Debriefing Rapid Rehousing Work Groups FRIDAY, 4/15/2016
Process End 2015: Identified goals for 2016 Jan 2016: World Café Feb 2016: Funders meeting March 2016: Work Groups April 2016: Synthesis of findings May 2016: Confirmation of standard practices
Goals 1.Understand how different RRH programs operate, share promising practices, and learn from one another 2.Determine which components of RRH are mandatory and should be standard practice across programs to increase fidelity across RRH programs Culmination of work will result in a set of guidelines with indicators if the policy or procedure is “mandatory” or “strongly recommended”
RRH Screening Criteria/Eligibilit y Workgroup findings: Some programs had screening criteria Note: All RRH programs are required remove screening criteria as of 4/18/16 No screening criteria (Status: Mandatory) Eligibility (Status: Mandatory) ◦Family includes at least one adult with one minor child (or pregnant household, or adult in process of reunification) ◦HUD Category 1 Literal Homelessness ◦Referrals from Coordinated Entry ◦Income restrictions by funding restrictions Screening Criteria Eligibility
Messaging Rapid re-housing is an intervention designed to help individuals and families to quickly exit homelessness and return to permanent housing. Offered without preconditions, the resources and services provided through rapid re-housing are tailored to the unique needs of each individual household (National Alliance to End Homelessness. Work group findings: Mostly agree on RRH components, but vary significantly around financial assistance To Do: → Affirm RRH definition → Move away from defining financial assistance limits (will need additional work; Status: Best Practice) → There are no prerequisites for moving into housing by the program (Status: Mandatory) What is Rapid Rehousing
Messaging Minimum level of engagement is needed to continue service to households Work group findings: All agreed program requires some level of participation, but didn’t have standard policy. All programs agreed communication must happen at least once per month. TO DO: → Define what “engagement” or “participation” looks like (Status: Best Practice) → Create a policy outlining why a household would be exited from the program due to non-participation (Status: Best Practice) What is RRH? What does it mean to participate in RRH?
Messaging Rapid rehousing services core components (National Alliance to End Homelessness) Housing identification Move-in and rent assistance Case management Workgroup findings: Roles or level of service around the three components varies TO DO: → Develop a brief job description/role for case management services that is consistent across programs (Status: Best practice) Role of case manager Role of housing advocate
Messaging RRH is family centered and follows a “progressive engagement” model which means a family will be offered the smallest amount of subsidy needed and situation is reevaluated to provide additional assistance (National Alliance to End Homelessness) Workgroup findings: All programs have a different financial assistance models and in many cases the models are set regardless of the presenting needs of the family TO DO: → Move away from a fixed financial assistance models or monthly limits in order to adjust to the needs of the family (will need additional work; Status: Best Practice) Financial Assistance
Housing Search Housing First is an approach that centers on providing homeless households with housing quickly and then providing services as needed (National Alliance to End Homelessness). ◦There is a focus on helping individuals and families access and sustain rental housing as quickly as possible and the housing is not time-limited; ◦A variety of services are delivered primarily following a housing placement to promote housing stability and individual well-being; ◦Such services are time-limited or long-term depending upon individual need; and ◦Housing is not contingent on compliance with services – instead, participants must comply with a standard lease agreement and are provided with the services and supports that are necessary to help them do so successfully. Workgroup findings: Some programs require income or level of engagement prior to moving families into housing → Programs will focus on housing families as quickly as possible without pre-conditions to house families (Status: Mandatory) Housing First
Housing Search Workgroup findings: All programs put primary responsibility on family in housing search TO DO: → Case management provides support in housing search and increases housing location for households who need assistance (National Alliance to End Homelessness outlines housing search as one of the core components of RRH; Status: Best practice) Responsibilities in housing search
Housing Search Workgroup findings: Difficulty messaging to landlords; varies for all programs TO DO: → Create a standard letter to landlords outlining the program (Status: Best Practice) → Create standard landlord agreement across all agencies (new CHG requirement; Status: Best Practice) Working with Landlords
Housed Workgroup finding: All programs differ regarding program exit and in many cases there are differences when families are exited within the same program. Agreed 50% rent to income ratio illustrated better stability. No discussion on assistance after exit. TO DO: → Create policy outlining when a family will be exited (Status: Best Practice) → Identify whether family can seek prevention assistance (Status: Best Practice) Exit Prevention assistance after exit
Housed Workgroups: Did not discuss explicitly TO DO: → Create guidelines for moving a family into a housing situation that better meets their needs (Status: Best Practice) → Confirm policy for transferring a family to a higher level of housing intervention and how to request the change (i.e. eligible for PSH; Status: Best Practice) What happens when a family doesn’t appear to gain housing stability?
Next steps… Record final recommendations The powers that be review and confirm “mandatory” practices or policies Outline accountability plan Develop procedures for evaluation