Welcome to the wonderful world of Norco Elementary School! Bully Prevention Community Kick-Off
Drama Performance by NES Students Have You Filled a Bucket Today? Directed by Danny Pitre
SIP Priorities Component: Building a Positive School Climate Priority: To promote a Positive School Climate that contributes to student learning – (focus: OLWEUS Bully Prevention Program, Peaceful School Bus, and Responsive Classroom) Rationale: We feel that it is important to monitor and maintain a positive school climate in order for children to feel they are in a safe and nurturing environment. Research shows that when children feel safe, they learn.
NES Bully Prevention Program Components Student Kickoff Event – Friday, September 4 th, 9:30a.m. Community Kickoff Evening Event – Tuesday, September 8 th, 6:00p.m.- 7:30p.m. Bully Free Friday Morning Meetings held every Friday Fall Bully Free Friday Parent Morning Meeting - Nov. 20 Spring Bully Free Friday Parent Morning Meeting – Mar.11 End of Year Bully Prevention Celebration – Wed. May 18, 6:00p.m. Community Involvement (Bully Free signs displayed throughout community) Data Review of Discipline and Interventions Individualized Bully Free Friday Activities per grade level. (Beginning this year)
Peaceful School Bus Program Peaceful School Bus Meetings: Teacher bus leaders and drivers will lead meetings focusing on appropriate behaviors on the bus in order to build a positive climate on each bus. Peaceful School Bus Meeting Dates (quarterly) Friday, October 16 th Friday, December 18 th Friday, March 4 th Friday, May 6 th Peaceful School Bus Award Monthly, each bus will be judged based on a set criteria, and those buses meeting the set criteria will receive a Peaceful School Bus Award. The criteria judges how well the bus riders follow the district bus rules and how the riders treat one another. Bus drivers will help develop the set criteria for receiving the award. The buses receiving the award will be announced during morning announcements, and the bus will also receive a PSB Award Magnet to be displayed on the outside of the bus.
You’ve Got a Friend in Me!! Bully Free Friends Club: Began in 2014 when a 5 th grade student, Stanley Alamda, approached Mrs.Weber about an idea to help others who felt left out. Open to 4 th and 5 th graders, a permission slip must be signed by a parent Meetings occur monthly after school, parents must agree to transportation home from school at 4:30 Teacher sponsors are Mrs. Stefanie West and Mrs. Tracey Cambre Memebers will help promote a positive school climate through volunteer activities. (Read- alouds to younger students, Buddy Bench Project, Standing up for others Skit STAND UP FOR OTHERS --Video
Bully-Free Friends Club
Responsive Classroom Responsive Classroom is a research based education approach associated with greater teacher effectiveness, higher student achievement and improved school climate.
4 Key Domains of Responsive Classroom Engaging Academics Engaging Academics—Teachers plan lessons that are active, interactive, appropriately challenging, purposeful, and connected to student interests. Positive Community Positive Community—Teachers nurture a sense of belonging, significance and emotional safety so that students feel comfortable taking risks. Effective Management Effective Management—Teachers create a calm, orderly, environment that allows students to focus on learning. Developmental Awareness Developmental Awareness—Teachers use knowledge of child development, along with observations of students to create an appropriate learning environment.
Don’t be so cold….Use your CARES To be successful academically and socially, children need to learn and practice specific social skills. C ooperation A ssertion R esponsibility E mpathy S elf-Control
Community Resources Harold Bourgeois—Dare Officer John Emery—Student Advocate Kristen Tew—Wellspring Center Bus Drivers—Peaceful School Bus Creative Family Solutions Assistance for Single Parents – Debra Rieder
Thank you for joining us tonight. If you have any questions please feel free to call the school