INTRODUCTION A detailed guide for uploading documentation for PCard transactions can be found on the following website: o o It is highly recommended that you read this guide as it provides helpful information in case you run into errors when first attempting to access OnBase. Disclaimer: Please be aware that the Pcard reconciliation process can vary from department to department. Some of what may be covered may not apply to you.
THE BASICS – UPLOADING DOCUMENTATION Scan the documentation for the transaction to or computer o If you scanned to , drag and drop the file into a folder on your computer or other accessible network location Navigate to the appropriate transaction in PeopleSoft Financials Click on the “Public Purpose” link then the “Documentation” link This will open OnBase. If you haven’t uploaded documentation for this transaction previously, you will see a message that says “No Folder Found” Click the Green Arrow at the top of the window to go to the upload page On the left side of the screen, click browse to locate the file for this transaction. Select the file and click “Open.” This will take you back to the upload page and you will see the file selected and the file format updated No other configuration is required To upload, click the green arrow on the bottom left of the screen You will see a message that indicates it is being uploaded in the upper left followed by a message that indicates import succeeded
VIEWING UPLOADED DOCUMENTATION If you are still on the upload screen in OnBase you can click the folder icon in the upper left to go back and see uploaded documentation for this transaction. If you are in PeopleSoft Financials, clicking on the “Documentation” button on the “Public Purpose” screen will take you back to OnBase and you will see the uploaded documentation for the selected transaction.
DELETING DOCUMENTATION Uploaded the wrong documentation for a transaction? That’s OK! Documents can be deleted Users do not have the ability to delete o This is because OnBase is the system of record for this documentation (Original documentation can be destroyed once it has been uploaded). If the ability to delete were given to users, any user who can access the PCard module could delete documents for any PCard holder. Because of this, documents can only be deleted centrally o We are researching how we can make deleting documents easier while assuring that correct documentation is not being deleted o To delete a document, please send an to with the following information and we can delete the document o Merchant o Amount o Transaction Date o Information about the document that needs to be deleted (i.e. it is the first document in the list or it has vendor name “x” on receipt when transaction was for vendor “y” You do not have to wait for the wrong documentation to be deleted in order to upload the correct documentation. It is important to upload the correct documentation as soon as possible.
BROWSER REQUIREMENTS FOR ONBASE 13 - CURRENT OnBase is not compatible with all web browsers. Here is a list of the web browsers that OnBase is compatible with: o PC: Internet Explorer 9, 10, or 11 Firefox 17 ESR or 24 ESR o Mac: Safari or Safari or Firefox 17 ESR or 24 ESR (Best Option) If you are not using one of the supported browsers, you will most likely receive an error and won’t be able to access OnBase. The most recent version of Firefox ESR is 31 ESR. o If your Firefox browser has updated, you will need to reinstall Firefox 24 ESR and disable automatic updating. Please see the “Web Browsers Supported by OnBase” document located at this link for assistance: C C
BROWSER REQUIREMENTS FOR ONBASE 15 – 1-2 MONTHS OnBase is not compatible with all web browsers. Here is a list of the web browsers that OnBase 15 is compatible with: o PC: Internet Explorer 9, 10, or 11 (10 is Current Version on Campus) Firefox 24 ESR or 31 ESR (Current Version) o Mac: Safari or Safari or Safari 6.1.x Safari 6.2.x Safari 7.0.x Safari 7.1.x Safari 8.0.x Firefox 24 ESR or 31 ESR
HELPFUL INFORMATION When on the upload screen, you can verify that you are on the right transaction by looking at the information about the transaction located on the left side: last 4 digits of card, cardholder name, merchant, transaction amount, etc o It is helpful to check this information before you click the upload button to verify that you have the right file for the right transaction If you receive new documentation for a transaction, you can go back and upload documentation at any point, even if the transaction is closed When a document is uploaded into OnBase, it receives an auto- name. Currently it is structured as: o PCARD – Transaction Documenation – MERCHANT – TRANSACTION DATE – BILLING AMOUNT – Uploaded DATE o Actual Auto-Name: PCARD – Transaction Documentation – AMAZON.COM – 10/17/14 - $42.88 – Uploaded 10/24/2014
HELPFUL INFORMATION CONTINUED With transactions being loaded daily into PeopleSoft Financials, it is important to consider that the reconciliation no longer has to be a monthly process. Instead, transactions can be verified, approved, and document uploaded on a continuous basis o This will help alleviate the workload that has to be done at the end of the month (particularly with the compressed timeline of having everything reconciled by the 3 rd of the following month) Once uploaded, you can destroy the original document o It is important to verify that you can view the documentation for the transaction in OnBase prior to destroying the original o Keep in mind that if you have to return an item, some merchants may require the original receipt
HELPFUL SCANNING INFORMATION Scan documents in the order of the transaction list in PeopleSoft Financials. This way, if your scanner uses a sequential naming convention, the documents will be in the same order. This will make it easier to select the right document for upload. Some departments have found it useful to rename the file in such a way that it makes identifying which transaction it pertains to easier, without having to open it. o Many use Konica Minolta multi-function machines: If you have a keyboard attached to your Konica Minolta it will make it easier to name the file as you scan. o Keep in mind that the file name changes once it is uploaded into OnBase, so only change the name if it is helpful while uploading.
CONCLUSION The detailed business process for reconciling/approving PCard transactions (including uploading documentation) can be found at the following website: o o Any questions on the documentation upload process, contact