© Aeroflex Ltd 2013 The copyright in this document is the property of Aeroflex Ltd and is supplied on the express terms that it is treated as confidential and that it may not be copied, used or disclosed to others for any purpose except as authorized in writing by Aeroflex Ltd. This document and the information contained herein shall not form part of any contract unless expressly incorporated in such a contract by specific references thereto.The use within this document of all registered names and trademarks is acknowledged. Integrate – for seamless test using Goepel Boundary Scan Nigel Adams Senior Product Specialist
2 Aeroflex Limited is a global provider of high technology solutions to the aerospace, defence, cellular and broadband communications markets. The company’s diverse technologies allow it to design, develop, manufacture and bring to market a broad range of test, measurement, microelectronic and ATE based products. Aeroflex Limited, was founded in 1937, enhanced by the acquisition of Marconi Instruments and subsequently IFR. Aeroflex is a publicly held company having more than 2,600 employees worldwide with representation in over 70 countries worldwide. Aeroflex Limited
3 Our 44 th year in ATE…The first ATE… Concorde wiring harness test…
Goepel Cascon Option This optional feature of the 5800 series test systems allows a Goepel Electronics high-speed Boundary Scan test solution to be fully integrated into the It allows Boundary Scan programs created for design and development to be re-used in the production test environment.
Goepel Cascon Option This feature works in conjunction with the Goepel Boundary Scan hardware and Cascon DLL software which is available directly from Goepel Electronics. An AIDE license file is required to enable the use of Goepel hardware with the [Aeroflex Part Number 88008].
Goepel Hardware Implementation Either a PCI or PXI Goepel Scanflex Controller card may be used. The PXI option will require one free slot in the 5800 PXI rack. The Goepel Scanflex Controller is connected to an SFX Transceiver that matches the signals to the UUT, ensuring a high test speed can be achieved. (this can be up to 80MHz depending on actual hardware used) Additional digital test resources can be provided by the 5800 hardware.
Goepel SCANFLEX Hardware The PXI card can be fitted in any of the 19 available slots Connection to the SFX Transceiver
– PXI Card mounting plate Any PXI card can be fitted inside the system and mounted directly to the normal chassis frame, or the card may be secured onto an internal sub-frame that allows easy card removal. This mounting method is similar to a standard 5800 function card
Goepel SCANFLEX Connections Goepel SCANFLEX Controller Goepel SFX TAP Transceiver Test Fixture UUT SFX Cable 5800 Test System 5800 Tester Resources PC Controller NI MXI-4 (PCI-8331) NI MXI-4 Interconnection Cable NI MXI-4 (PXI-8331) PXI Option: Requires one PXI Slot or PCI card
Goepel SCANFLEX Extension The adaptor card from the PXI card to the SFX Transceiver can be supplied in a number of different formats by Goepel. Versions are available which can allow the interface connector to be mated to the 5800 front panel spine. Goepel PXI card 5800 Front Panel Spine
11 AIDE - Goepel Interface Software The AIDE Goepel software library seamlessly interfaces the Goepel CASCON software with the Aeroflex AIDE environment The AIDE Goepel software library can be installed as an option from the 5800 System Software CD-ROM A licence key must be entered to enable the software. (Aeroflex part 88008)
12 Goepel Installation The Goepel hardware and Cascon software must be installed following the suppliers instructions. In effect, a standard installation A hardware “dongle” is required. Install this to the system controller’s USB or Parallel port as instructed.
13 Goepel Programming Goepel Boundary Scan test programs can be created by using their Cascon software development suite. This software is also used to debug the Goepel tests. The Cascon software is available directly from Goepel Electronics and their distributors worldwide.
14 Example Program Code The following AIDE code examples show how Goepel Electronics Boundary Scan test and programming files can be executed from within an AIDE test program. Note that these files are created using the Goepel Electronics Cascon test program development tools and not by using the 5800 programming tools (such as CAPG). All test results are reported (printed) and logged (to a data collection system such as i-Base) in the same format as for standard 5800 AIDE measurements.
15 Loading the CASCON Library Firstly, the CASCON library must be loaded as a shared library by the AIDE test program:
16 Goepel File Path To execute a Goepel test, AIDE will be required know the location of the various program and data files. Here we use the variables –“uutDir” defines a Goepel project directory location –“uutName” to define the actual program name.
17 Goepel Tests The Goepel Library defines a series of AIDE “Custom Tests”, each one describing a different boundary scan test type: –INFRA –INTERCONNECTION –etc Each custom test will be contained inside an AIDE method as shown in the following examples.
18 Example Program Structure Here we can see a series of test statements which call Goepel hardware and software utilities but appearing as integrated directly into AIDE code
19 Infrastructure Test The infrastructure test checks the integrity of the Boundary Scan path and the ID Code of each device. If this test fails, no further Boundary Scan tests should be performed.
20 Interconnection Test t The Interconnection test checks for “Shorted” and “Stuck” nets. t If both the Infra and Interconnections tests pass, further tests may be run, such as memory cluster and flash programming.
21 Test Properties Each custom test has a set of properties that allow file names and result / diagnostic options to be defined:
22 Optional Goepel Parameters More advanced options can be programmed using the Advanced tab of the properties page:
23 Increasing Test Coverage Although the 5800 Digital Test Point (DTP) boards are usually controlled directly by the AIDE test program, they can also be controlled using boundary scan by connecting them to the Goepel hardware. The TAP port of the 5800 DTP board is wired to a spare TAP on the Goepel TAP transceiver. Boundary scan test coverage may now be improved by connecting any digital nets on the UUT connectors to one or more 5800 DTP pins.
24 The DTP Card in Boundary Scan Mode When a test is developed, a description of the DTP board is given to the Goepel Cascon software, this allows it to use the DTP board to provide additional digital I/O to the UUT. In order to describe the Boundary Scan functionality of the DTP board, a Goepel netlist file “DTPScanPath.dif” and a set of four BSDL files are supplied with the AIDE software. These are in the directory: C:\Program Files\Aeroflex\5800 System Software\BSDL
25 The DTP Card in Boundary Scan Mode TDO TMS TCK TDI TDO TDI Block0 Block1 Block2 Block3 TMS TCK Goepel Scanflex Controller Digital Test Point Board 0 63 UUT In this example, three DTP test points are wired to the edge of the UUT. The DTP TAP is connected in series with the Goepel Tap Transceiver When the Goepel tests are executed, the DTP board is controlled as part of the boundary scan chain. This allows additional test access to be made, increasing test coverage TP 23 TP 47 TP 58 TAP Transceiver
26 DTP Board TAP Connections J6 (Lower Connector) J8 (Upper Connector) The diagrams above show the location of the Test Access Port on the 5800 DTP Digital Test Point board connectors J8 J6
27 AIDE Program Structure When using a DTP board as a part of a Goepel test, we must ensure that the AIDE test program performs the following steps: –Define the Family parameters for the DTP pins –Define which DTP pins are to be used –Set the DTP board(s) into Boundary Scan mode –Execute the Goepel tests
28 Example Goepel / DTP AIDE Program
29 What about non-scan enabled devices? Additional functionality can now be provided by using the Boundary Scan and Aeroflex Digital hardware together to create tests for non scan enabled devices.
30 Summary The Goepel option provides: –A fully integrated Boundary Scan option for 5800 series test systems –Allows the re-use of existing Goepel test programs –Programming of devices using Goepel Boundary Scan –Testing digital clusters using Goepel tools –High clock speeds of up to 80MHz Result = Comprehensive Test! = AEROFLEX…