Photosynthesis/Respiratio n Project By Julianna Salanoa Period 1
Table of Contents Photosynthesis; What?...3 Photosynthesis; Where?...4 Photosynthesis; Who & When?...5,6,7,8 Cellular Respiration; What?...9 Cellular Respiration; Where?...10 Cellular Respiration; Who & When?...11,12,13 Compare/Contrast...14,15,16,17,18
Table of Contents Scientific Method...19,20,21,22,23, & 24 Myth/Odd Facts Photosynthesis...25 & 26 Myths/Odds Facts Respiration...27 Energy Transfer Photosynthesis...28 & 29 Energy Transfer Respiration...30, 31, & 32 Carbohydrate Fermentation...33,34, & 35 Audio Display...36 Bibliography...37
Photosynthesis ; What? ❖ Process of converting light energy from the sun into sugars. ❖ Occurs in plants and some algae.
Photosynthesis ; Where? ❖ Takes place in the chloroplast of a plant cell using green pigments called chlorophyll.
Photosynthesis; Who & When? ❖ Jan Baptista van Helmont was a Flemish scientist who discovered a theory on photosynthesis in the 1600’s.
Photosynthesis; Who & When? ❖ John Woodward, a professor at Cambridge created a test to prove the previous theory in the late 1600’s.
Photosynthesis; Who & When? ❖ Joseph Priestley an English chemist, had proved in 1771 that plants changed the composition of air.
Photosynthesis; Who & When? ❖ Jan Ingenhousz took the previous work from past scientist to prove that photosynthesis did exist in the year 1779.
Cellular Respiration; What? ❖ A process in which the energy in glucose is transferred to ATP. ❖ Cells use ATP to supply their energy needs.
Cellular Respiration; Where? ❖ Cellular respiration takes place in the inner membrane of the organelle mitochondria.
Cellular Respiration; Who & When? ❖ Han Krebs was the first scientist to figure out a cycle of cellular respiration called the citric acid cycle.
Cellular Respiration; Who & When? ❖ Claude Bernard, a French physiologist, invented a medical attribute to further extend the discovery of cellular respiration.
Cellular Respiration; Who & When? ❖ Otto Heinrich Warburg was an awarded scientist by the Nobel Prize who discovered the nature of respiratory enzymes in ❖ He continued his research and earned another award in 1937.
Compare/Contrast ❖ Photosynthesis is a process that “deposits” energy. ❖ Respiration “withdraws” from energy.
Compare/Contrast ❖ Photosynthesis light reactions require light, dark reactions do not. ❖ Cellular respiration can be done in either light or dark.
Compare/Contrast ❖ Photosynthesis uses the energy made during the light reactions to make glucose.
Compare/Contrast ❖ Cellular respiration breaks down complex carbs into sugars. ❖ Cell’s can generate chemical energy into ATP from (about) any source.
Scientific Method Question; How does the amount of light affect the growth of a plant? Hypothesis; The more light that a plant receives, the better growth it will have because the plant will use photosynthesis to produce glucose more efficiently.
Scientific Method Procedure; ●Use three plant pots that are all the same size and fill them up with the same soil (compost). ●Use three of the same seeds and plant one of each in the three pots. ●Put one plant directly in an area where it will receive sunlight for the whole day and label it Plant One.
Scientific Method Procedure; ●Put the next plant in an area where it will only receive half the amount of Plant One, and label this plant Plant Two. ●Put the last plant in no light and label it Plant Three. ●Water them all with half a cup every three days and record observations and/or any changes in plant growth. ●Water and record them for two weeks.
Scientific Method Procedure; ●Repeat all steps until now two more times as Trial 2 and Trial 3. ●Answer the question and prove the process of photosynthesis through the scientific method.
Scientific Method Plant TypeTrial 1Trial 2Trial 3Average Plant One (high light) 6 inches7 inches 6.67 inches Plant Two (medium light) 5 ½ inches4 inches5 inches4.83 inches Plant Three (low light) 3 inches3 ½ inches2 ¾ inches2.92 inches
Scientific Method Conclusion; Photosynthesis does work because the more sunlight that the plant receives the more effective its’ growth will be. The plant with the most light grew to be an average of 6.67 inches. The plant with the least light only grew to be an average of 2.92 inches. The plant with the most light was 3.75 inches more than the plant with the least light proving that photosynthesis does exist and works the best with the most amount of light.
Myths/Odd Facts Photosynthesis ❖ In Greek ‘photo’ means light. ❖ ‘synthesis’ is making something or putting it together.
Myths/Odd Facts Photosynthesis ❖ Leaves on a plant are like solar panels. ❖ Special cells in which light is absorbed; palisade and spongy.
Myths/Odd Facts Respiration ❖ Deeper breathing helps you relax. ❖ There is no help needed to breathe. ❖ Good posture is valued to breathe better.
Energy Transfer Photosynthesis ❖ Formula; 6 CO H 2 O → 6(CH 2 O) + 6 O 2 ❖ Light energy from the sun is absorbed by the leaf.
Energy Transfer Photosynthesis ❖ Water and oxygen are absorbed. ❖ Electrons from water transfer into carbon dioxide molecules. ❖ Converts solar energy into chemical.
Energy Transfer Respiration ❖ Cells take in food molecules and break them down. ❖ Sugar is broken down into respired carbon dioxide gas.
Energy Transfer Respiration ❖ Hydrogen from the sugar forms water with oxygen to release another molecule called ATP. ❖ CH 2 O + O 2 -> CO 2 + H 2 O + energy
Energy Transfer Respiration ❖ Once ATP is made, the cell can efficiently use that energy to function.
Carbohydrate Fermentation Procedure ❖ Weigh and dissolve trypticase, Sodium chloride, and Phenol red in 100 ml distilled water are to be transferred into conical flasks. ❖ Add 0.5% to 1% of wanted amounts of carbohydrate into all flasks. ❖ Insert the Durham tubes into all tubes, the Durham tubes are to be fill to the top. ❖ Sterilize the tubes at C for only 15 minutes.
Carbohydrate Fermentation Procedure ❖ Important: Don’t overheat the Phenol red Carbohydrate fermentation broth. Overheating will cause the breakdown of the molecules and form unwanted compounds with a certain color and flavour. ❖ This process is called the caramelization of sugar. ❖ Transfer the sugar into screw capped tubes or fermentation tubes and label properly.
Carbohydrate Fermentation ❖ Purpose: to detect the ability that a microorganism has to ferment a certain carbohydrate.
Audio Display ❖ Cellular Respiration; yer_detailpage&v=3aZrkdzrd04 ❖ Photosynthesis Process; yer_detailpage&v=3aZrkdzrd04
Bibliography ❖ ❖ ❖ Biology(book) by Miller & Levine ❖ ❖ approach approach