PRACTICE, PLAY OR PERFORM..talking about 23 things May 1 st 2009 Southwest Florida Library Network
What are we doing here today?
We’re having a conversation about learning …
…and the concepts of Web 2.0 and Library 2.0
Why are we doing this? Because “these tools are changing the way …people interact with information and they’re… offering libraries new ways to reach out to our users.” Helene Blowers Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County
Because “it’s time to stop boring our users with conducted tours of our libraries, earnest library guides, and endless demonstrations of those arcane databases that we love so much… Our users have … new expectations …we now have a new range of tools available to help us transform our teaching into something which is both more fun and more engaging …” Peter Godwin Academic Liaison Librarian at the University of Bedfordshire in Luton
Let’s start with a mini-assessment of how familiar the people in this room are with these concepts. 1.How many have heard of Web 2.0? 1.How many know what it is?
Web 2.0 is not….
Web 2.0 is a set of principles about harnessing the power of the web, such as this statement from Tim O’Reilly…
“Web two ‘0’ is the understanding that the network is the platform and on the network as the platform the rules for business are different. And The cardinal rule is this one: users add value. And figuring out how to build databases that get better the more people use them is actually the secret sauce of every web two ‘0’ company.” Tim O’Reilly
What does that mean?
To look up information on swine flu you will have to use a search engine to locate web sites or use your knowledge of web sites. Here are 2 sites where I would go for information on this topic. Webpage Centers for Disease Control & Prevention MedlinePlus
OR…I could go to one of the Web 2.0 applications. This is Delicious—a social bookmarking site. When I input “swine flu” (no quotes) up comes 160 bookmarks to web pages (that individuals have already screened) for swine flu
users add value build databases that get better the more people use them
Here are the first few bookmarks…
A current (yesterday) Associated Press article (& video) on swine flu in Mexico
Another AP article (yesterday)
A blog post containing an excerpt of an article from Lalate (a celebrity news site)- uhh maybe not so good
CDC Website “Key Facts about Swine Influenza (Swine Flu)”
By adding another tag (swine flu + research) you receive more specific results
You can locate pre-screened websites that people have bookmarked The database becomes more valuable the more people add to it
Let’s continue with our mini-assessment. 1.How many have heard of Library 2.0? 1.How many know what it is?
Michael E. Casey and Laura C. Savastinuk (p. 5) See also: Library 2.0 is a model for constant and purposeful change Library 2.0 empowers library users through participatory, user-drive services. Through implementation of the first two elements, Library 2.0 seks to improve services to current library users while also reaching out to potential library users.
Let’s continue with our mini-assessment. 1.How many have heard of 23 things? 1.How many know what it is?
23 things references a training program that has been developed to train librarians to be knowledgeable about Web 2.0 applications.
Training Programs Already Developed to Assist Librarians Learn Web 2.0 Applications --Helene Blowers’ Learning 2.0: 23 Things, from Charlotte and Mecklenburg County ( --Meredith Farkas’ Five Weeks to a Social Library (
Although these models have provided good methods for people to learn about web 2.0/library 2.0, there are 2 main reasons to try something different… 1.The technology is always changing/developing so the models need to incorporate the new technology 2.Previous methods focused on learning individually…learning in a group will make things easier as you have your group mates to assist you and bounce things off of
What about this idea?
How about a new model??
Lee Steve Karen
iLearn iLearn iLearn
Method of developing iLearn Real meetings Virtual meetings (Dim Dim)—no good Online Sharing of text [“Write With” (hated it)—use Google docs instead]
Real Meetings
Virtual Meetings
Didn’t like
Building I Learn on Google Docs
Coming to a library near you (sometime in the future)
How would you like to be involved?
iLearn iLearn iLearn
References Anderson, P. (2007, February). What is Web 2.0? Ideas, technologies, and implications for education (JISA Technology and Standards Watch). Retrieved April 26, 2009, from Bhatt, K. (2007). Tim O’Reilly on what is Web 2.0 [Video clip]. Retrieved April 23, 2009, from Blowers, H. (2006, November 1). PLCMC learning 2.0 finale ( or “the winner is...”). Message posted to Casey, M. E., & Savastinuk, L. C. (2007). Library 2.0: A guide to participatory library service. Medford, NJ: Information Today. Godwin, P. (2008). Introduction: Making the connections. In Information literacy meets Library 2.0 (pp ). London: Facet Publishing. O’Reilly, T. (2005, September 30). What is Web 2.0: Design patterns and business models for the next generation of software. Retrieved April 26, 2009, from O’Reilly, T. (2006, December 10). Web 2.0 compact definition: Trying again. Retrieved April 26, 2009, from
Image Credits Slide 2: Crazy Face by StarMama (Flickr) Slide 8: Marketing FAIL by psd (Flickr) Slide 11: Me Stupid Face Stop-Motion by Jake Risbridger (Flickr)