Trade Union Training on Occupational Safety, Health & Environment, including HIV-AIDS (27/06 – 17/07/2011, Turin) ITC-ILO/ACTRAV Course A Trade Union Training on Occupational Safety, Health & Environment, including HIV-AIDS (27/06 – 17/07/2011, Turin) Course Orientation
Background 337 m workers/year are victims of work accidents & more than 2.3 m die because of occupational injuries or work-related diseases – almost ½ of these deaths are in Asia-Pacific. & now also HIV-AIDS – over 33 m were living with HIV in 2009, mostly workers – women suffer even more. Globalization, new technologies, new production methods & new management strategies are changing the world of Work – bringing also new hazards - the poorest, least protected, least informed and least trained are the most affected Despite human suffering, loss, high economic costs – there is low awareness & low priority; OSH systems weak
Background Safety & Health – a primary concern of ILO, [over 70 ILSs + over 30 Codes of Practice relate to OSH] OSH is also a priority area for action under Asian Decent Work Decade commitment - many Asian countries have launched the National OSH Programmes using the ILO Promotional Framework for OSH Convention (No 187, 2006). Needed - tripartite national commitment & national action for - developing preventive OSH culture & systems - Knowledge devt, Advocacy & Application of Standards - Awareness raising & training of social partners Role for Collective Bargaining - New agenda & Strategies
Objectives of the Course Strengthen of capacities of national trade unions for the development of policies and strategies in the area of OSHE and HIV-AIDS by providing opportunity for the participants to Gain knowledge of ILO policies and relevant international labour standards concerning safety & health, including dealing with HIV-AIDS issues Learn and share experiences on OSH policies & practices, and develop knowledge of participatory approaches to OSH management Promote trade union actions so as to place occupational safety, health (OSH) and HIV-AIDS on the social dialogue and collective bargaining agenda
Key issues to be focused on The world of work today & Challenges for Safe and Decent Work Country Reviews: National Policies, Practices and key issues facing unions on OSH & HIV-AIDS OSH – Concepts and principles Improving safety & health at work through a Decent Work agenda ILS on OSH:C155 & Protocol of 2002 and Promotional Framework of OSH and the ILO’s Global Strategy (C187) ILO guidelines on OSH (ILO-OSH 2001):Role of Trade Unions
Key issues to be focused on OSH in Asia & Pacific: Current Situation, Problems and the Role of Trade Unions Participative approaches to improve working conditions & Best OSH Practices in Asia and the Pacific Women workers and gender issues on occupational safety and health OSH Policies and Strategies: Experience of Italian Unions HIV and AIDS & the World of Work: ILO policy & Recommendations and Union actions on HIV-AIDS
Key issues to be focused on Reaching out & educating workers on HIV-AIDS and developing trade union strategies and campaigns on HIV-AIDS ITUC policies on Safety & Health Negotiating for OSH: Role of the trade unions in the promotion of the OSHE Trade union initiatives on Environment Follow up work plans
3 rd week- Study Visit (11-15 July) Study visit to Tokyo – hosted by JILAF Focus of the study visit: General overview of Japanese industrial relations systems and key challenges before Japanese unions Visit to Japan Industrial Safety & Health Association to learn about Occupational Safety and Health Management System Sessions with ILO Tokyo and JTUC-RENGO Visit to NISSAN Motor Co. and interaction with plant level Japanese union
Main Outputs Expected Each participant will prepare a follow up project/ work plan in the area of OSH and/ or HIV-AIDS Ex. Advocacy campaign, preparation of education material, Training of Trainers, Collective Bargaining & OSH/HIV-AIDS, Strengthening TU capacities on OSH, Tackling specific OSH issue relevant to your industry and Building a network and so on. This work plan will be used for evaluation purposes and future follow up activities. Guidelines for preparing follow up proposal will be given
Evaluation Daily Summary – by participants Weekly & End of the course evaluation Post-course evaluation to be conducted one year after the completion of the course Feedback is welcome on daily-basis
Role of Participants Be active & participative in all activities through out the course – your experience is also a source of education for all, including us! Be PUNCTUAL! – please….. Be PUNCTUAL! – please….. Form a 2 member Daily Report Team – to take notes of, summarize major points & key issues of each training session – the team will change daily & will present the summary of previous day’s training sessions every day at 8.30 a.m. Start thinking of your Project Work Plan Ideas
Any Questions?