GeoSpatial Analysis UNICEF Security Advisors Workshop 20 October 2010
1. Introduction In the last few years developments in software such as Google Earth have created a revolution in how geographical information can be created, visualised, searched, displayed and shared. These developments have been described as Neogeography or the Geoweb.
Neogeography/Geoweb Essentially, Neogeography is about people using and creating their own maps, on their own terms and by combining elements of an existing toolset. Neogeography is about sharing location information-, helping shape context, and conveying understanding through knowledge of place (Andrew Turner, 2006).
Web based mapping libraries Google Yahoo Bing maps MapQuest Map24 Multimap Ask Maps OpenLayers NASA terra Geocommons
Web based mapping Software Mapping programs allow base mapping data to be combined with your own data or data from other sources. The output from this combining of data are known as mashups.
Downloadable software ► Google Earth ► Bing maps 3D ► World Wind ► ArcGIS Explorer Web based ► Google Map ► Bing Maps ► Yahoo ► Ask Maps 2. The basics of GE: Mapping software
KML = Keyhole Markup Language Keyhole Markup Language (KML) is an XML-based language for describing three- dimensional geospatial data and its display in application programs. KML was developed for use with Google Earth, which was originally named Keyhole. It was created by Keyhole, Inc, which was acquired by Google in The KML file specifies a set of features (placemarks, images, polygons, 3D models, textual descriptions, etc.) for display in Google Earth and Maps, or any other 3D geospatial browser (geobrowser) implementing this open file format. Each place always has a longitude and a latitude. Other data can make the view more specific, such as tilt, heading, altitude, which together define a "camera view". KML files are very often distributed as KMZ files, which are zipped KML files with a.kmz extension. Wikipedia 2007 Google Earth uses KML files for adding data to the globe
Types of data available Raster data (Image data) Vector data (point, line and polygon) ► Photos - Video ► KML projects ► Live network links.
Pros and cons of GE and GM Google Earth for: ► 3D mapping ► Displaying GPS data ► Displaying air photo and satellite data. ► Making your own maps ► Searching for maps ► Layer ► Weather Google Maps for: ► Street and Road mapping ► Add on application ► Publishing your own maps ► Making your own maps ► Searching for maps ► Live traffic ► Street view
3. What we can do Create spatial data Make maps Visualize the world Search for spatial data Publish spatial data Share and collaborate with maps
In the 5 year since GE was invented: ► Spatial imagery has become available a no cost. ► Data is now routinely publish in geographical format. ► Possible for anyone to publish to a global audience so share their data. ► Possible to combine and compare data from multiple source.
4. Different levels of using GE (1)Using tools within GE (2)Importing GIS and other data using GE or other tools (3)Using My Maps within Google Maps in your internet browser (4)Using the Spreadsheet mapper tool in Google Spreadsheets (5)Writing KML codes from scratch
5. Today: Using tools within GE (1)Creating a place (2)Creating a path (3)Creating a polygon (4)How to manage your folders (5)Using the tour function Exercise: Security Briefing for Exec Dir Tony Lake
6. Further Resources GE help menu takes you straight to: Tutorials Help Centre Website User Guide Google Earth Community