Asia’s Physical Geography How have geographic factors influenced past decisions and events in Asia?
2 Satellite View
4 Unique qualities Largest continent 30% of the earth’s surface Over 4 billion in population
5 Asian Climate The climate in Asia ranges from Artic to tropical rainforest to desert.
6 Mountains in Asia The Himalayan Mountains Are the tallest Mountains in the world.
7 Terraced Hills in Asia a terrace is a hillside that has been cut into a series of steps, for the purposes of farming.
8 Yellow River – Western China Known as “the cradle of Chinese civilizati on”
9 The Yantzee River – Central China The Longest River in Asia 3 rd longest river in the world
10 Gobi Desert – Mongolia & Northern China One of the world’s largest cold deserts –Gobi is Mongolian for "waterless place"
Name________________________ Class___________ Label the countries outlined on the map and locate the following physical features: Himalayas, Tibetan Plateau, Gobi Desert, Arabian Desert, Arabian Sea, Sea of Japan, Yangtze River, Euphrates River, Tigris River, Ganges River, Indus River, Aral Sea, Caspian Sea, Gulf of Bengal, Persian Gulf, Indian Ocean