Maths in Key Stage One
Solid knowledge of the basics Number bonds to 10, 20 and = 20 Subtraction facts from 10, 20 and – 40 = 60 Counting forwards and backwards in different steps, starting on different numbers. They need rapid recall of these facts!
Timestables By the end of KS1 they need to know 2, 5, 10s, 3s and 4s. New Curriculum - Up to x12 Need to be able to count in these numbers, say the table in order and out of order. Know the inverse (division fact) 3x4=12 4x3=12 12 divided by 3 = 4 12 divided by 4 = 3 Rapid recall
How can we practise at home? Songs/chants Interactive games/activities (iPads, computers) Pairs – matching the question to the answer. Grids Bingo Little and often!
Missing Numbers Children become used to always finding the equals = Practise questions where the missing number is in a different place. + 5 = 94 + = 9 Or even change where the = is so they understand the role of equals. = 4 + 5
Mental Arithmetic Having strategies to solve questions mentally = Having quick strategies: 23 – 19 = The use of partitioning: = Talk a bout the methods you would use.
Calculation Policy Available on the website (School Info – Curriculum – Maths) Section for each operation. Consistent use of the same methods in school and at home benefit the child.
Resources Practical resources help your child’s understanding. In school we use: NumiconDienes (Base 10) Cubes Number squaresBead strings We also use pictorial representations of these resources
What can we use at home? Pasta – all the same. Buttons/counters (Be careful of colours) Toys (Lego men/cuddly toys) Draw a number line. For money work – use real coins so children can familiarise themselves with them. Fingers
Real Life Maths It is important for children to see maths in everyday life (gives a purpose to it) Going to the shop – counting out the correct money and checking change. Spotting shapes in the environment. Telling the time – how long until…? How long were we at the park for? How many black cars are there in the carpark? If there are 4 swings and 10 children, how many children will have to wait for a swing?
Using and Applying
The Puzzling Sweet Shop Rosie went into the sweet shop with 10 p to spend. There were chews for 2 p, mini eggs for 3 p, Chocko bars for 5 p and lollypops for 7 p. What could she buy if she wanted to spend all her money? Alice, James, Katie and Henry went into the shop too. They each had 20 p to spend and they all spent all of their money. Alice bought at least one of each kind of sweet. Which one did she have two of? James spent his money on just one kind of sweet, but he does not like chews. Which sweets did he buy? Katie bought the same number of sweets as James but she had 3 different kinds. Which sweets did she buy? Henry chose 8 sweets. What could he have bought ?
Any questions?