Thornhill School News Issue 30 News from Miss Clark News from Mrs Colley SCHOOLSCHOOL This Week - 20 th May After half term:3 rd June News from Mrs Figes Attendance- week beginning 13th May: 97.7% (class1 – 98.2% class %) 1 Late entry in KS1 Friday 24th May. On Tuesday this week, the local Community Group came into school to do some planting with Key Stage Two. Several hundred pots were planted up and we can’t wait for the results! Please note: It is half term from 27th May-31st May. Sports Day ( weather permitting) June 14 1:30pm Summer fundraising event June 14 2:30pm Wed- Netball Tournament Thurs- School Photographs/ swimming Fri – Non Uniform Day Sophie McCabe from WLA visits to speak to Year 6. All school clubs are running as normal: Talent Show from 4.30 at Youth Club If you have any swimming arm bands you don’t want can you please donate these to school? Mon- Sport’s Club Tues- Mrs Temple out (3 days) No Netball club Thurs- Swimming Fri- Youth Club :Father’s Day crafts We have been looking at extremes in nature this week: following the devastating tornado in Oklahoma, this is apt. We have looked at how tsunamis are formed and the effect they have on the populations living near earthquake zones. We have also looked at how flooding effects the UK, including the catastrophic flooding in West Cumbria in Alongside this we have explored volcanoes- how and why they erupt. This week the children have been thinking about doubling, tripling and quadrupling numbers. They have looked at animal life cycles and a healthy diet. In Art we have been learning how to draw cartoons in particular different kinds of cartoon eyes. The children have drawn their own cartoon villains in different poses and learnt how hard it was to keep their drawings consistent. The Year 2s have finally finished their SATs and Miss Clark is very pleased with how hard they have tried – well done. We have spent the rest of this week finishing our topic on Gardens. We have looked at sensory gardens and had a go at designing our own. Enjoy the half term break.
Class Photographs On Thursday 23 rd May a photographer came to school to take class photographs of the children. As usual there will be no obligation to buy them. School Uniform May I remind you that Thornhill Primary School has a ‘School Uniform Policy’ in place. This policy is to try and provide a smart and consistent image of the school and its pupils. The uniform consists of grey trousers, skirt, white polo shirt, navy sweatshirt and plain black shoes. Can you please ensure your child comes to School in the correct uniform. Parent View In order to help OFSTED measure how successful schools are, they are looking for more parents to contribute to parent view. This anonymous survey is completed online and allows Ofsted to have an indication of parental feeling. Mrs Figes and the staff would be grateful if you could spare the time to complete this survey so that we can serve you better. If you would like more information, it is available in the office. School club information: Please note: Lego club will no longer be available for pupils Years 5 and 6, unless accompanied by an adult. Pupils in Reception and Years 1-4 are still encouraged to come to this popular club on Thursdays at 3pm. A Cinema club will be running on Wednesdays after half term. The club, organised by Miss Gregg, will show movies until 4pm. There will be drinks and snacks available to buy. A letter has gone home for you to sign to agree to us showing PG rated films during this time. Dates for your diary: Our annual Sports Day will take place on the school field on Friday 14 th June at 1:30pm. If the weather is wet or the grass is slippery we may need to reschedule at short notice. Our Summer fete will take place after Sports Day on Friday 14 th June. If Sports Day is cancelled, this will still go ahead. All the usual stalls will be present and plenty of food and drink. Please support this afternoon as all funds go to Friends of school, this money subsidises school visits and purchases equipment. School Curriculum Open day on Wednesday June26th. The school will be open all day for parents, grandparents, neighbours and friends to come, see and take part in lessons alongside our pupils. BBQ and Bingo Wednesday 26 th June. Please come to our BBQ or Bingo or both events which we are holding to raise money for the Friends of school. No need to pre-order tickets for this event, just turn up. At the same time there will be a sweetie stall, colouring competition and raffle. The BBQ starts at 4.30pm and the Bingo at 5.30pm. Wednesday 3 rd July is taster day. Our Year 6 pupils will have the day at their new Secondary schools and those left behind will spend a school day in the classes that they will be in from September. Monday 8 th July is Parent Consultation day. This will follow the sending home of school reports on July 5 th. You will receive details about his nearer the time. The annual school trip is on Friday July 12 th. The children should all be back to school by 3pm but will need a packed lunch.