Building a Pipeline of Success From Cradle to College and Career Speaker Name & Title
“Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children.” – Sitting Bull FSA is… a group of caring and proactive Organizations Local Government Agencies Community members working together to ensure children in Orange County, whose families struggle to make ends meet, have the opportunity for a healthy, safe, and productive life.
Why It Matters… The effects of income on children start early with the way children’s brains are built, and continue through school, careers, and health.
The number and percentage of children in Orange County in poverty has continually increased. Why It Matters… “Our poverty is deep, even when it is not wide.” – Gene Nichol
Why It Matters… Childcare Orange County rates for childcare are higher than the NC average for nearly all ages and star levels Housing In Orange County, you would need 2.2 minimum wage jobs to afford the fair market rent – one of the highest in the state Transportation An estimated 3,000 Orange County residents live more than a mile from a clinic/ bus stop and do not have a car
We dream big for our kids… “We want them to have success in life, health, happiness, and safety, plus the opportunity to live up to their full potential.” – Parent feedback from a community listening session
Targeted Zone Focused Building Stability for Families Working Across Boundaries Our work is…
We’re Unique Because We Have… Multi-Generational Approach Long-Term Commitment Many Organizations, One Goal Impact Now & for Future Generations Ongoing Community Member Input Evidence-Based / Data Driven
The Pipeline to Success… Cradle to Career/ College Children are healthy & prepared for school Children & youth are healthy & succeed in school Youth graduate from high school & college Families & neighborhoods support the healthy development of children
Where we’re working… Orange County
A stronger pipeline… FSA Supported Programs Community Collaboration Services by Partner Agencies SuccessSuccess Kindergarten Readiness Zone Navigators Parent Literacy Out-of-School Time
Rising K Su m me r Kin der gar ten Re adi nes s Ca mp Rising Grade 1 Summer Literacy & Enrichment Camp After School Literacy program Rising Grade 2 Summer Literacy & Enrichment Camp After School Literacy program Rising Grade 3 Summer Literacy & Enrichment Camp BOG (Beginning of Grade State Literacy test) Rising Kindergarteners Enter the Pipeline Rising Kindergarteners Enter the Pipeline Entering the pipeline…
Why we’re involved… Insert a few bullets as to why and how your organization is involved/participating in FSA
Our partners… United Way Service Partners Advisory Council Boomerang Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public Schools Foundation Childcare Services Assoc. Compass Center El Futuro Girl Scouts Kidscope Orange Literacy Volunteers for Youth Cardinal Innovations Chapel Hill/Carrboro City Schools Chapel Hill Training/ Outreach Project Compass Center El Futuro Empowerment, Inc. Interfaith Council OC Board of Commissioners OC Board of Health OC Dept. of Social Services OC Health Dept. OC Housing & Human Rights OC Literacy Council OC Partnership for Young Children OC Sheriff’s Dept. Orange Congregations in Mission Orange County Schools Town of Carrboro Town of Chapel Hill Town of Hillsborough UNC Health Care United Way of the Greater Triangle Zone Representatives
Get involved… Volunteer Donate Attend Community Meetings Tell Others About Us Advocate for Supportive Policies “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Questions? Insert your name and contact information here FSA contact information: Phone: (919) Facebook: FSAOrangeCounty Twitter: FSA_OC