Serious Games for Inclusion Stefan Schürz Brussels, 13 th of June 2013
Who is „LIFEtool“? 50% 100%
LIFEtool Non profit organisation with 5 consulting centers in Austria Research and developement competency
LIFEtool Software
What makes our software special? Visual Design Accoustic Design Settings & Options Motoric Requirements
Visual Design Clear grafics and writings Big buttons (Touchscreen) Clear screen layout Attractive and motivating appearance Only distractors which are necessary „Less is more“ Only little special effects Exercises, feedback and help also visual
Accoustic Design „Less is more“ Overall impression should be „quiet“ But: motivating Adjustable Effects should not distract Effects should not scare Exercises, feedback and help also verbal
Settings & Options Powerful but not complicate Level fine adjustable „Learning in small steps“ Usermanager Saved Results An editor for adding personalized content is often included
Motoric Requirements Big cursor Big objects All inputs accessible by just one click Scanning
Examples of Serious Games
Play With Me A collection of entertaining animation games Can be operated with one switch or two switches The possibility to play together with another person
Wheel Sim Helps to gain the ability to operate a powered wheelchair via a dynamic joystick or similar input devices using the means of computer simulation Is used as wheelchair fitting decision-making tool Easy-to-use 3D dexterity, coordination and racing game
Puzzle World A collection of well-known puzzle games Primarily designed for children who are not capable of handling regular puzzles e.g. due to physical impairments Adaptability of puzzles by using own graphical material
Switch Trainer Program for learning how to handle 2 switches in computer operation Designed for physically impaired children with or without a learning disability Offers a variety of options to learn and practice
" Man is only a fully human being when he plays " Friedrich Schiller in his letters "On the Aesthetic Education of Man"