University case study Suresh Joshee Product Manager, EDRMS, University of Alberta Mike Priest CTO, Glazr Software
UAlberta at a glance 39,000 students 15,000 faculty and staff Annual budget of $1.7 billion 18 faculties on five campuses 400 undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs
Objectives 7 year project ROI Campus wide ECM implementation Reduce the cost of paper processing Faster response times Better adherence to audit and regulatory standards Compliance standards Streamline business processes Training strategy
Turning points Horizontal vs. Vertical approach Created working groups Leveraged out of the box features Hired a Records Officer Standardized metadata Looked at ourselves! TourGuide end-user guidance
The grass is greener Records Management Essentials: 1.Records Management policies, 2.Naming conventions, 3.Standard metadata, 4.Scanning and imaging quality standards, 5.File classification plans, and 6.Thesaurus
Current Projects Undergraduate Student Records Office of Primary Responsibility: Office of Registrar Employee Records Office of Primary Responsibility: Human Resource Services Donor Records Office of Primary Responsibility: Office of Advancement
Future Work Complete integration of Alfresco with PeopleSoft Complete integration of Alfresco with IMS Upgrade to RM 2.2 End user education and training Glazr interactive training package Continued change management Additional workflow development
What’s New in RM 2.2? Kevin Dorr Sr. Solutions Engineer Alfresco Channel Americas
How Did We Get Here? A Brief History and Compatibility
The RM Story so Far RM 1.0 RM 2.0 RM 2.1 RM 2.2 RM 2.3 DOD (Perpetual) (Classified?)
Alfresco Records Management EngineeringMarketing Contracts Human Resources Share Sites Records Management Central Site with Special Properties
Version Compatibility StatusVersion Release Build Availible From Depends OnRelease Type Available /28/ Maintenance Available2.207/09/ Feature In Development2.3Calendar Q Feature In Development2.2.1TBD4.2.2Maintenance
Pick.. Your Compliance DOD or Not?
What is DOD ? Records Management File Plan Category Folder Contains Disposition Schedules DOD Series Category Folder
How is DOD Implemented? DOD Series Category Folder DOD metadata Publication date etc.
Selecting Compliance
What the Compliance Setting Does Content Object Original Object Metadata Optional Additional Record Metadata Record PDF Scanned Digital Photo Custom DOD Extended Metadata Web Record Custom Standard Metadata DOD Metadata
File Plan Upgrades Folders and Links
Filing a Record to Multiple Locations Legal Contracts Folder Employee Contract Employee Folder Employee Folder
Linking a Record to a Folder
What Linking Does Content Node CM Folder RM Primary Folder Linked RM Folder Primary parent Associated parent
Which Disposition Wins? Legal Employee Contract Employee Hold for 6 Years then Destroy Disposition Schedules Hold for 4 Years, Archive, then Destroy
Unfiled SubFolders
Unfiled Folder Organization Unfiled Records Engineering Marketing Contracts Human Resources Records Management SubFolder 2 SubFolder 3 SubFolder 1 SubFolder N
How to Use It
What it Does Unfiled Records Records Management SubFolder 2 SubFolder 3 SubFolder 1 SubFolder N Marketing Image Filing Rules External Tweet Filing Rules Engineering Document Filing Rules
Rule Improvements Help for Your Memory
Building Rules
The Interactive Rule Builder
Hold It! Here is the cool stuff!
New Legal Hold Mechanisms Hold Previously: “Freeze” O’Leery Case Giant Corp Case New: “Hold” Select one or more holds Also, Direct from Search
Holding a Record
Holding a Record – Hold Folder
Holding a Record
Holding a Record – Already Held
Holding a Record - Search
Editing Holds
Hold Report - Generation
Hold Report
What it Does Content Node Hold A Hold B Suspends Disposition Schedule until Hold is Lifted Security Reports
In Place Improvements Because you asked for it!
Meanwhile, On the Client Side…
What the User Sees
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