The Plot Plane crash Piggy finds a conch Ralph becomes chief The signal fire gets out of control They kill a pig but lose a ship! The group fragments Jack’s tribe are terrifying They kill Simon who knows the “truth” They steal Piggy’s glasses Roger kills Piggy They hunt Ralph Saved by a man in uniform
Fundamental human struggle between.. Free from the rules and structures of civilization and society, the boys on the island in Lord of the Flies descend into savagery. As the boys splinter into factions, some behave peacefully and work together to maintain order and achieve common goals while others rebel and seek only anarchy and violence. The Civilizing instinct is the impulse to obey rules behave morally act lawfully The Savage instinct is the impulse to Seek brute power over others Act selfishly Scorn moral rules Indulge in violence Small world of the island presented by Golding Ralph!Jack!
The conch The naval officer The signal fire The pig’s head on the stick The Beast
Christian themes and images In Lord of the Flies
The parallels are not complete because.... Simon can predict the future only on two occasions He lacks the “supernatural” connection to God He dies without spreading his “word” – the truth about the beast His death does not bring about salvation
Simon Armitage Simon Armitage was born in 1963 an lives in West Yorkshire. He currently teaches at the MMU He has written lots of anthologies of his poems inspired by a range of events and people. A lot of his poems are about feelings: he writes about everyday things in ordinary language Other themes: Domestic tensions Chaos and anarchy lurking just beneath the surface of people’s lives Psychological self-portraits Powerful basic emotions Attachment to parents Growing up and reflecting on how your views differ from theirs Dealing with other people in the world What it means to grow old and die