Jim Hogston Presentation Examples
Skills Graphic Design: Catalogs, Brochures, Collateral Marketing Materials, Posters, Logos, Newsletters, Presentations, Package Design, 3D Modeling, Animation, Video & Sound Editing, Banners, Icon Badges, Photo editing Layouts: Architectural floor plans, elevations, details, MEP, and telecom equipment Technical Writing: User guides, training manuals, tool implementation, and editing Development & Delivery: Online and classroom-based technical training
Technical Skills Acrobat Pro, Dreamweaver, InDesign, Fireworks, Flash, Illustrator, Photoshop. AutoCAD, Inventor, Revit, 3D Studio Max Excel, Project, PowerPoint, Publisher, Word, Visio, Sharepoint Corel Video Studio Pro, Epilogue Author, HTML, SketchUp Pro
P ROFESSIONAL E XPERIENCE GOODMAN NETWORKS Presentation to management - Excel & PowerPoint Infographic
Professional Experience LastFare Graphic Design Consultant Illustrator, Photoshop, PowerPoint Original Images Revised Images PowerPoint Presentation Charts created in Illustrator - PowerPoint Presentation
Professional Experience Connemara Conservancy Graphic Designer, Freelance Brochures, newsletters, flyers, presentations, collateral marketing materials Illustrator, PowerPoint, Photoshop, InDesign.
P ACKAGE D ESIGN S TUDIES Photographed original digital image then created with Illustrator and Photoshop
P ACKAGE D ESIGN S TUDIES Original Image taken at Chinese New Year parade then created with Illustrator and Photoshop
P ROFESSIONAL E XPERIENCE G OODMAN N ETWORKS Facilities Space Designer III/Graphic Design Created designs for company logo promotional materials with Illustrator, Photoshop and AutoCAD.
Professional Experience - Schneider Electric Systems Application Engineer Created graphic pages for DISD CMCS project with Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, XBuilder, Vista Workstation, AutoCAD, Visio, and NL220.
Professional Experience - Secret Door Graphic Design Consultant Created concept designs in AutoCAD, Illustrator and Photoshop
Professional Experience Connemara Conservancy Graphic Designer, Freelance Provided event photography services for 72-acre nature preserve
Professional Experience - Ericsson Inc. o Created training manuals, class presentations, work instructions, facilitator guides, and exercises for SAP using Word, Epilogue Author, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Power Point and Adobe Illustrator o Conducted needs analysis for training employees to new business processes and documented with Visio o Developed and delivered online and classroom based training for SharePoint KnowledgeBase (KB) and Lead Generation tools with Illustrator, Word, Documentum, Visio, PowerPoint and Dreamweaver o Created and presented online and print based training manuals for Service Delivery Maturity Model (SDMM) initiative o Produced department newsletter in , online and print versions using Illustrator, Word, PowerPoint and Dreamweaver o Developed processes and user manual for program to track de-installed equipment using bar code technology and JavaScript form
Configuration Management Department Manager. Developed and implemented Object Oriented database and bar code reader programs for tracking telephone base station and switch equipment Directed the efforts of four technical writers for the development of operation and training manuals Professional Experience - Ericsson Inc.
Department manager for a team of eight Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) operators with an annual budget of ~$650,000 per year Professional Experience - Ericsson Inc.
Education - Bachelors of Arts The University of Texas at Dallas Representative courses: Topics in Studio Art - Color Black & White Film Photography 2D & 3D Design Advanced Visual Arts
Jim Hogston Thank You