PDA Promoting Excellence in Dementia Skilled Practice Embedding the Course
Rationale The PDA promoting excellence in dementia skilled practice was developed in response to the Promoting Excellence Framework. The aims of this award are to provide current, up to date information and meet the current demands of the National Occupational Standards (NOS) of dementia care. This course is aimed at skilled practice level which sets out the knowledge and skills required by all frontline staff who have direct and/or substantial contact with people with dementia and their families and carers.
Brief To develop 10 learning sessions of approximately one hour to focus on the key learning outcomes of the PDA promoting excellence in dementia skilled practice.
Focus The key outcomes of the two HN Units that make up the PDA. The knowledge evidence for the SVQ unit, Support Individuals to identify and promote their own health and social well-being. Sessions are structured to take between 1–1.5 hours
Overview Promoting Quality of Life in Dementia Skilled Practice Sessions 1–5 include the topics relevant to the first module Promoting Relationships and Networks through Dementia Skilled Practice. Sessions 6–10 covered the key information relevant to the second module Each session has a range of reading/activities and online resources Each session links to the curriculum for excellence framework.
Resources Students should have access to the Dementia Skilled – Improving Practice Learning Resource (NES, SSSC) There are other relevant weblinks/government documents/videolinks to offer a range of sources for learning
Structure Each learning session is in PDF format Clearly identified resources required Suggestions for variation and extended learning opportunities A step by step process Links in each session to relevant assignments Links to SVQ knowledge evidence
Session breakdown 1–5 Session 1: What is dementia? Session 2: Introduction to National Strategy for Dementia Care Session 3: The impact of dementia on physical well being Session 4: Effects of dementia on emotional and psychological wellbeing Session 5: Person centred Care
Session breakdown 6–10 Session 6: Pain/end of life planning/anticipatory care/palliative care Session 7: The effects of dementia on communication skills/communications skills/methods/strategies Session 8: Safeguarding and protection legislation and policies/categories of abuse Session 9: Risk enablement Session 10: support services and networks