SOS Water Project
Research Question: Is the quality of water in the Ishim River suitable for the needs of Astana city, and does it meet the standards of a healthy ecosystem? Aim: To test the quality of the water in the river and compare the data obtained with published data sources in order to make suggestions for improvement of the river health.
Ishim is a river that goes through Kazakhstan and Russia. The area of catchment’s basin is km 2 and its length is 2450 km. The river originates in the low mountain range of Niaz. In region from Petropavlosk to the Sergeevsk Reservoir and from Vikulogo village to outfall, this river becomes good for shipping. The main inflows of Ishim – Koluton, Zhabai, Akkanburluk and Terisakkan rivers. In Kazakhstan’s part of Ishim lies two water reservoirs – Vicheslavskoe and Sergeevskoe. The addition of water to the Ishim is by alimentation; snowmelt that happens in between April and May. The lowest parts of Ishim river expand to 15 km.
The determination of pH and water temperature Water from river Sample №pHTemperature 1.6,1426,3 2.6,2526,4 3.6,2426,5 4.6,3726,8 Average value obtained : pH=6,25 Temperature=26,5°C
The determination of pH and water temperature Тap water Sample №рНTemperature 1.7,2026,9 2.7,3626,7 3.7,4426,6 4.7,6026,5 Average value obtained : pH=7,4 Temperature=26,68°C
The determination of pH and water temperature Distilled water Sample №рНTemperature 1.6,9126,9 2.7,2026,9 3.7,1627,0 4.7,1126,7 Average value obtained : pH=7,10 Temperature=26,88°C
Comparison of results
If the pH is below 5.6, water is acidic and causes irreversible changes at the level of epithelial tissue, and if the pH is above 11, the water is alkaline and irritates the eyes, skin and the mucous membranes. The influence of pH and temperature
For their research, we used the temperature and pH sensors VERNIER LabQuest
The determination of nitrate in water Sample1 (mg/l)2 (mg/l)3 (mg/l)4 (mg/l)Average (mg/l) Water from river 10,511,512,010,011,0 Tap water9,49,0 9,79,28 maximum permissible concentration: 45 mg/l
The determination of oxygen in water Sample1 (mg O2/l)2 (mg O2/l)3 (mg O2/l)4 (mg O2/l)Average (mg O2/l) Water from river 7,58,07,37,6 Tap water6,48,27,86,87,3
The determination of phosphate in water Sample1 (mg/l)2 (mg/l)3 (mg/l)4 (mg/l)Average (mg/l) Water from river 0,120,140,190,230,17 Tap water0,100,150,130,140,13 maximum permissible concentration: 0,2 mg/l
Phosphate stimulate algae growth in water basins. Rapid growth of algae launches a process called eutrophication, which leads to lack of oxygen in local waters and as a result to the decline of biodiversity in water tanks. The influence of phosphate
The determination of sulfate in water Sample1 (mg/l)2(mg/l)3 (mg/l)4 (mg/l)Average (mg/l) Water from river ,25 Tap water ,25 maximum permissible concentration: 500 mg/l
Sulfates are important in both the chemical industry and biological systems Copper sulfate is a common algaecide. Magnesium sulfate, commonly known as Epsom salts, is used in therapeutic baths. Gypsum, the natural mineral form of hydrated calcium sulfate, is used to produce plaster. The sulfate ion is used as counter ion for some cationic drugs. The effects of sulfate in water
The determination of magnesium in water Sample1 (mg/l)2 (mg/l)3 (mg/l)4 (mg/l)Average (mg/l) Water from river ,75 Tap water ,75 maximum permissible concentration: 65 mg/l
Bathing in hard water gives a feeling of soap on the skin. This prevents rinsing and causes irritation. The hair is dirty and dry; With soap it forms insoluble salts which stay on sanitary objects; Laundry is not clean enough, it loses its color and brightness and requires more detergent; The effects of water hardness
household appliances break down quickly, reducing thermal conductivity; Stone deposits on pipes reduce water flow while on the other hand there is an advantage in that these deposits protect the pipes from corrosion and the assimilation of these materials in water; It can cause diseases by depositing minerals on organs such as kidney stones, liver, gall bladder.
The determination of carbonate in water 1 (mg/l)2 (mg/l)3 (mg/l)4 (mg/l)Average (mg/l) Water from river ,5 Tap water ,5 maximum permissible concentration: 400 mg/l
Calcium carbonate is used: as gastric antiacid; for the treatment of cronic renal failure; in the pharmaceutical industry as an inert filler for tablets and other pharmaceuticals. The effects of carbonate
Improving the health of the river Comparing the data obtained from the Ishim River, we can see that there are a number of areas of concern. The level of nitrates in the river is close to the maximum allowable for drinking water and therefore poses no immediate problem. The level of phosphates is high and needs to be addressed. Sulfates fall well under the maximum level for drinking water and therefore pose no immediate concern. The level of dissolved oxygen is fine and above the minimum level that would cause stress to aquatic organisms.
Nitrates Nitrates typically enter river systems from agricultural runoff. Excess fertilizers can be washed from the soil or animal wastes can wash into the rivers during storms. The moderate level of nitrates probably reflect the low level of fertilser use in Kazakhstan. Nitrate levels should continue to be monitored as the values are close to exceeding acceptable levels.
Phosphates Phosphates typically enter river systems where city sewage systems discharge treated effluent. Phosphates also are present in agricultural fertilisers. The cause for the high level of phosphates in the Ishim River is unknown and requires further investigation.
Dissolved Oxygen The Ishim has been artificially widened in the construction of the city. This has had the effect of slowing the flow of water and removing natural sources of turbulence and mixing. Reducing the level of other nutrients in the river will decrease the amount of microbial activity that consumes oxygen. Building structures that encourage mixing of the waters could also assist to increase the level of oxygen. These structures could also provide animals places to live.
pH and Carbonates The pH of the river is close to neutral and is ideal for the growth of a wide range of organisms. The level of carbonates is of little concern when the pH levels are analysed. Carbonates have a buffering effect on the pH.
Magnesium Magnesium enters the river system as rocks weather. The values for magnesium in the Ishim are similar to values published elsewhere.
Let’s keep together the purity and the beauty of Ishim river! Don’t allow the pollution of the river!