racecolor national origin No person in the United States, shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program of activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
Freedom from discrimination in employment, in housing, in public accommodations, in public services, and in education creed religionsexmarital statusstatus with regard to public assistancesexual orientation age because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, and age.
Consists of: Notice to the public Instructions on how to file a complaint List of public transportation-related investigations, complaints or lawsuits Public participation plan Language assistance plan Transit-related, non-elected boards and committees racial breakdown Board approval
Post this information In your facility In your vehicles On your website On your brochures Other places where the public can see it In languages other than English where appropriate
An easily accessible form available to the public A procedure for response and follow up XXX days to investigate Possible request for more information Letter of finding XXX days to appeal if necessary
and Covers issues with both members of the travelling public, and Employment Must be transit related DateSummary of basis* StatusAction Taken Investigations Lawsuits Complaints * Race, color or national origin
Meaningful Meaningful access Four factor analysis (details to follow)
Effective practices include: Convenient and accessible times and locations Different sites and formats Coordinate with community organizations Special outreach to LEP populations Multiple means of participation
BodyCaucasianLatino African- American Asian American Native American Access Committee Citizens Advisory Committee Board of Directors Transit-related committees and boards
The package of documents is your plan Governing Board should endorse, in particular the Language Assistance Plan
Number of Limited English Proficiency (LEP) persons likely to be served Frequency of LEP persons contact Importance of the activity you are providing Resources and overall costs
You need not translate written documents if: < 5% of population is LEP, or <1,000 people, whichever is less < 50 people = 5% You may provide translations voluntarily
Submit plan with your grant application MnDOT will review and provide technical assistance if needed Title VI plan will be revisited with each program oversight visit