Intro to Asia Unit 6, Lesson 1
1.Grab your plicker cards. 2.Write down HW in your planner. 3.Answer the questions below. SWBAT describe the physical and human geography of Asia by analyzing graphs and maps. Numbers one through three are True/false statements. Answer using A or B. 1.Russia had more troops in WWI than in WWII. 2.The United Kingdom had over eight trillion troops in WWI. 3.Russia had more troops than all other countries for both wars.
Welcome to Asia! What do you know?
True and False Fast Facts 1.Asia is the largest continent in the world. 2.Asia has the tallest mountain in the world. 3.Asia has the largest desert in the world. 4.Asia has the longest river in the world. 5.Asia the worlds largest producer of tea. 6.More people live in Asia than any other continent. 7.Asia has the world largest city. 8.Asia has the worlds sparsest country. (Low population density)
Answers Revealed! 1.Asia is the largest continent in the world. 2.Asia has the tallest mountain in the world. 3.Asia has the largest desert in the world. 4.Asia has the longest river in the world. 5.Asia the worlds largest producer of tea. 6.More people live in Asia than any other continent. 7.Asia has the world largest city. 8.Asia has the worlds sparsest country. True False
Asia is located in the northern, southern and eastern hemispheres.
Asia is the largest continent! It is divided into six regions. North Asia South Asia East Asia Southeast Asia Southwest Asia Central Asia
Asia has about 48 different countries. It is very densely populated!
The Himalayas are the tallest mountain range in the world.
Asia has the more communist countries than any other continent. Communism is system where all property is government owned and people work and are paid according to government decisions based on needs and abilities
A lot of work from companies around the world is outsourced to Asia. Outsourcing is when a company has work done outside the company, usually to save money or resources.
Asia Scavenger Hunt!