Purchase Card Training
What is a Purchase Card? A purchasing card or Purchase Card is a type of credit card with set expenditure limits used. Purchase Cards are a cost effective method of paying for appropriate low value and high volume goods and services for business purposes. Purchase Cards allow visibility of transactions through the expense management system, Spendvision, and further, allow enforcement of controls over the use of public monies. Purchase Cards are only issued to approved and accredited officers.
Purchase Card purchasing Preferred option for purchasing of goods or services up to $3,000 (GST inclusive). It is used in preference to petty cash, purchase orders & direct invoices $3,000 or under. Purchasing can be done in person, by internet (ensure site is secure), by telephone, or by fax/mail. The cardholder must be satisfied that the best value for money has been obtained. Ensure you obtain a valid tax invoice.
A monthly limit - total purchase expenditure for the month. The monthly limit is nominated at a level agreed between the supervisor and cardholder. The application form provides a range of default limits to select from. Transaction limit – expenditure limit for each transaction. A $3,000 transaction limit is placed on all cards. If limits are exceeded the transaction will be declined. Limits may be varied by gaining: support from your supervisor and approval in writing from the Senior Manager Payable & Expense Management Dollar limits on a Purchase Card
Restrictions on Purchase Card Use The P-Card cannot be used to: obtain cash (except petty cash recoups & overseas travel) purchase airfares (except in emergencies). Cardholders are to use Carlson Wagonlit NSW Government contract facility pay for personal expenditure purchase alcohol, unless expressly approved prior to purchase by a Group Manager or Director or above pay legal fee or fines, including library or parking fines pay tips, including when travelling overseas and it is customary to do so make deposits to the card account make purchases from unsecured websites The Purchase Card must only be used by the staff member whose name is on the card.
Purchase Card Financial Delegation Purchase Cardholders have a financial delegation. This delegation will allow you to purchase goods and services: Up to $3,000 per transaction (GST inclusive). On behalf of other staff members. Across budget or program areas.
Purchase Cardholder responsibility The P-Card holder is responsible for: the proper and lawful use of the P-Card. obtaining the best value for money when purchasing goods and services for NSW Trade & Investment. Any enquiries regarding the use of your Purchase Card are to be made to FSO Service Centre. Phone: (option 2)
Spendvision.com ( can this be a screencast?) Spendvision.com is a web based expense management reconciliation and reporting system. Spendvision.com Using this system the Cardholder will: Upload mandatory tax invoices Electronically allocate costing codes or project tasks to purchases. Electronically reconcile purchasing transactions. Obtain online approvals for purchases. Coding transactions to be completed in a timely manner.
As each purchase is recorded in Spendvision.comSpendvision.com Code your transactions quicker and more accurately by using the new Spendvision Wizards. Code the GL Account and cost centre or Project Task. For each combination of GL Account, cost centre or project task enter the combination on a new line. Complete mandatory SAP description for each purchase. Record keeping
You must upload images of your invoices and attach them to the relevant transactions in Spendvision. Each invoice should be loaded as a separate image to simplify approval. All images will be stored in your Image Library. Electronic copies of receipts are to be retained for 5 years. A transaction will not be able to be authorised unless a valid tax invoice is uploaded and attached to the transaction.
Exchanges, refunds, damaged goods, credits Goods can only be exchanged for the same product. Refunds must be credited back to the card. A credit transaction must be made for returned goods. Cash must not be accepted in return for goods. Damaged goods should be returned for a replacement.
Unsupported and disputed transactions If transactions appear on your Statement that you do not have supporting documentation for: Contact the supplier for a copy of the tax invoice. If you believe that the transaction does not belong to you and you would like the transaction disputed, contact Finance Helpdesk on: Phone: (option 2) If you do not have a tax invoice and are unable to obtain one a Statutory Declaration is required. GST will not be able to be claimed and your cost centre will be charged.
Petty cash recoup (Screen cast?) For any petty cash transactions please code to GL account and to project task D For any finance charges please code to GL account and to project task D Forward your spreadsheet with Project Task or Cost Centres and descriptions to
End of month processing Ensure all coding is completed by the end of the month. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to scrutinise and sanction each transaction. The approved transactions in Spendvision.com are uploaded into SAP.Spendvision.com
Late returns Spendvision sends out automated reminder s for cardholders to code transactions and for Supervisors to approve coded transactions. Continued failure to code transactions in Spendvision.com in a timely manner will result in the cancellation of your Purchase Card.Spendvision.com Users agree to code all transactions on a timely basis within the Spendvision system. A reasonable time is considered to be within 30 days. Users agree to scan all tax invoices and upload images into Spendvision for audit and tax purposes.
Card security The card must be signed immediately upon receipt. The card must be kept in a secure place at all times. Liability of the card lies with the cardholder. Keep your PIN safe.
Lost or stolen cards Report the lost or stolen card to the FSO Service Centre on (option 2) or Outside business hours also contact Westpac Bank, , it is important to note the date and time of reporting and to whom you were speaking to. Report this information onto the FSO Service Centre. It is recommended that you keep the Westpac phone number is a separate location to your card.
Damaged cards Send an to advising that your Purchase Card has been damaged and request a Destroy your Purchase Card by cutting it in half diagonally. Return the destroyed Purchase Card to the FSO Service Centre in person or via registered mail addressed to FSO Service Centre, Locked Bag 21, Orange NSW Your replacement card will be posted to you. Sign it as soon as you receive it.
Purchase Card misuse Suspected misuse of a Purchase Card by a cardholder will be subject to investigation and the card cancelled for use until resolved. The misuse of a Purchase Card will result in the cancellation of the card and may lead to disciplinary action. Officers issued with a Purchase Card are in a position of trust in regard to the use of public funds and improper use may render the cardholder liable to disciplinary/legal action and possible criminal prosecution. All activity on the card can be traced. If you are suspicious that fraudulent activity is taking place contact: Phone: (option 2)
Applying for a Purchase Card To apply for and be issued with a Purchase Card Go to the FSO Service Centre portal Completing the Purchase Card Application form. Completing the Accreditation Test. Accepting the P-Card Holder Declaration regarding conditions of use contained in the Purchase Card application. Providing 100 points of identification verified by a Justice of the Peace. On successful completion you will be issued with a Purchase Card.
Thank you You have now completed the training presentation, which is a summary of policy and procedures. You are now ready to complete the mandatory quiz as part of your Pcard application. You are required to receive a result of 100% to satisfactorily complete the quiz. The policy and procedures or the training presentation may be used as a reference during the test.