2.1 The rock cycle describes how rocks form and change over time.
2.1 What are Rocks and Minerals? Minerals – pure, naturally, occurring solid materials that are the building blocks of rock; all rocks are made of minerals Properties – features that a material or object has.
Minerals of Canada Minerals of Canada
Clues to mineral identification include: –1) Colour – property used to classify and identify rocks and minerals, but colour is not enough to identify a mineral. –2) Lustre – the way the surface of a mineral looks like in the light. –3) Streak – colour of the powder that a mineral leaves behind when you rub it across a rough surface.
–4) Cleavage – the split of a mineral into two smooth surfaces. –5) Fracture – mineral breakage into rough and uneven surfaces. –6) Hardness – measure of a mineral’s hardness according to Moh’s scaled of hardness; harder mineral leave a scratch on the softer ones.
Moh’s Scale of Hardness – method of ranking how hard a mineral is. Pg 372 – description of Moh’s scale of hardness
One determines the hardness of a mineral by rubbing it against a mineral of known hardness. One will scratch the other, unless they have the same hardness. For example, your fingernail has a hardness of 2.5 and can easily scratch gypsum with a hardness of 2. However, you will not be able to scratch a copper penny whose hardness is 3. However, you will not be able to scratch a copper penny whose hardness is 3.
Hardness of some other items: 2.5 Fingernail 2.5–3 Gold, Silver 3 Copper penny Platinum 4-5 Iron 5.5 Knife blade 6-7Glass 6.5 Iron pyrite 7+Hardened steel file