AGENDA ICEBREAKER and School Highlight District Support –School-Parent Compacts –Parental Engagement Policies –School Resources Action Team Training –Recruiting Action Team Members –What Kind of School Are You? Action Team Work –Reaching All Parents –ATP Schedule
ICEBREAKER What do we have in common? 1.Join the group with your kind of candy bar. 2.Pick a recorder 3.List five things you ALL have in common 4.Pick a reporter 5.Share out
Have you seen Ramona lately? School Smarts Family Stories Flipped Classroom 12 Powers of Family Business
STEM Classes
Celebrate Our Successes! NEU Schools ( NO EXCUSES UNIVERSITY) Anna Borba Elementary Eagle Canyon Elementary School Smarts Parent Engagement Program Family Stories On the Road to Learning P.A.T.T. (Parents Are Teachers Too!) Chaparral Elementary Cattle Elementary Dickson Elementary
Celebrate our Successes! PIQE Don Lugo High School Common Core Nights Cattle Elementary Building the Parent-Teen Connection Chino Hills HS PARENT UNIVERSITIES Levi Dickey Elementary Eagle Canyon Elementary
EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! “The new compact model, which has gotten much national attention, seeks to make the required compact a parent-friendly and useful tool in partnering with families to help students learn, rather than merely a compliance document that may be signed, filed, and never used. ” “I commend the Chino Valley Unified School District for its strong support of this tool that can both meet Title I requirements, further school-family partnerships, and most importantly, contribute in a meaningful way to student achievement. Carol’s work with the new compacts is pioneering in California. I have brought the Chino Valley compact samples to the attention of the Connecticut DOE and Anne Henderson, whose work has received much national attention, and they are interested in using some of the Chino Valley Unified samples to disseminate nationwide.” Nancy Bodenhausen Education Programs Consultant Title I Policy and Program Guidance Office California Department of Education
Refining School-Parent Compacts IN THE CLASSROOM: Describe the instructional strategies and high quality curriculum used in the classroom AT HOME: Describe for parents how they can strengthen their child’s learning skills by equipping them with more effective at home strategies
Refining School-Parent Compacts SCHOOL-WIDE: Provide both parents and teachers opportunities to develop skills for working together (parent data teams, literacy conversations, demonstration lessons, volunteer and leadership opportunities) Offer activities based on identified parent needs TWO WAY COMMUNICATION: Discuss compact at parent-teacher conference Add the student voice
TOP THREE SUCCESSFUL STRATEGIES for RAISING READING AND MATH SCORES Recent study showed that reading and math scores increased by 40% when these three strategies were employed: Teachers met face to face with families Teachers communicated regularly with families about how students are doing in school Teachers sent home learning materials that families used to support their children’s learning The school-parent compact can start the conversation towards doing these three things! Dr. Anne Henderson Annenberg Institute for School Reform
TOP THREE SUCCESSFUL STRATEGIES for RAISING READING AND MATH SCORES PARENT’S RESPONSIBILITY: Meet the teacher –build a relationship with the teacher “I’m here for you!” Ask good questions “Tell me something interesting you learned in school today.” “What can you share with me today about your ________?” Put your children to bed “Monitoring the hallways at home” Dr. Anne Henderson Annenberg Institute for School Reform
SCHOOL-PARENT COMPACT INPUT Starting in January through the end of the year…….book Carol at one (or more) of these meetings at your school. ELAC meeting SSC meeting Action Team for Partnership LCAP meeting
CA Family Engagement Framework
DISTRICT PARENT ENGAGEMENT POLICY and REGULATIONS Board Policy 6020 Administrative Regulations 6020 Policy Committee Volunteers! Reviewed annually
Periodically reviewed and revised
SCHOOL RESOURCES FEEDER GROUP FILES CCSS Planning Kit LCFF and LCAP Resources CAASPP Resources Cradle to Career Map Parent and School Partnership Website TOOLS FOR SCHOOLS LCFF and LCAP Resources CAASPP Resources PFLN E-Briefs Compact template ELA/MATH Parent Resources
ACTION TEAM TRAINING Action Team Membership Recruiting New Members What Kind of School Are YOU?
Action Team Members Parents/family members One or more teachers ELAC or PTA/PFA/PTO board members Administrator Students (high school level only) Community members –classified personnel, community partners Partner Leader: Teacher Leader or Administrator Create a team that fits the needs of your school!
What Does an Action Team for Partnerships do? Members of an ATP work together to…….. Review school goals (SPSA, staff/parent/student input) Select, plan, and implement family and community engagement activities linked to school goals (School- Parent Compact) Continually improve partnership practices through annual evaluating and reflecting on their family and community engagement plans (evaluations at site/district meetings)
ACTION TEAM TRAINING Recruiting Action Team Members Recruiting Ideas Building An Effective Action Team for Partnerships What Kind of School Are YOU? Key Links Final Word Non-linguistic representation of your school
ACTION TEAM WORK Reaching ALL Parents ATP meeting schedule
ACTION TEAM WORK Reaching ALL Parents Breaking Down Barriers Going beyond a ONE-SIZE fits all model Community building Set ATP meeting schedule for the year
REFLECTIONS Please have each team member fill out the evaluation form before you leave today. DATE CHANGE!! THANK YOU