Action Research Proposal Starla Stansbury EDU 671: Fundamentals of Educational Research Dr. Casey Reason April 26, 2014
TELEPHONE: A Study on the Effects of Active Listening Skills on Story Comprehension.
Teaching students active listening skills to improve their story comprehension during read-aloud lessons.
Students are not actively engaged. Students are not understanding the author’s meaning. Students are not comprehending the story concepts and main ideas.
Defined factors and variables in this study
Fifth Grade Classroom
Do students’ use active listening during a short story? Do students use active listening once they are taught the concept? What effect does active listening have on story comprehension?
What will I do to implement this study
IEP Team Student Resource Times
Informed Consents Freedom From Harm Confidentiality and Anonymity
Week 1 Establish baseline Week 2 Introduce active listening concept Week 3 Active listening practice Week 4 Review data and develop plan
Bond, C. D. (2012). An Overview of Best Practices to Teach Listening Skills. International Journal Of Listening, 26(2), doi: / Bell, S. (2010). Project-Based Learning for the 21st Century: Skills for the Future. Clearing House, 83(2), 39. doi: / Campbell, R., & Fink, L. S., R.W.T. (2011). The power of the listening ear. English Journal, 100(5), Retrieved from Ferrance, E. (2000). Themes in education: Action research. Providence, RI: LAB at Brown University. Retrieved from alliance/sites/ Jones, S. M. (2011). Supportive Listening. International Journal Of Listening, 25(1/2), doi: / McPherson, K. (2008). Listening carefully. Teacher Librarian, 35(4), 73. Mills, G. E. (2014). Action Research: A guide for the Teacher Researcher (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.