The Early Years Designated Safeguarding Leads Programme has been designed to correspond with the following priority from the Early Years Training Strategy : 6. Create a clear training pathway to enable Early Years Designated Safeguarding Leads to be confident and competent in their role to lead on safeguarding practice including Early Help processes and using the Signs of Safety and Wellbeing approach. The role of the Early Years Designated Safeguarding Lead (EYDSL) is diverse and demands an wide-ranging set of skills. These have been identified and cross referenced using the requirements within the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2014 and Competence Still Matters: Safeguarding Training Guidance It is clearly evident from monitoring undertaken that EYDSL have not been attending multi agency training recommended to them as a progression pathway on the current one day course Safeguarding children - For designated early years safeguarding leads. Although there are barriers to accessing other multi agency training courses, such as time, event fees and staff cover costs, trainers have also noted that knowledge of child protection and safeguarding processes varies considerably and that there are always staff who are newly assigned to the role within their respective organisations. The overarching concern is that EYDSL do not necessarily have the skills to cope with their role. In order to address this, I have planned a comprehensive training programme which responds to all of the areas of competence using an accessible blended approach to learning. It is envisaged that a cohort group of learners will undertake the programme over a three month period and that the first cohort will begin in September Early Years Designated Safeguarding Leads Training Programme: Rationale
Training should develop knowledge and skills for practitioners to understand thresholds, supervision requirements, effective record keeping, risk, referral systems and to develop effective communication skills with all stakeholders and partners. Kingston University : Institute for Child Centred Interprofessional Practice (ICCP) A Study to Investigate the Barriers to Learning from Serious Case Reviews and Identify ways of Overcoming these Barriers, July 2014
Component Modules Module 1: Child protection recognition, referral & assessment Module 2: Safeguarding management systems Module 3: Who to informModule 4: How to help Module 5: Developing best practice EYFS Welfare Requirements Signs & symptoms; Acting on concerns; Vulnerable groups ; Professional roles & tasks Safer recruitment; Record keeping; Complaints; Staff conduct; Policy & procedures; EYFS Liaising with statutory services and the WSCB; LADO; MASH; Ofsted Multi-agency working; EHA; Needs analysis; Action planning; Goal setting; TAC Support, guidance & supervision; Induction & training Competence Still Matters Definitions of child abuse; child development; signs and symptoms Staff conduct; Awareness of safeguarding procedures; Who to inform; Allegations Assessment if needs; Documentation & recording concerns; Making referrals Engaging children & families; Family history & functioning; Parenting ; Assessment Promoting effective professional practice Early Years Designated Safeguarding Leads Training Programme: Linking modules to guidance A total of 24.5 hours of blended learning over 3 months
ModuleEvent title Delivery method Estimated completion time 1 Child protection recognition, referral and assessment Child Protection awareness recognition and referralClassroom 3 hrs Recognising Abuse and Neglect – ScenariosOnline 30 mins 2 Safeguarding management systems Introducing safeguarding responsibilities for Early Years Designated Safeguarding Leads Classroom 2 hrs Safer recruitmentOnline 2 hrs SOAP: Introducing Safeguarding – A Practical ProgrammeOnline 6 hrs 3 Who to inform Referring Safeguarding Concerns Online 30 mins Responding to a Disclosure – what should you do?Online 30 mins Child Protection Process and ProceduresOnline 30 mins 4 How to help Introducing Signs of Safety and WellbeingOnline 30 mins Signs of Safety and Wellbeing multi-agency partner trainingClassroom 3 hrs 5 Developing best practice How to promote good safeguarding practice in your settingClassroom 6 hrs (3 x 2hrs) Total hours 24.5 hrs Early Years Designated Safeguarding Leads Training Programme: Module framework