Planning Internet - reorganisation Why the Website Needs Updating? Key Considerations The new structure – a brief overview Schedule of works
Planning Internet - reorganisation Why the Website Needs Updating? Results/comments from surveys, including one sent to agents Navigation not clear after various changes and additions over time Some items difficult to locate Need to improve ease of use for public/agents
Planning Internet - reorganisation Key Considerations Current content -up-to-date, still relevant? Improving accessibility to our services Frequently used/requested information to be most accessible – application forms, committee info etc Regular updates required- respond to any local or national changes To meet E-government requirements
Planning Internet - reorganisation The new structure Planning Home Page 1. The Planning Application Process 2. On-line Services (Planning) 3. Planning Information 4. Reporting unauthorised works – Enforcement 5. Planning Policy 6. Planning Contact Us 7. Customer Service Charters & Performance
Planning Internet - reorganisation Navigation not clear after various changes and additions over time Some items difficult to locate Need to improve ease of use for public/agents Do you need Planning Permission? Pre Application Stage Submitting & Processing an application Post Application 1. The Planning Application Process Discharge of Conditions Appeals Non Material Amendments Applying Online – links to Planning Portal Application Forms and Fees Validation Planning Advice & Guidance Permitted Development – including hardstanding etc
2. On-line Services (Planning) Public Access – view plans online, constraints of a property (e.g. is it is a Conservation Area, Green Belt Submitting an application – link to Planning Portal Search for an Appeal Planning Internet - reorganisation
FAQ’s Local Plan, SPGs, CA’s Links to Planning-related topics (external websites) Sustainability & C-Plan Legislation 3. Planning Information Planning Internet - reorganisation
4. Enforcement 5. Planning Policy – links to Conservation Areas, Article 4’s, Local Plan, other documents (SPG’s), emerging LDF 6. Planning Contact Us 7. Customer Service Charters & Performance Planning Internet - reorganisation
Schedule of works Survey feedback, officer input, other staff’s input = plan Editing of existing text Adding extra information Checks for plain English Non-live website – for testing Live – late summer
If you have any comments/ideas/thoughts please let me know. We will have to review the site before publishing to incorporate Central Government changes!! We will promote the reorganised site. Otherwise – watch this space… Planning Internet - reorganisation