5-7 pages (not including title page and works cited page)
Cover Page Title of Paper Title of Paper = Thesis Question Your Name Due Date Period
Introduction Introduce your general topic (Vietnam, Civil Rights, McCarthyism, etc.) The last sentence(s) of your introductory paragraph will be your thesis statement Your thesis statement answers your thesis question with 3 examples. You will later go into detail about your examples with cited research (each example should be about 1 – 1 ½ pages and this will be the main body of your paper)
The Body After the intro, you need to go back to your thesis statement Take the examples you used in it and go into more detail This is what you should research and what you need to cite! Format is similar to an English essay, but reversed: Commentary Concrete Detail (this is your research)
Citation If you do not quote or cite any research your grade will automatically go down to a D!!!!! Use the MLA style for your citation Example: “The nurses of World War II contributed much to the care of the wounded, the morale of the fighting men, and the development of nursing as a profession” (Beretta 26). In this statement, “Beretta” refers to the author and 26 refers to the page number. If you have another quote from the same source before another source is used, simply put the page number in parentheses: (28). Also, always remember to put the period AFTER the parentheses! If you use a quote form the Internet, you need to put the author’s name of the site, and the URL of the general site Example: “Blah Blah Blah” (historychannel.com).
Conclusion End your paper with a final paragraph that sums up everything you’ve already written about Try not to be too repetitive, but you also don’t want to mention new information that you could have included in the body of your paper Make sure you have tied in your thesis statement with you conclusion
Works Cited This page is for only the material you quoted In alphabetical order, last name of author first, you give the bibliographical information of the book/source Refer to your MLA Handbook for more detail on how to do this (if you don’t have a book, see your English teacher) or see me with specific questions There are many websites out there (i.e. easybib.com) that format it for you!
Refrain from using… “According to Webster’s Dictionary…” “In my opinion…” “In conclusion…” “I believe that…” Remember, this is your paper; write it like you know the topic inside and out!!
Don’t Forget… You need to submit this to me AND turnitin.com Use size 12 Times New Roman Font and don’t mess with the margins! Also don’t put an extra space in between paragraphs!!! Put page numbers either on the upper right hand of each page or center on the bottom of each page 5-7 pages