Spaced Learning Read each slide, take a break then read the gap-fill slides. Make a mind-map and then read through the harder gap-fill slides and try to add to your mind-map
Religion: Rights and Responsibilities
Using the Bible to make moral decisions (how to do the right thing) The Bible is the word of God, divinely given to the writers of the Bible. The Bible tells Christians how to behave, as seen in the Ten Commandments (Decalogue). The Bible tells Christians about the teachings of Jesus (the son of God) and shows Christians how they can follow these teachings. Christians ask themselves how Jesus would have behaved in a situation and try to do the same.
Using the Church to guide a Christian when making a moral decision. God still speaks to the world through the Church. He guides the Church so that the Church can guide the people. These Christians believe that the Church is the Body of Christ – Jesus working in today’s world. Christians expect the Church to guide them on how to live a good Christian life and how to behave when making moral decisions. Catholics believe that the Pope represents God on earth. Therefore, they should listen to the guidance of the Catholic Church.
Using the conscience when making a moral decision. The Church says that Christians should follow their conscience as if it were the voice of God. St Paul and St Aquinas said that Christians should listen to their conscience. Christians believe that God speaks to people, the conscience is like a voice in their head telling them what the right thing to do is. Sometimes people get confused about the voice of God. For example, the Yorkshire Ripper claimed the voice of God had told him to kill prostitutes.
Using the Bible to make moral decisions (how to do the right thing) The Bible is the w____ of ____, divinely given to the writers of the Bible. The Bible tells Christians how to b______, as seen in the T___ C____________ (Decalogue). The Bible tells C________ about the teachings of J_____ (the son of G___) and shows Christians how they can _______ these teachings. Christians ask themselves how _____ would have ________ in a situation and try to do the same.
Using the Church to guide a Christian when making a moral decision. God still s_______ to the world through the C______. He guides the C______ so that the Church can guide the p______. These Christians believe that the Church is the B____ of C______ – Jesus working in today’s _______. Christians expect the Church to _____ them on how to live a _____ Christian life and how to behave when making ________ decisions. Catholics believe that the _____ represents ____ on earth. Therefore, they should listen to the guidance of the C_________ Church.
Using the conscience when making a moral decision. The C______ says that Christians should follow their c________ as if it were the v______ of G___. St P____ and St A______ said that Christians should listen to their c____________. Christians believe that ____ speaks to people, the conscience is like a ______ in their h____ telling them what the ______ thing to do is. Sometimes people get c________ about the v_____ of God. For example, the Y_______ R_____ claimed the v_____ of G___ had told him to kill p________.
Using Situation Ethics to help make a moral decision (to do the most loving thing). Jesus seemed to follow Situation Ethics when he went against the teachings of the Old Testament if He thought they were unloving. For instance, He healed a paralysed man on the Sabbath. Christians believe it is wrong to ignore the results of your actions. You should only do what will produce good results, e.g. it might be okay to steal weapons from a mad man. Jesus said the only rule is love your God and love your neighbour as yourself, all other rules follow on from this. Some Christians think you should not use situation ethics because you can not know what the consequences of your actions will be, it is better to follow the rules and to trust in God.
Why would some Christians not use situation ethics? The Bible is the word of God and shows Christians how to live. Christians should follow the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount rather than following their own ideas. Some feel the Church is a better guide as you can never know what the result of your decision will be. E.g. If a doctor in a remote area has one unit of blood to save the lives of two people (an old alcoholic and a young mother) following situation ethics he would save the mother. He then discovers that the old man was about to discover a cure for cancer and the mother was a child abuser. The doctor would have been better to follow Christian teachings and give them half each and let God decide who survives.
Reasons why some Christians use many of these methods to make a moral decision. Protestants tend to use the Bible. However, it doesn’t cover all modern issues, such as civil partnerships. In this case they would have to look elsewhere, perhaps to the Church for guidance. A Catholic would usually follow the teachings of the Church. However, in some situations they might use Situation Ethics e.g. the use of contraception to prevent the spread of AIDS. A Christian who usually followed their conscience, might turn to the Church or the Bible if their conscience was telling them to do something they knew was wrong, like attacking doctors who perform abortions. Christians who usually use Situation Ethics might decide to follow the teachings of the Bible or the Church if the effects of their choice was so uncertain they were afraid of doing the wrong thing.
Using Situation Ethics to help make a moral decision (to do the most loving thing). Jesus seemed to follow S_______ E_____ when he went a_______ the teachings of the Old T_________- if He thought they were u_________. For instance, He h______ a paralysed man on the S_________. Christians believe it is w_____ to ignore the r_____ of your a_____. You should only do what will produce good r_____, e.g. it might be okay to steal w_______ from a ____ man. Jesus said the only rule is l____ your _____ and love your n_______ as y_______, all other rules follow on from this. Some Christians think you should not use S_______ Ethics because you can not know what the c___________ of your actions will be, it is better to follow the rules and to t_____ in God.
Why would some Christians not use situation ethics? The Bible is the w___ of G___ and shows Christians how to l___. Christians should follow the T___ C___________ and the S______ on the M_____ rather than following their own i_____. Some feel the C_____ is a better g_____ as you can never know what the result of your d_________ will be. E.g. If a doctor in a remote area has one unit of b_____ to save the lives of two p______ (an old a________ and a young m_______) following situation ethics he would save the m_____. He then discovers that the o___ m___ was about to discover a c____ for c______ and the mother was a child a________. The doctor would have been better to follow Christian t________ and give them half each and let G___ decide who s__________.
Reasons why some Christians use many of these methods to make a moral decision. P_______ tend to use the B_____. However, it doesn’t cover all m______ issues, such as civil p________. In this case they would have to look elsewhere, perhaps to the C______ for guidance. A C_________ would usually follow the teachings of the Church. However, in some situations they might use S________ E_____ e.g. the use of contraception to prevent the spread of AIDS. A Christian who usually followed their conscience, might turn to the C_____ or the B_____ if their conscience was telling them to do something they knew was w______, like attacking doctors who perform a_______. Christians who usually use Situation Ethics might decide to follow the teachings of the B____ or the C______ if the effects of their choice was so uncertain they were afraid of doing the w______ thing.
Human Rights in the UK In 1998 the government passed the human rights act. Examples of human rights are: The right to life Freedom from slavery and forced labour The right not to be punished for something that wasn’t a crime when you did it Freedom of thought, conscience and religion The right to marry or form a civil partnership and have a family If these rights are broken you can go to court.
Human Rights and why they are important to Christians. FOR Christians believe that all humans are made in the image of God and so are one human family. The teachings of Jesus and the Church support this, e.g. the parable of the sheep and the goats. It is important to Christians that all people are treated equally and fairly. The right not to be discriminated against because of your religion is important for Christians because it means they have to be treated fairly. PROBLEMS WITH HUMAN RIGHTS LAW Some Christians are against the right to form a civil partnership, because they believe that the Bible and the Church are against homosexual relationships. The Catholic Church does not allow female priests. The Human Rights Act could be used to argue against the teachings of the Church. For example for the right for women to become priests, or the right of priests in the Roman Catholic Church to marry.
Human Rights in the UK In 19___ the g__________ passed the human rights ___. Examples of human rights are: The right to l_____ Freedom from s______ and forced l_______ The right not to be p_______ for something that wasn’t a c_____ when you did it Freedom of t_______, c________ and r_______ The right to marry or form a c_____ p_________ and have a f_______ If these rights are b______ you can go to c______.
Human Rights and why they are important to Christians. FOR Christians believe that all humans are made in the i_____ of ___ and so are one h_____ f______. The teachings of J_____ and the C______ support this, e.g. the parable of the s_____ and the g_____. It is important to Christians that all people are treated e______ and f____. The right not to be d__________ a______ because of your r_______ is important for Christians because it means they have to be treated fairly. PROBLEMS WITH HUMAN RIGHTS LAW Some Christians are a_______ the right to form a c_____ p________, because they believe that the Bible and the Church are against h____________ r___________. The Catholic Church does not allow f_______ p_______. The H_____ R_____ A__ could be used to argue against the teachings of the Church. For example for the right for w____ to become p_____, or the right of p______ in the Roman Catholic Church to m______.
Why it is important to take part in democratic and electoral processes (to vote). The UK is a democracy, this means every person over the age of 18 is allowed to vote for the ruling political party. It is important because the government make laws which affect you. They also set the rate of taxes, which affects you. Your ancestors have fought to protect the right to vote e.g. the suffragettes. Without these rights governments would be able to treat people badly.
Christian teachings on moral duties and responsibilities The Golden rule is to treat others as you would like them to treat you, therefore Christians have to consider how government policies would affect other people. The parable of the Sheep and the Goats tells Christians they should care for others, for instance, by feeding the hungry. This might mean Christians would vote for the party that supported welfare payments to the poor. In John 13:11-18 the Bible says ‘Love not with words and tongues but with actions and in truth’ Christians believe they should ‘be their brothers keeper’ and make sure that everyone is helped when in need.
Why it is important to take part in democratic and electoral processes (to vote). The UK is a d_______, this means every person over the age of __ is allowed to v____ for the ruling p_______ party. It is important because the g_________ make l____ which affect ____. They also set the r____ of t____, which affects you. Your ancestors have f______ to protect the r____ to vote e.g. the s___________. Without these r______ governments would be able to treat p______ badly.
Christian teachings on moral duties and responsibilities The G_____ r____ is to treat others as you would like them to t_____ you, therefore C______ have to consider how government p______ would a_____ other p______. The parable of the S_____ and the G_____ tells Christians they should c____ for o______, for instance, by feeding the h_____. This might mean Christians would vote for the party that supported w______ p_______ to the p___. In John 13:11-18 the Bible says ‘Love not with w____ and tongues but with a______ and in truth’ Christians believe they should ‘be their b_______ k_____’ and make sure that everyone is helped when in n____.
The nature of genetic engineering, including cloning. Genetic engineering is finding out which genes cause diseases, such as muscular dystrophy, and then working out how the genes can be changed (often by cloning) so that the disease does not develop. Germline gene therapy means that cells which transmit information from parents to children are changed. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis allows faulty genes to be removed from embryos. Stem cell research has been legal since Some people support genetic engineering because it gives the possibility of cures for incurable diseases and developments are closely monitored by law and by HFEA to keep people safe. Some people do not support genetic engineering because there is too little information about the long term effects and they worry that it gives scientists too much power.
Different attitudes to genetic engineering and cloning in Christianity Some Christians, e.g. liberal protestants, think genetic engineering is a good thing. They think this because: Jesus was a healer who showed that Christians should attempt to cure diseases There is a difference between creating cells and creating people. Creating people by science rather than sex would be wrong because it would be taking over God’s role in the creation of life, but creating cells is working with the intelligence that God gave us. Some Christians, e.g. Catholics, think genetic engineering is fine as long as it doesn’t use human embryos. This is because life begins at conception, so destroying excess embryos is murder. Some Christians do not agree with genetic engineering at all, this is because God is the creator and humans should not interfere.
The nature of genetic engineering, including cloning. G_____ engineering is finding out which g____ cause d_____, such as muscular d___________, and then working out how the genes can be changed (often by c_______) so that the disease does not develop. Germline gene therapy means that cells which transmit information from p_______ to c_________ are changed. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis allows f______ genes to be r__________ from e_________. Stem cell research has been legal since 2____. Some people support genetic engineering because it gives the possibility of c____ for i________ d________ and developments are closely monitored by the ____ and by H_E_ to keep people safe. Some people do not support genetic engineering because there is too little i________ about the l____ t____ e_______ and they worry that it gives s________ too much power.
Different attitudes to genetic engineering and cloning in Christianity Some Christians, e.g. l______ protestants, think genetic engineering is a good thing. They think this because: J_____ was a h_____ who showed that C______ should attempt to cure d_________ There is a difference between c_______ c____ and creating p______. Creating people by s_______ rather than s__ would be wr______ because it would be taking over ____’s role in the c_______ of life, but creating c____ is working with the i___________ that God gave us. Some Christians, e.g. C_______, think genetic engineering is fine as long as it doesn’t use h______ e________. This is because life begins at c________, so destroying excess e_______ is m_______. Some Christians do not agree with g________ e__________ at all, this is because God is the c________ and humans should not i________.
Gap New topic Religion: environmental and medical issues.
Global warming Global warming means the earth is getting warmer. Most scientists think global warming is caused by people putting too much carbon into the atmosphere, but some think it is caused by activity of the sun or by natural changes in the earth’s climate. Most scientists think global warming could be solved by producing electricity from wind, water, waves and solar power, and by running cars on fuels which do not emit/release carbon into the atmosphere.
Forms of pollution Acid rain (caused by the burning of fossil fuels) damages buildings. Human waste (refuse and sewage) and radioactive waste from nuclear power stations cause major health problems. Eutrophication caused by nitrates and sewage kills fish in streams and rivers. Litter dropped by humans leads to an increase in the rat populations. These problems of pollution could be solved by producing electricity by wind, water, solar power; using more efficient methods of waste disposal; recycling; nuclear reprocessing and geological storage.
The scarcity of natural resources You can use renewable resources. These never run out. Some examples are solar energy and wind power. You can also use finite resources. These will run out. Examples of finite resources are; natural gas and oil; tin copper and other metals. Oil is a good example. Oil is used to power cars, make plastic, road surfaces, many clothes are made from material made from oil (nylon) and more. This will cause big problems when it runs out. Possible solutions: Use renewable methods of making electricity Use other methods to power cars, e.g. water Recycle more Scientists are working on using oil from plants to make plastic
Global warming G_____ w______ means the e______ is getting w_______. Most scientists think global warming is c_____ by people putting too much _______ into the a__________, but some think it is caused by activity of the s___ or by n________ c_______ in the earth’s climate. Most scientists think global warming could be solved by producing e_________ from w____, w_____, w_____ and s_____ p_____, and by running cars on f____ which do not e___ /release c______ into the atmosphere.
Forms of pollution A___ r____ (caused by the burning of f______ f_____) damages b__________. H_____ w______ (refuse and s_______) and r_____-a______ waste from n_______ power stations cause major h_______ problems. E___________ caused by n______ and sewage kills fish in s______ and r________. L_____ dropped by humans leads to an increase in the ____ populations. These problems of p_______ could be solved by producing electricity by w____, w______, solar power; using more efficient methods of w_____ d________; recycling; nuclear r__________ and geological storage.
The scarcity of natural resources You can use r__________ resources. These n_____ r___ o___. Some examples are solar e______ and wind p______. You can also use f_____ resources. These will run out. Examples of finite resources are; n______ gas and oil; tin, copper and other m______. O__ is a good example. Oil is used to power c___, make p_____, r____ surfaces, many c________ are made from material made oil (nylon) and more. This will cause big problems when it r___ o___. Possible solutions: Use r__________ methods of making electricity Use other methods to power cars, e.g. water R________ more. Scientists are working on using oil from p______ to make plastic
Christian teachings on stewardship Christians believe that God gave them stewardship over the world. This means they should look after the planet for the next generation. In Genesis the creation story says that God gave humans the right to rule over Earth and animals. This gives humans a responsibility to look after the world, not to just use it for their own gain. The Old Testament says that people should look after animals and land. For instance, it talks about rotating crops to keep the land furtile. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said Christians need to make sure the earth’s resources are shared. Christians believe when they die they will be judged by God. Therefore it is important to follow these teachings.
The teachings of Islam on Stewardship Islam teaches that God created humans as his Khalifahs (stewards) of the Earth. In the Qur’an He (Allah) showed people how to look after the Earth. Muslims believe life is a test from God, and God will judge them on how well they have looked after the world. Therefore Muslims should try to share the world’s resources fairly, behave as Khalifahs (stewards) of the world and help groups trying to reduce pollution and to conserve resources (oil, gas, metal). In Islam there is a unity and balance in creation and Muslims must try to keep this balance by preserving the environment for Allah and the next generations.
Christian teachings on stewardship C______ believe that God gave them s___________ over the world. This means they should l____ after the p______ for the next g_________. In G________ the c______ story says that God gave h______ the right to rule over E_____ and a______. This gives humans a r__________ to look after the w______, not to just use it for their own g____. The O___ T_______) says that people should look after a______ and l____. For instance, it talks about r______ crops to keep the land f______. In the S______ on the M______, Jesus said Christians need to make sure the earth’s r__________ are s_______. Christians believe when they die they will be judged by God. Therefore it is important to follow these teachings.
The teachings of Islam on Stewardship Islam teaches that God created humans as his Kh________ (stewards) of the Earth. In the Qur’an He (A____) showed people how to l_____ a______ the Earth. Muslims believe life is a t____ from G___, and God will j_____ them on how well they have l_____ after the w_____. Therefore Muslims should try to s____ the world’s resources f_____, behave as Khalifahs (stewards) of the w_____ and help groups trying to r_______ pollution and to conserve r__________ (oil, gas, metal). In I____ there is a u______ and b______ in c_______ and Muslims must try to keep this balance by p____________ the environment for Allah and the next g____________.
Treatments for infertility Infertility is a problem in the western world. With as many as 12.5% of couples in the UK experiencing fertility problems. In 2007, 12% of births in the UK were as a result of fertility treatments. It is part of human nature to want to have children and raise a family. Not being able to have a family can cause psychological distress (depression and anxiety).
Christian attitudes to infertility treatments Most Roman Catholic Christians are against medical infertility treatments because they involve either immoral sex (masturbation) or taking the life of unwanted embryos. Any embryos (fertilised eggs) which aren’t used are destroyed. Catholics believe life begins at conception, so this is murder. The act of sex is for procreation. This is what God intended, embryo technology removes sex from procreation. Other Christians, e.g. the Church of England would agree with some infertility treatments - IVF and AIH because: Having children and a family is one of the purposes of Christians lives The egg and sperm are from the couple, so biologically, the child is theirs. All Christians would encourage adoption.
Islamic attitudes to infertility treatments. Most Muslims accept IVF and AIH because: It is important for Muslims to have a family, and IVF is simply using medical technology to do this. The egg and sperm are from the couple, so the child is biologically theirs. Islamic lawyers have banned all other types of embryo technology because: It means the child won’t have a relationship with their biological parents and this is important in Islam. Any form of egg or sperm donation is seen as adultery.
Treatments for infertility I________ is a problem in the W_______ world. With as many as __._% of couples in the UK experiencing f________ problems. In 200_, __% of births in the UK were as a result of fertility t__________. It is part of h______ n_______ to want to have children and raise a f_______. Not being able to have a family can cause psychological distress (d________ and a_______).
Christian attitudes to infertility treatments Most R______ C_________ Christians are against medical i_________ treatments because they involve either im______ sex (masturbation) or taking the life of unwanted e________. Any embryos (f________ e____) which aren’t used are d__________. Catholics believe life begins at c__________, so this is m_______. The act of sex is for p____________. This is what God intended, embryo t____________ removes sex from procreation. Other Christians, e.g. the C______ of E______ would agree with some infertility treatments – I _ _ and A _ _ because: Having ch______ and a f____ is one of the purposes of Christians lives The egg and sperm are from the couple, so b______, the child is theirs. All Christians would encourage a_________.
Islamic attitudes to infertility treatments. Most Muslims accept _ _ _ and _ _ _ because: It is important for M_______ to have a f_____, and IVF is simply using m________ technology to do this. The egg and sperm are from the c______, so the child is b___________ theirs. Islamic l________ have banned all other types of embryo technology because: It means the child won’t have a r____________ with their biological p_______ and this is important in Islam. Any form of e___ or s_____ donation is seen as a______.
The nature and importance of transplant surgery Transplant surgery is using healthy organs from a donor to replace a dying organ in a patient. It is important because it can give life to dying people and it brings life out of death (It means when people die, they can still help others). Transplant surgery can cure deadly diseases such as kidney failure and can improve people’s lives e.g. restoring sight through cornea transplants. The number of people needing transplants rises by 8% each year It can save an extra 4000 lives a year.
Christian attitudes to transplant surgery Most Christians agree with transplant surgery because they believe that the body is not needed after death. Most Christians believe it is the soul, not the body, which is resurrected for the after life. They do not agree with buying organs from poor people. Jesus told Christians to love their neighbours, donating your organs to save lives after your death is one way to do this. Some Christians think transplant surgery using organs from dead people is wrong. They only agree with living transplants because using dead people’s organs is ‘playing God’. Some Christians are against all transplants because it is taking on God’s role, and people should not do this.
Islamic attitudes to transplant surgery Most Muslims do not agree with transplant surgery because they believe they need all their organs for the Last Day. The Quran says that God creates a persons body, so to take parts from one body and put them into another is to act like God. Acting like God is called shirk and is the greatest sin of all. Some Muslims allow transplants from close relatives because it is now allowed by Muslim lawyers. Islam aims to do good. If a close relative is dying and you can save them, then you should do so.
The nature and importance of transplant surgery T_______ surgery is using h_____ o______ from a donor to r_______ a d_____ organ in a patient. It is important because it can give l____ to d______ people and it brings l___ o__ of d_____ (It means when people d__, they can still h____ o______). Transplant surgery can c____ d_____ d______ such as k______ failure and can improve people’s lives e.g. restoring sight through c______ transplants. The number of people needing transplants rises by _% each year It can save an extra ______ lives a year.
Christian attitudes to transplant surgery Most Christians agree with transplant surgery because they believe that the b____ is not needed after d_____. Most Christians believe it is the s____, not the body, which is r_________ for the after life. They do not agree with buying o_____ from p____ people. Jesus told Christians to love their n_________, donating your o_____ to save lives a____ your d_____ is one way to do this. Some Christians think transplant surgery using organs from d___ p_____ is w____. They only agree with l____ transplants because using dead people’s organs is ‘p______ God’. Some Christians are against ___ t______ because it is taking on ____’s role, and people should not do this.
Islamic attitudes to transplant surgery Most M______ do not agree with transplant surgery because they believe they n____ all their organs for the L____ D___. The Quran says that ____ creates a persons body, so to take parts from one body and put them into another is to a__ like G__. Acting like God is called s_____ and is the g________ sin of all. Some Muslims allow t________ from close r________ because it is now allowed by Muslim l_______. Islam aims to do g____. If a close relative is d_____ and you can save them, then y___ s_______ do so.
Gap New topic Religion: peace and conflict
The United Nations and World peace The UN was formed in It’s aim is to preserve world peace. It is important because it brings all the countries of the world together and can send peacekeeping forces to stop conflicts. The UN can: Impose sanctions e.g. trade embargos, to countries which threaten world peace. Give legal backing to countries who want to send armies to other countries. They can send a peacekeeping force to act as a police force in the country. It also runs the international criminal court which holds people accountable if they commit war crimes. The UN also helps the victims of war, poverty and works to help reduce climate change. There are many different agencies within the UN such as UNHCR for refugees, UNICEF for protection of children.
How religious organisations promote world peace They can organise debates on the horrors of war. This can encourage people to vote for political parties who will keep the peace. They can organise protests about war. This shows political parties what people think. They can organise interfaith conferences to work together. If more people work for peace together, it is more likely to happen. Charities like Christian Aid work for economic justice and global recognition of human rights.
Why wars occur (happen). Religion can cause wars because one country may feel that another is treating members of its religion badly. An example of this is when the Serbian army invaded Kosovo in the 1990s. Nationalism can cause wars because some people believe each ethic group should have their own land/country. An example of this is the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka. Economics can cause war because sometimes one country has resources that another wants, e.g. some people think America invaded Iraq for oil. Political differences can also cause wars. If countries disagree with how they should be run. An example of this is communist North Korea invaded South Korea in 1949 to try to make all of Korea communist.
The just war theory Wars are just (fair) when: The reason for starting the war is fair e.g. self defence The UN said the war is legal. The reason to go to war is to bring back peace. It is a last resort – all other ways of ending the conflict have been tried and have failed. There is a reasonable chance of success. Civilians are not killed. The method of warfare matches the threat. It would not be just to use weapons of mass destruction to destroy a country because it had invaded a small island.
The United Nations and World peace The UN was formed in _____. It’s aim is to preserve w_____ p_____. It is important because it brings all the c_______ of the world together and can send p______k_________ forces to stop conflicts. The UN can: Impose s_______ e.g. stop the world trading with countries which th_______ world peace. Give l_____ backing to countries who want to send a______ to other countries to right a wrong. They can send a p______k________ force to act as a p______ force in the country. It also runs the I___________ C_________ C_____ which holds people accountable if they commit war crimes. The UN also helps the v_____ of war, p_______ and works to help reduce c______ c_______. There are many different agencies within the UN such as UNHCR for r______, UNICEF for protection of c______.
How religious organisations promote world peace They can organise d______ on the horrors of war. This can encourage people to v____ for political parties who will k_____ the peace. They can organise p_______ about war. This shows political parties what p______ think. They can organise i____f_____ conferences to work together. If more people work for p_____ together, it is more likely to happen. Charities like C_______ A___ work for economic justice and global recognition of human rights.
Why wars occur (happen). Religion can cause wars because one country may feel that another is t_____ members of its r______ badly. An example of this is when the S_____ army invaded K_____ in the 19__s. Nationalism can cause wars because some people believe each e_____ g_____ should have their own l____/country. An example of this is the T_____ T_____ in Sri L______. Economics can cause war because sometimes one country has r________ that another wants, e.g. some people think America invaded I____ for o__. Political differences can also cause wars. If countries disagree with how they should be run. An example of this is c________ North Korea invaded c________ South Korea in 1949 to try to make all of Korea communist.
The just war theory Wars are just (fair) when: The reason for starting the war is f___ e.g. self defence The UN said the war is l______. The reason to go to war is to b_____ b____ p_____. It is a l____ resort – all other ways of ending the conflict have been tried and have f_______. There is a reasonable chance of s_______. Civilians are not k______. The method of w______ matches the t_____. It would not be j_____ to use weapons of m____ d________ to destroy a country because it had invaded a small island.
Christian attitudes to just war Some Christians believe in pacifism, such as the Quakers. This is because: In the Bible it says ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’. Jesus said you should ‘turn the other cheek’ and not retaliate/ fight back with violence. Some Christians think it is okay to fight in just wars because this has always been the Churches teaching. They think this because: St Paul said Christians have to obey the orders of the government so Christians should fight in a just war if ordered to by the government. Jesus never condemned the soldiers he met, and even healed a Roman soldier. We need a police force to protect innocent people against criminals, therefore we need armed forces to protect innocent states against criminal ones.
Islamic attitudes to just war Muslims believe in peace, but Islam teaches that if the faith is attacked Muslims must fight a just war in a just way (jihad) because it is taught in God’s words in the Qur’an. All Muslims should fight in just wars because: The Qur’an says Muslims should fight in just wars and the Qur’an is the word of God. Muhammad fought in wars, and he is the perfect example of a human. The Qur’an says if you die fighting in a just war you will go straight to paradise. Some Muslims e.g. the Muslim Peace fellowship, think no modern war can be just because weapons today are too good.
Christian attitudes to just war Some Christians believe in p______, such as the Q______. This is because: In the Bible it says ‘B_______ are the p_____m_______’. Jesus said you should ‘turn the o_____ c______’ and do not retaliate/fight back with v_________. Some Christians think it is o____ to fight in j____ w____ because this has a______ been the Churches teaching. They think this because: St P___ said Christians have to obey the orders of the g__________ so Christians should fight in a just war if ordered to by the government. J_____ never c_________ the soldiers he met, and even h_____ a Roman soldier. We need a police force to protect innocent people against c________, therefore we need a______ f______ to protect innocent states against criminal ones.
Islamic attitudes to just war Muslims believe in p____, but Islam teaches that if the f____ is attacked M_______ must fight a j____ war in a just ____ (j______) because it is taught in God’s words in the Qur’an. All Muslims should fight in just wars because: The ___’__ says Muslims should fight in j____ w____ and the Qur’an is the w____ of ____. M________ fought in wars, and he is the p______ example of a h______. The Qur’an says if you die f_______ in a just war you will go straight to p________. Some Muslims e.g. the M_______ P_____ f_________, think no modern war can be just because weapons today are too good.
Christian attitudes to bullying Christians are against bullying because: Christians should protect the innocent. Using violence without a just cause is sinful. Jesus said ‘Love your neighbour’. Jesus said ‘Do unto others as you would have them do to you’. The Golden Rule. In the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats Jesus taught that you should help others.
Islamic attitudes to bullying Muslims are against bullying because: They should protect the weak and innocent. Using violence without a just cause is sinful. Islam teaches that all Muslims are members of the worldwide brotherhood. This is called the Ummah. Muhammad said ‘every Muslims is a brother to every other Muslim’ Islamic society is based on the law of mutual respect (respect for each other).
Christian attitudes to bullying Christians are a_______ b_______ because: Christians should protect the i________. Using violence without a j___ cause is s_____. Jesus said ‘L____ your n_________’. Jesus said ‘Do unto others as you w______ h____ them do to you’. The G______ R____. In the Parable of the S_____ and the G_____ Jesus taught that you should help others.
Islamic attitudes to bullying Muslims are against bullying because: They should protect the w____ and innocent. Using violence without a j____ c_____ is sinful. Islam teaches that all Muslims are members of the w_____w___ brotherhood. This is called the U____. Muhammad said ‘every Muslims is a b_______ to every other M______’ Islamic society is based on the law of mutual respect (r______ for each o______).
Religious conflicts within families Religion can cause conflicts (fights) within families when: children no longer want to take part in their parents religion this can make the parents worry that they will not spend the afterlife (heaven) together. When children want to marry a partner from a different faith it can cause arguments over the ceremony. When children become more religious than their parents this can cause problems because they might be upset with the way their parents live. e.g. if a Muslim’s parents ran an off- license. It may cause disagreements over moral issues, for instance if a Roman Catholic Christian decides to get a divorce to marry somebody else.
Christian teachings on forgiveness and reconciliation Christians believe in forgiveness and reconciliation. This is because: Jesus said if people don’t forgive, then God will not forgive them. St Paul said that people should live in peace with one another. In order to do this, forgiveness is essential (extremely important). All Churches teaches that Christians should forgive. Jesus died on the cross to bring about forgiveness and reconciliation. Humans should also forgive as long as people repent.
When is forgiveness is not right for Christians: A Christian should only forgive if someone has truly repented. Christians believe that a conflict about a moral or religious issue would not be able to be resolved, e.g. if parents argued that a Roman Catholic son should not become a priest. Other issues might involve abortion or homosexuality.
Islamic teachings on forgiveness and reconciliation Muslims should forgive others because: God forgives people The Quran says Muslims should forgive others. There are Hadith saying Muslims should forgive others. On the Day of Judgement God will judge everyone, so Muslims need to forgive others to ensure they go to Paradise and not Hell.
Religious conflicts within families Religion can cause c______ (fights) within families when; children no longer want to t___ p____ in their parents religion this can make the parents worry that they will not spend the a____l____ (heaven) together. When children want to m______ a partner from a different f_____ it can cause a_________ over the c________. When children become more r_______ than their parents this can cause problems because they might be upset with the way their parents live. e.g. if a M______’s parents ran an ___- l________. It may cause disagreements over m_____ i_____, for instance if a Roman C_______ Christian decides to get a d_______ to marry somebody else.
Christian teachings on forgiveness and reconciliation Christians believe in f________ and r_________ (making things better, accepting what has happened and m______ on). This is because: J_____ said if people don’t f______, then G__ will not f________ t_____. St P____ said that people should live in p_____ with one another. In order to do this, forgiveness is essential (e_________ i________). A__ C_______ teaches that Christians should f______. Jesus died on the cross to bring about f__________ and r___________. Humans should also forgive as long as people r______.
When is forgiveness is not right for Christians: A Christian should only forgive if someone has truly r________. Christians believe that a c_____ about a moral or r_______ issue would not be able to be resolved, e.g. if parents argued that a R_____ C_______ son should not become a p_____. Other issues might involve a_______ or h__________.
Islamic teachings on forgiveness and reconciliation Muslims should f_______ others because: G___ forgives p_______ The Q__’__ says M______ should forgive others. There are H_____ saying Muslims should forgive others. On the D__ of J________ God will judge everyone, so Muslims need to forgive others to ensure they go to P________ and not H___.
Gap New topic Religion: crime and punishment
The need for law and justice We need laws and justice because: Humans live in groups, and groups need rules. We need laws to protect people’s earnings when they work hard We need laws to protect weak members of the society. We need laws to keep things organised. We need laws so that we all know what behaviour to expect from each other.
Theories of punishment Retribution is the belief that criminals should pay for their crime. It makes them suffer for what they have done wrong. Deterrence is the theory that the punishment should be harsh enough to put people off committing the crime. They believe you might be less likely to murder if you knew you would lose your own life. Reform is the belief that punishments should re-educate criminals so that they do not commit more crimes. Protection is the belief that the criminal should be separated from society, e.g. in prison, to protect other people.
The need for law and justice We need laws and j________ because: H______ live in g_____, and groups need r_____. We need laws to p_____ people’s e_______ when they work hard We need laws to protect w_____ members of the s________. We need laws to keep things o__________. We need laws so that we all know what b________ to expect from e____ o______.
Theories of punishment R________ is the belief that criminals should pay for their crime. It makes them s_____ for what they have done w______. D________ is the theory that the punishment should be h______ enough to put people o__ committing the c_____. They believe you might be l____ l______ to murder if you knew you would l____ your own life. R_____ is the belief that punishments should re-e______ criminals so that they do not c______ more c______. P_________ is the belief that the c_______ should be separated from s______, e.g. in p______, to protect other p_______.
Why justice is important for Christians The Bible says that God will reward or punish people in the after life. There are lots of teachings from Jesus which teach people about the idea of equality. The World Council of Churches Assembly said people should promote justice (reward the good and punish the bad). The Christian Churches started the Jubilee 2000 campaign which tried to get rich governments to write off the debts of poor governments.
Why justice is important for Muslims The Qur’an says God is just. The Qur’an says that Muslims should treat people fairly. Muslims believe that it is part of their role as stewards of the earth to make sure that people are treated fairly. The Shari’ah is based on justice for everyone with everyone being treated equally. Islam says you shouldn’t charge interest because it takes money from the poor and gives it to the rich. Islam says all people have equal rights in the law. One of the five pillars of Islam is Zakah, which says Muslims have to give a portion of their wealth to charity every year to help people.
Why justice is important for Christians The B_____ says that G___ will r______ or p______ people in the after life. There are lots of teachings from Jesus which t______ people about the idea of e_______. The W_____ C______ of C_______ Assembly said people should promote justice (reward the good and punish the bad). The Christian Churches started the Jubilee 2000 campaign which tried to get r____ g_________ to write off the d____ of p_____ governments.
Why justice is important for Muslims The Q__’__ says God is j____. The Qur’an says that M_______ should treat people f_____. Muslims believe that it is part of their r____ as s_______ of the earth to make sure that people are treated f______. The S_____’__ is based on j______ for everyone with everyone being treated equally. Islam says you shouldn’t c______ i________ because it takes money from the p____ and gives it to the r____. Islam says all people have e____ r______ in the l___. One of the f_____ p______ of Islam is Zakah, which says Muslims have to give a portion of their wealth to c______ every year to help people.
Capital punishment Some people support capital punishment. This is because: It is a deterrent. It is also retribution for taking a life. Murders and terrorists are a big threat to society and therefore should be removed. The state won’t need to use peoples taxes to keep someone in jail for life. Some people are against capital punishment, this is because: If there is new evidence that clears the criminal, it will be too late if he is dead. Statistics from Canada (no death penalty) and America (the death penalty) show that it doesn’t reduce the number of murders.
Christian attitudes to capital punishment Some Christians do not support capital punishment because: Christianity is based on the belief that Jesus came to reform/save sinners. Criminals should have a chance to reform. Jesus said ‘An eye for an eye’ is not for Christians, they should turn the other cheek. Christianity says that all human life is sacred (it is holy and belongs to God). Other Christians think capital punishment is okay. This is because: The Old Testament of the Bible says and ‘eye for an eye’ if a life is taken it must be paid for with a life. The Catholic Church and the Church of England have supported capital punishment in the past. They have not changed the statements they made.
Islamic attitudes to capital punishment Islam says capital punishment is okay for murder, adultery and apostasy (working against/denying Islam). The Qur’an says it is okay, and the Qur’an is the word of God. Muhammad sentenced people to death when he was the ruler of Madinah. Muslims should follow Muhammad’s example because he is the perfect human. Some Muslims disagree with capital punishment, because even though the Qur’an says it is okay to use capital punishment it isn’t compulsory (it doesn’t have to happen). The Shari’ah says that the family of a murder victim can accept blood money instead of the murderer being killed.
Capital punishment Some people support c_____ p________. This is because: It is a d_______. It is also r__________ for taking a life. Murders and terrorists are a big threat to society and therefore should be r______. The state won’t need to use peoples t______ to keep someone in j____ for life. Some people are a_______ c_______ punishment, this is because: If there is new evidence that c_____ the c________, it will be t__ l____ if he is dead. Statistics from C_____ (no death penalty) and A______ (the death penalty) show that it doesn’t r______ the number of m_______.
Christian attitudes to capital punishment Some Christians do not support capital punishment because: Christianity is based on the b_____ that J______ came to reform/save s______. Criminals should have a c_______ to reform. Jesus said ‘An ___ for an ____’ is ___ for C______, they should turn the other c______. Christianity says that all human life is s______ (it is holy and belongs to God). Other Christians think capital punishment is okay. This is because: The O__ T_______ of the Bible says and ‘___ for an ____’ if a life is taken it must be p___ for with a l____. The C_______ Church and the C______ of E_______ have supported capital punishment in the p____. They have not changed the s__________ they m____.
Islamic attitudes to capital punishment Islam says capital punishment is okay for m______, a_______ and ap______ (working against/denying I____). The Qur’an says it is okay, and the Qur’an is the w____ of ____. M________ sentenced people to d_____ when he was the ruler of M_______. Muslims should follow Muhammad’s example because he is the p_____ human. Some Muslims disagree with capital punishment, because even though the Q__’__ says it is okay to use capital punishment it isn’t c_________ (it doesn’t have to happen). The Sh____’__ says that the family of a murder victim can accept b_____ m______ instead of the murderer being k_____.
The laws on drugs and alcohol It is illegal to sell tobacco to anyone under the age of 18. All tobacco packets have health warnings It is illegal to give an alcoholic drink to anyone under 5. At the age of sixteen you are allowed one unit of alcohol with a meal. You have to be over 18 to buy alcohol. There are three categories of drugs. The highest is A (e.g. heroin), the middle is B (e.g. cannabis) and the third is C (e.g. some pain killers). Class A drugs carry the longest prison sentence. Ketamine has been moved from a class C drug to a class B drug.
Social problems caused by drugs and alcohol Smoking increases the risk of at least 50 diseases, e.g. lung cancer. Drinking causes health problems such as liver disease. Drugs can cause both physical and psychological illness. Social problems include watching family members suffer, increase in crime rates and violence.
Attitudes to drugs and alcohol in Christianity All Christians are against illegal drug use because: They should obey the law St Paul taught the body is a temple It can affect the way your brain works and stop you from worshipping God It affects communities through crime and bad behaviour Most Christians accept a moderate use of alcohol: Jesus’ first miracle was to turn water into wine Wine is used as part of the communion service (Mass, Eucharist) Some Christians, e.g. members of the Salvation Army do not drink alcohol because: St Paul taught the body is a temple They are concerned about the health and social affects In the Bible there are examples of drunkenness bringing shame to peoples family (e.g. Noah).
Attitudes to drugs and alcohol in Islam Alcohol are drugs are banned by Islam. In Surah 5:93-94 the Quran says they are a way of keeping people away from God. The prophet Muhammad said every intoxicant is a khamr. All khamrs are forbidden to Muslims. Muhammad said ‘Do not harm yourselves or others’ Muhammad said they should not drink or sell alcohol. Tobacco is seen as haram. This means it is frowned upon, rather than banned.
The laws on drugs and alcohol It is illegal to sell t______ to anyone under the age of 18. All tobacco packets have h_____ w_______ It is illegal to give an alcoholic drink to anyone under _. At the age of s______ you are allowed one unit of alcohol with a m____. You have to be over __ to buy alcohol. There are ______ categories of drugs. The highest is A (e.g. h_____), the middle is B (e.g. c______) and the third is C (e.g. some pain killers). Class A drugs carry the longest prison sentence. K_______ has been moved from a class C drug to a class _ drug.
Social problems caused by drugs and alcohol Smoking increases the risk of at least __ diseases, e.g. l____ c______. Drinking causes health problems such as l_____ d________. Drugs can cause both p_______ and p_________ illness. Social problems include watching family members s______, increase in crime rates and v________.
Attitudes to drugs and alcohol in Christianity All Christians are against i_______ drug use because: They should obey the ____ St P_____ taught the body is a t_________ It can affect the way your b______ works and stop you from worshipping ___ It affects communities through c_____ and bad b__________ Most Christians accept a m___________ use of alcohol: Jesus’ first miracle was to turn w______ into w_____ Wine is used as part of the c__________ s_______ (Mass, Eucharist) Some Christians, e.g. members of the S________ A____ do not drink alcohol because: St P____ taught the body is a t________ They are concerned about the h______ and s______ affects In the Bible there are examples of d___________ bringing s______ to peoples family (e.g. N_____).
Attitudes to drugs and alcohol in Islam Alcohol are drugs are b______ by Islam. In Surah 5:93-94 the Quran says they are a way of k_______ people a____ from _____. The prophet M__________ said every intoxicant is a khamr. All khamrs are forbidden to Muslims. Muhammad said ‘Do not harm y_________ or o______’ Muhammad said they should not d_____ or s___ alcohol. Tobacco is seen as h_____. This means it is frowned upon, rather than banned.