Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry By Mildred Taylor Unit Test Study Guide
Character List David Logan Mary Logan Big Ma (Caroline Logan) Uncle Hammer Cassie Logan Stacey Logan Christopher John Little Man Mr Morrison Mr Jamison Mr Granger Mr Wallace Kaleb Wallace Mr Simms RW Simms Melvin Simms Mr Barnett Jeremy Simms T.J. Avery Lillian Jean Simms Claude Avery Moe Turner Mr Avery Mrs Berry Mr Berry
Multiple Choice Review the notes you took on each chapter Know: setting, prejudice/racism effects, values of characters, difference between schools, Cause-effect of Mama being fired, JDCS bus breaking down, the price of cotton drops... Try these online quizzes to test your memory…
Order of Events Use the chapter review notes to retell the story in chronological order. You will be expected to put six events in order of which happened 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th .
True/False You have had practice with this Some detail (verb, noun, description, date, character, etc.) is changed if it is false. Review the quizzes you took and try to figure out what small detail might have thrown you last time. Go with your gut instinct first, but put a dash near it if you want to re-check that answer after you have finished the test.
Quote Identification You will be given 10 characters and 5 quotes. You will need to decide who said the quote. Look at who they might be talking to… What setting are they in? When in the book does it happen? Try these…see if you can figure out who said them… "Look out there, Cassie girl. All that belongs to you. You ain't never had to live on nobody's place but your own and long as I live and the family survives, you'll never have to." Chapter 1, "I would wait until the evening to talk to her; there was no rush now. She understood." Chapter 1, "Friends gotta trust each other, Stacey, 'cause ain't nothin' like a true friend." Chapter 4, "The Wallaces did that, children. They poured kerosene over Mr. Berry and his nephews and lit them afire." Chapter 4 "Big Ma didn't want you hurt. That was the only thing on her mind." Chapter 6, "Seems to me if Stacey's not smart enough to hold onto a good coat, he don't deserve it." Chapter 7, "I'm a Southerner, born and bred, but that doesn't mean I approve of all that goes on here, and there are a lot of other white people who feel the same." Chapter 7, "not wanting to believe that Lillian Jean didn't even realize it had been all just a game." Chapter 8, "I expect you'd best just forget about teaching altogether...then thataway you'll have plenty of time to write your own book." Ch 8 "Got me better friends than y'all! They give me things and treat me like I'm a man and...and they white too..." Chapter 8, "I-I'm in trouble...I'm really in trouble." Chapter 11, "This thing's been coming a long time...and T.J. just happened to be the one foolish enough to trigger it." Chapter 12, "Folks thinking...that lightning struck that fence of yours and started that's better, I think, that you stay clear of this whole thing now..."Chapter 12, "What happened to T.J. in the night I did not understand, but I knew that it would not pass. And I cried for those thing which had happened in the night and would not pass." Chapter 12
Paragraph Response Choose from the list of essay questions (see next slide) Be prepared to answer one of the questions using a shape sheet. Avoid “I” and “I think” Write a paragraph that includes 5 complete sentences a Topic sentence Concrete detail Concrete Detail or Commentary Commentary Concluding sentence
Paragraph Topics Tell about the reasons given for Mama being fired and the unspoken reasons behind her losing her job. Do you think Papa made a good decision in setting fire to the cotton? Why or Why not? Do you think that Cassie’s plan for revenge on Lillian Jean was a good one? Why or why not? How was Papa injured on the way home from Vicksburg with Mr. Morrison and Stacey? Do you think the Logans would be safer with or without Mr. Morrison staying with them? Why?
Vocabulary Identify the closest word from a choice of 4. They may be synonyms, short definitions, or simply closely related words. 50 words from your word list will be on the final assessment. They were the words we highlighted during class. Our class word cards are available for extra help. Learn the words, look at the pictures your classmates have drawn, and try to remember how they were used in Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry. Can you use the word in a sentence?