Night – Research Paper Redo Opportunity Did your scores on this paper cause a little anxiety? They did for me, too. This is the first time you are writing an argument AND a research paper. However, from my noticings in the Computer Lab, not all of you spent that time wisely. The four literary analyses from January, on top of the numerous argument graphic organizers and MLA assistance along the way, would have served you very well. And your notebooks? How many of you are keeping an Interactive Notebook that has all of the tips and planning that I’ve given you? So... Because Mr. Parker and Ms. Shinkle value your LEARNING over your scores, we are offering a REDO opportunity. This was a Summative. And this will be the last Summative for which we ever offer a redo. But here are the rules...
You will have a firm due date for the REDO: Monday, February 22 nd (ODD) and Tuesday, February 23 rd (EVEN). [If you are in Costa Rica that week, your paper MUST be ed by Saturday, February 20 th. Please to You will not merely “rewrite” your paper. I will show you how the standards were broken down in order to assess your paper. You will write a reflection paper for each standard (five total). These do not need to be long reflections. Five to six sentences per standard are fine. I want you to answer: Did you give your ALL in the computer lab and in class? Now that you are revising your paper, what mistakes did you make on each standard? If you do believe you socialized in the lab, why? Do you think the expectations in high school will be higher? The remainder of the year is full-on high school prep! How do you plan to be successful in my class? If you are not keeping an Interactive Notebook, why? Along with your reflection paper, you MUST staple the old paper to the new one. We will not accept a redo without the original AND the reflection paper.
ARGUMENT! Where was your argument?All sources are used to support your argument. “In life, many people think religion and family never change. However,Make sure you are supporting your claim BEFORE as shown in...”taking down someone else’s claim. Claim and Counterclaim! “AlthoughLogical Reasoning! Do your statements... ALL OF THEM O’Leary mentions ____________, she... make sense? fails to state _____________.” ALL sources are used! Night, the Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech, the Mary O’Leary article, AND the article you found on EBSCO.
Strong introduction with a TAG:TRANSITIONS!!! In the memoir Night by Elie Wiesel,Transitions between Yellows Wiesel loses his faith over the course(Main Points) AND transitions of the narrative.between paragraphs. STRONG CONCLUSION! One – fourAll articles have a TAG when sentences do not make a introduce them. In the article “Wiesel Warns Against” ALL body paragraphs follow the full by Mary O’Leary, O’Leary GBYRRYRRYRRG format.writes...
DOMAIN VOCABULARY!!! Sound likeFigurative Language! However... do an expert... Not just someone whoyour similes and metaphors sound wants to finish a paper.appropriate for a paper on the Holocaust? No pop culture allusions, Rhetorical Techniques: Did you callno similes that are funny. This is a into question a writer’s ethos, logos,serious paper. Elements of voice need pathos? Did you use those rhetorical to dominate your paper. Just one techniques in your own writing?simile does not “cut it.”
VERY FEW State of Being Verbs!Let’s talk about verb tense. Historical (having NOTHING to do with Spelling... don’t trust that redthe memoir = past tense). For squiggly line! Read the paperexample, “Hitler’s plan to annihilate aloud to yourself or to someonethe Jews created an atmosphere of else. You can find many spellingof hatred.” (PAST TENSE) mistakes just by reading the paper From the memoir and articles = present out loud. Check your domaintense. For example, “Although Hungarian police vocabulary spelling! How many are not at Auschwitz, different ways are there to spellWiesel mentions they are the first group of people that “Kaballah” or even “Wiesel?”he begins to hate.” No more fragmented sentences.3 rd Person! No more “you,” “I,” “we,” “my,” “our,” etc.
All in-text citations are correct:TITLE! Night = (Wiesel, Night, 69). Speech = (Wiesel, “Nobel,” 122).Times New Roman, p. 12 font Article = (O’Leary 2). Article with no page number =Double-spaced!!! (Seidman n.p.). YOU MUST HAVE A WORKS CITED PAGE! If you have an entry on your Works Cited that you do not use in your paper, that affects your Ideas & Content score.
What Should I Do Now? Decide if you are going to do the redo. Follow all the rubric criteria AND points on this slide. Staple original paper to redo. Staple standard reflections to the packet, as well. FIRM DUE DATE: Monday, February 22 nd (ODD) and Tuesday, February 23 rd (EVEN)