a comparable foreign degree. Admission: often free; in some cases by entrance tests, depending on places availability. 22 I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM
THE END 23 I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) THE ITALIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM