RNAO A Welcome to Ontario’s Nursing Students
College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO): Governing body for 156,000 RNs, RPNs and Nurse Practitioners (NP) in Ontario Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA): Union representing 60,000 RNs and allied health professionals working throughout Ontario Three Nursing Organizations for RNs in Ontario:
The Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO): The professional association representing RNs in the province of Ontario 41,000+ members Influence and action Communications and outreach Self-development Networking Financial assistance for education Opportunities to get involved Legal protection for RNs
What does RNAO have for Students? So…
Nursing workforce & scope of practice Retaining and hiring additional RNs Hiring 9,000 additional RNs by 2015 Ensuring 70% of all nurses work full- time Ensuring all existing NP-led clinics are funded to operate at full capacity Influence that Strengthens Ontario Nursing
“RNAO is a strong voice that works for change” Meeting with high-ranking politicians Provincial election Social determinants of health Fighting to decrease toxins and carcinogens Strengthening Medicare Within Health Care at Large:
Communications and Outreach “Empowering the profession” Action Alerts Recruitment and retention of nurses RNAO Recognition Awards & RNAO Media Awards Registered Nurse Journal
Raising the profile of RNs Nursing Week campaigns RNs as media contacts Media releases; letters to the editor Provides a nursing perspective Speaking to the Public
Self-Development Information for Emerging Professionals: Conferences and workshops Nursing Best Practice Guidelines Interest groups Knowledge of the profession
Careers In Nursing: careersinnursing.ca Permanent Education Fund Discounts on RNAO events Career Fairs Leadership skills development Career Services Help with Your Career and Finances!
Networking Opportunities With RNAO members and nursing professionals RNs from a multitude of fields Interest Groups Local RNAO Chapters Nursing Students of Ontario (NSO)
Nursing Students of Ontario (NSO) Student wing of RNAO Automatic and free membership Ensures the future strength of the nursing profession Educational and social events
RNAO Embraces Nursing Students In Chapters and Interest Groups At colleges and universities At RNAO events At RNAO Home Office Through the Student of Distinction Award
Getting Involved Makes Membership Even Better Board Committees Chapters and Interest Groups Student Liaisons Nursing Week Political action Get published
“Speaking out for nursing. Speaking out for health.”
Undergraduate Nursing Student Membership “A taste of your professional association” Fee of only $21.60 Student membership welcome package Commitment to professionalism Jumpstart your career, as a student
How to Sign Up for RNAO Membership S ee me after the presentation for a membership form or download one from Use the on-line registration at Then check out the rest of the RNAO site. Call RNAO Home Office at or toll-free at
Thank You for Your Interest in RNAO! Contact RNAO Phone: Toll-free: Fax: Web: