Syrian Refugee Resettlement Programme Presented by: Anne-marie Pickup Date: 21 December 2015 OFFICIAL.


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Presentation transcript:

Syrian Refugee Resettlement Programme Presented by: Anne-marie Pickup Date: 21 December 2015 OFFICIAL

Syrian Conflict 2 Multisided armed conflict since March 2011 Over 13.5m people – including 6m children – are in need of humanitarian assistance within Syria. Registered Syrian refugee population in the region is now close to 4.3m o Egypt o Lebanon o Iraq o Jordan o Turkey In response to the crisis, the UK has allocated over £1.1 billion since This is helping to meet the immediate needs of vulnerable people in Syria and of refugees in the region. OFFICIAL

The Syrian VPR Scheme The Syrian Vulnerable Persons Relocation Scheme was launched in January 2014 First resettlement programme in the UK to target support for refugees specifically on the basis of their vulnerability. The original programme was focused on supporting those in the greatest need, including o people requiring urgent medical treatment, o survivors of violence and torture, o and women and children at risk. The scheme was intended to provide sanctuary to several hundred vulnerable Syrians over three years and with 216 cases resettled as of June 2015, we were on track to do that. 3 OFFICIAL

Expanded Syrian Refugee Resettlement Scheme The Prime Minister announced on 7 September 2015 that the scheme would be expanded to resettle up to 20,000 Syrians in need of protection during this Parliament. Appointed Richard Harrington MP Minister for Syrian Refugees The PM also pledged to resettle 1,000 refugees before Christmas. Government is working closely with UNHCR to identify more vulnerable Syrians that they deem in need of resettlement and whose particular needs can only be met in countries like the UK. This is in addition to those we resettle under the Gateway and Mandate schemes and the thousands who receive protection in the UK under normal asylum procedures. 4 OFFICIAL

High-Level Process – Full Programme UNCHR - Selection of Refugees for UK Programme International Organisation for Migration (IOM) - Health, Cultural Orientation and travel UKVI and OSCT - Security and visas Local Authorities - Resettlement Place Refugees arrive in the UK. Local authorities and partners – Integration Support 5 OFFICIAL

UNHCR Criteria The UNHCR identifies people in need of resettlement based on the following criteria:  women and girls at risk;  survivors of violence and/or torture;  refugees with legal and/or physical protection needs;  refugees with medical needs or disabilities;  children and adolescents at risk;  persons at risk due to their sexual orientation or gender identity;  and refugees with family links in resettlement countries. 6 OFFICIAL

Immigration Status When the resettled refugees arrive, they are granted a five year humanitarian protection visa. At the end of this period individuals can apply for settlement in the UK or, if they choose to, return to Syria. Those granted Humanitarian Protection have access to public funds, are entitled to work, to apply for an integration loan, and (since 9 October 2006) access to family reunion, on the same basis as refugees. Since the crisis began in 2011 the UK has granted asylum or other forms of leave to more than 5,000 Syrian nationals. 7 OFFICIAL

Key Principles The expansion of our existing scheme needs careful planning to ensure we get it right. Local authorities will play a vital role as we look to harness the strong offers of support and assistance from across the UK. This is a voluntary scheme whereby local authorities sign up to accept refugees on a voluntary basis. No local authority will be asked to take more than the local structures are able to cope with. We will work with local authorities and other partners to ensure that capacity can be identified and the impact on those taking new cases can be managed in a fair and controlled way. 8 OFFICIAL

Security UNHCR have their own robust identification processes in place. This includes the taking of biometrics, documentary evidence and interviews. When potential cases are submitted by the UNHCR for our consideration they are screened and considered by the Home Office for suitability for entry to the UK. This includes the taking of further biometric data. 9 When refugees arrive in the UK they have been through a thorough two- stage vetting process to ensure we know who is entering the country. We retain the right to reject individuals on security, war crimes or other grounds, including where there is insufficient information to undertake effective screening. OFFICIAL

High-Level Process – Local Authority Local Authority informs us that they have accommodation and are ready to welcome refugees Referral Forms sent to local authority 7-14 days later local authority receives medical health assessment for every individual. Local authority, in consultation with local partners accepts the referral and prepares to welcome Syrian Refugees 6 weeks from initial referral to local authority - refugees arrive in the UK. 10 OFFICIAL

Our Expectations of Local Authorities Out expectations of local authorities or their delivery partner are set out in the programme’s “statement of requirements”. This includes:  Arrangements in place to greet refugees as they arrive  Suitable accommodation for at least 12mths ideally 2 years  Caseworker support for at least 12mths  Integration support including registering with local schools, GPs (including translation services and access to ESOL services if necessary)  Arrangements in place to meet any physical/mental health and social care needs Welcome packs, local orientation We also expect local authorities to work closely with the Department for Work and Pension to focus on getting working age people into work We also expect local authorities to work closely with local health and police colleagues. 11 OFFICIAL

How? No one model of delivery. Existing resettlement hosts follow different models - some deliver in-house, some use local partners to deliver some or all of it e.g. the citizens advice bureau, refugee charities, voluntary orgs A number of newer areas are looking at using their existing families programmes, including family caseworkers As the programme develops we will share with you best practice from around the UK We will work with local government associations and Strategic Migration Partnerships to provide opportunities for local authorities to come together and learn from one another and from previous examples of resettlement in the UK and abroad In addition local authorities with resettlement experience are ready and willing to talk now to those local authorities and partners who are less experienced. 12 OFFICIAL

Funding The first 12months of a refugee’s resettlement costs are fully funded by central government using the Overseas Development Aid (ODA) budget. We will also provide additional funding to local authorities to assist with costs incurred in future years. Richard Harrington wrote to all local authority Leaders and Chief Executives following the Comprehensive Spending Review setting out the funding available to local authorities to support Syrian refugees supported by this programme. We are working through the LGA with the local government sector on the process for accessing funds for years 2-5. Government recognises that there may well be complex cases where top up funding may be needed. 13

Progress Government has confirmed offers from more than 55 local authorities – stretching from the south-east of England to the north of Scotland, from the west of Wales to Northern Ireland to resettle refugees before Christmas. Talks are continuing with dozens more authorities who are keen to help as the scheme is expanded further in the new year. 14 OFFICIAL

Syrian Refugee Resettlement Programme – Next Steps We will continue to work with local authorities who are able to offer resettlement places in the immediate future. As we scale up the resettlement offer in the UK we will be looking to local authorities to work together in their regions or sub-regions to think about how many refugees they might be able to resettle in the next 4 ½ years. Also looking to establish a register of people who want to provide houses for refugees and develop a Community Sponsorship Scheme, as announced by the Home Secretary, to allow individuals, charities, faith groups, churches and businesses to support people directly. 15 OFFICIAL

Contact Details Anne-marie Pickup Syrian Refugee Resettlement Team