Essential Question: What is the Scientific Method? Vocabulary: Inference-logical interpretation based on prior knowledge and experience. Hypothesis: explanation for a problem to be tested. Experiment: planned procedure that tests a hypothesis. Data: information obtained from experiments. Exs. # of bees visiting a flower, height the soybean plants grows daily. Theory: a set of related hypothesis that have been tested and confirmed many times by different scientists. Ex. Evolution
Scientific Method : series of steps that scientists use to gather information and answer questions. 6 Steps in the Scientific Method: 1. State the problem. 1. State the problem. 2. Form a hypothesis. 2. Form a hypothesis. 3. Observe and experiment. 3. Observe and experiment. 4. Organize data. 4. Organize data. 5. Interpret the data. (inference) 5. Interpret the data. (inference) 6. Determine a conclusion 6. Determine a conclusion
Most Experiments involve two groups: 1. Control Group 2. Experimental Group
Essential Question: What are an independent and a dependent variable? Control Group: a. Group in which all conditions are the same b. Used as a basis for comparison Experimental Group: a. Group in which all conditions are kept the same expect for the one (independent variable) being tested. b. Also known as a test group.
The control and experimental groups are designed to be identical except for one factor, or variable. The factor that is varied in the experiment is the independent variable. Ex. Amount of sunlight.
Not all experiments have a control and experimental group. Ex. Albatross
Essentenial Question: When is an experiment considered valid? Independent variable-the variable that is being tested. Ex: Addition of water Dependent variable: the outcome of the experiment. Depends on the independent variable. Ex. Growth of a plant.
An experiment is only considered valid: If it can be repeated many times with the same results. Contains a large number of specimens.
LIFE FUNCTIONS Essential Question: What is Biology? Biology- study of living things Organism- a living thing
Life Functions of Organisms All organisms exhibit the same kinds of activities called Life Functions. Life Functions of all Organisms: Synthesis Transport Excretion Respiration Nutrition Growth Reproduction Regulation
Enentisal quetsions: What is nutrityion, synthesis, and transport? How are they impotatn to an organism? Nutrition-.the ability to obtain and process food.(Autotrophic or Heterotrophic) Synthesis- processes by which organisms make substances that they will need (hormones and proteins) Series of chemical reactions
Transport Transport: ability to move materials (food, oxygen, water) in to, out of, and throughout an organism.
Excretion Excretion- the ability to removal metabolic wastes (water, carbon dioxide, urine, sweat) from an organism.
Essnetila questions: What is repiration, growth and reprodcution? How are they importatn to an organism? Respiration-process by which the energy (stored in the bonds) in food is released and used for life activities. Respiration occurs in all living cells, both plant and animal.
Growth- increase in the number and size of cells.
Reproduction- production of a new organism. Can be sexual or asexual. Survival of species depends upon the reproduction of individuals.
Essentail questions: What is regulation? How are a stimulus and a response related? Regulation-controlling activities within the body. Exs: heart rate, breathing rate, rate of cell division, rate of urination, etc. Regulate is controlled by the outside environment and by the internal environment. Regulation-controlling activities within the body. Exs: heart rate, breathing rate, rate of cell division, rate of urination, etc. Regulate is controlled by the outside environment and by the internal environment. Stimulus- change in an organism’s external or internal environment. Exs. loud noise, increased heart rate. Swarm of bees, etc Response- reaction to a stimulus.
Essentail questions: What is metabolism and homeostatis? How are the two terms realted? Metabolism- all the activities in an organism. Usually in homeostasis unless we are sick.
Homeostasis-maintenance of a steady internal state. Exs. Rate of breathing, blood pressure, ability to fight infection, etc.