Finland's Enforcement System
Enforcement in brief Enforcement forms part of the administration of justice; combined with court proceedings it forms the system of due process Enforcement powers are held by central government; under the Constitution, tasks involving any significant exercise of public powers can only be delegated to public authorities Enforcement authorities execute judgements and collect directly distrainable debts
Function – Objective – Methods – Effectiveness – Values Function: Execution of judgements and directly discernible debts Objective: Efficient, high-quality and financially viable enforcement System Methods: Leadership, tools, know-how, motivation Effectiveness: Fair due process and social order, preventing negligence, strong payment ethics Values: Justice, efficiency, service ability
Enforcement organisation, administrative (Ministry of Justice) | The National Administrative Office for Enforcement | 22 Local Enforcement Offices
Enforcement organisation, judicial Supreme Court | Courts of Appeal | District Courts | Bailiffs – Rectification of decisions
Enforcement districts
Enforcement is Independent application of the law Carried out by enforcement authorities Based on the Enforcement Code, which provides bailiffs with direct and extensive powers to use coercive measures and access the required information on debtors
Enforcement statistics 2013 EUR 1,031 billion paid to creditors Approximately 538,000 debtors pending during the year 238,000 debtors pending at year end Approximately 3,000,000 enforcement cases received Debts in the cases received accounted for approximately EUR 2.7 billion 46.0% of debts collected when enforcement was applied 50.0% of the owed monies collected Average processing time came to 6.9 months Approximately 1,280 employees –84 district bailiffs –Approximately 600 deputy bailiffs –Approximately 600 administrative employees
The National Administrative Office for Enforcement Began on 1 January 2010 Functions transferred from the Ministry of Justice and the Regional State Administrative Agencies Headquarters in Turku, office in Helsinki, 24 employees Administrative management, steering, development and supervision of enforcement
Director of the National Administrative Office for Enforcement Administrative Unit Development andLegal Supervision UnitUnit -Financial and - Auditing- Complaints and claims for Personnel damages Administration -Budgetary planning - Training- Represents the government in -Nominations - Developmenttrials -Disciplinary matters - IT- Advice and opinions
Development of enforcement 1996 Major organisational reform 2004 IT reform Uljas 2007 Payment system reform 2008 Organisational reform (22 offices) 2008 New legislation (Enforcement Code) 2010 Two-tier administration (NAOE) 2011 Nationwide special debt collection 2011 Number of offices closed