Lord of the Flies.  The context of the novel is that an atomic bomb has exploded and that the world is therefore in a nuclear war  This is a reminder.


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Presentation transcript:

Lord of the Flies

 The context of the novel is that an atomic bomb has exploded and that the world is therefore in a nuclear war  This is a reminder of the way in which the evil of mankind is destroying the planet  When presented with an “Edenic” (like the Garden of Eden) it is hardly surprising that the boys therefore end up destroying it

 Jack’s need for power at all costs introduces evil into the island  The skill of the choir in hunting, using their brute force in the end to steal power  Jack slips into savagery, becoming a tyrant and a murderer

 The degeneration of the boys outward appearance corresponds with the way in which their inner evil comes to the fore  They are looking for a beast, but fail to realise the beast is actually within them and a lack of order and discipline allows it to escape – there are many comparisons to the beast throughout  Despite Ralph and Piggy’s attempts to introduce order and democracy, the boys aged 6-12 are overwhelmed by brutality – the smashing of the glasses and conch herald the end of democracy

 Simon seems to be a truly good character – he is prepared to make sacrifices for the others  He tries to tell the boys the truth about the “beast” but is murdered before he has the opportunity.  He shows sympathy for the pig and recognises what is happening on the island. Is he intended to represent Christianity? (Golding was a committed Christian)

 Golding uses light and darkness to represent the ideas of good and evil on the island  The boys lose sense of perspective and visual tricks distort shapes so that it is difficult for them to see clearly e.g. They mistake Simon for the beast, the choir look like a beast – some of this evil seems to come from their fear

 This is a reference to Beelzebub – a devil. The sacrifice of the pig’s head represents the inner evil of the boys – Simon recognises this for what it is

 At the end of the novel, the naval officer fails to recognise the seriousness of the situation – it is significant that he is in military uniform. The question we are left with is “What hope for humanity?”