Key Themes for `Safeguarders’ Front and centre of our 24/7 media world Growing expectations that all organisations will be have the right and effective arrangements in place, not just the bigger ones Online abuse and sexual exploitation continue to be enduring themes Reported abuse incidents continue to rise, and known and unknown unknown’s Abuse against vulnerable adults has more prominence Overload and insufficient capacity remain challenges The state has, in some respects, less control than ever Managing risk is as critical – managing the business of safeguarding
What is Safe Network? Partnership between Children England and NSPCC Funded by DfE, launched June 2009 Safeguarding resources developed by and for the VCS, including core standards We can have up to 80,000 unique visitors to our website each month 175,000 resources downloaded since launch Over 20,000 groups & individuals already registered Standards increasingly endorsed by LSCBs for use in commissioning & Section 11 audits
Work to common standards, and share learning and experience between organisations Avoid reinventing good practice and failing to recognizing and acknowledge poor practice Enables them to be confident, authoritative and critically proportionate Embrace the changes needed to effectively needed to safeguard children and young people without the extensive support from the state. Safe Network: Outcomes Those Local Authorities and LSCBs that Safe Network has worked with at the local level report a range of positive outcomes. These include: 1.An ability to provide greater clarity for the third sector about safeguarding and about local expectations of good practice standards; 2.An increased capacity to support good safeguarding practice within the third sector; 3.An improved level and/or quality of engagement with local third sector organisations. Safe Network: Impact
6 Working Together 2013 Ch 2, paragraph 4 All organisations providing services for children, parents or families, or work with children, should have in place: Safeguarding and Promoting Children’s Welfare Senior board level/ management commitment to safeguarding Clear lines of accountability for safeguarding arrangements Effective recruitment, selection and contractual procedures including safeguarding checks Procedures for dealing with allegations against staff / volunteers Whistle blowing procedures and culture which encourages sharing of concerns Designated professional lead for safeguarding Culture of listening to and consulting with children Arrangements to work with other organisations including information sharing staff /volunteer training, supervision appraisal and support Safeguarding policies and procedures including child protection policy Requirement to refer to DBS and LADO
Safe Network Standards What do they cover? Safer staff and volunteers Child protection Preventing and responding to bullying Avoiding accidents and running safe activities and events …and Why Quality standard resource Widely recognised by LSCBs, commissioners and funders Compliance with statutory guidance Versatile, virtual and very confidential assessment process and resources
The self-assessment tool
And Safe Network offers a range of additional resources, often in partnership that address Online Safety Disclosure and Barring Trustees Volunteers and first time entrants Quality Assurance
A new local roles complemented by national support All current Safe Network Champions are now Ambassadors Ambassadors will focus on providing local signposting to Safe Network’s website and resources Some Ambassadors will deliver training using a wider range of resources and products The exact nature of delivery - the who and how will be developed individually in partnership with the Regional Development Managers A new model of reach
Business as usual – website, e-newsletters, Regional Network Meetings Updates – Keeping our Children Safe BME resource, Standards & Standards Xtra 2015 New developments – VCS Designated Safeguarding Officer blended learning course, Safe Network training, Multi-Faith Hub, Our Responsibility Safeguarding Vulnerable Young Adults standards resource and piloting Safeguarding Peer Reviews Working with partners – CAPT, Safer Internet UK, SW LDPs and Ambassadors More details via the e-newsletter, strategic bulletin and website Safe Network: 2014 – 15
The current DfE Safeguarding network contract ceases at the end of March 2015 as planned.DfE are clear that there is nothing in their 2015/16 budget to fund Safe Network activity Increased need to secure alternative funding streams – we are facing the same challenges as many other VCS services Children England and NSPCC currently scoping options including: Corporate sponsors Income through the sale of resources / services Fundraising Scoping on a subscription model demonstrated the challenges this approach could have, including fewer groups accessing resources, affordability for members and set up / running costs Safe Network: 2015 and beyond