FIPG & Loss Prevention
a. FIPG, Inc. is a consortium of men's and women's fraternities and sororities which provides leadership in establishing and developing policies and practices for member organizations, educates and supports undergraduates, alumni/ae and Greek systems in risk management, and works to improve and enhance the image and reputation of all Greek-letter organizations through risk management So its pretty much an organization for Greeks that provides risk management resources Check out!!!!
Whats considered a chapter event? If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, its a duck.
Blame it on da Booze (not) Buying alcohol (no kegs or jungle juice) BYOB Must follow state/federal/local laws Attendance Co-sponsor (must be less than half of sales unless it is a closed party) Dry recruitment Drinking games Have food and NA drinks available 1 drink/hour to stay sober
Myths We are not liable for events at a members apartment We are not liable for events we host at a non-members apartment We can just call it an "unofficial" event
What can we do? Host a closed party Themed party (not alcohol related theme) Serve food and NA beverages Have party monitors and DD's BYOB (dont buy for someone else) Be responsible Know when is enough Follow party policy (see next slide)
Party Policy Guest list ID's checked at door (wristbands) Check in alcohol at the bar Punch card 6 drinks Sober: bartender, ID checker, DD
Should I call 911? If unconscious, problems breathing, if in doubt If person is uncontrollable, unruly, causes harm Keep on side and still Stay with them Dont give food if the person cannot chew Be smart and prepared to get emergency help
Health Use a condom Shower at least once a week Get a yearly physical exam Be clean when cooking
Drugs Get help Support system If you get help, we will be understanding No illegal or controlled substances on premises or during an event...and no illegal drugs at all.
Crime Our chapter does not stand for any crime or illegal activities. Please submit a confidential/anonymous grievance If you get in trouble with the law, let the VP of LP know.
Hazzzzzinggg "Any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Such activities may include but are not limited to the following: use of alcohol, paddling in any form, creation of excessive fatigue, physical and psychological shocks, quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips or any other such activities carried on outside or inside of the confines of the chapter house; wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste, engaging in public stunts and buffoonery, morally degrading or humiliating games and activities, and any other activities which are not consistent with academic achievement, fraternal law, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of the educational institution or applicable state law."
Is this hazing? What do I do? If you would feel uncomfortable sharing the event with Dean Merkle, T. Haas, God, or other higher being. Contact GV officials Call 888-NOT-HAZE ( ) We WILL NOT stand for hazing
SEX ual abuse and harrassment We will not tolerate, partake in, or condone sexual harassment Would you feel comfortable telling the girls/guys father about what you did? Sexual harassment is defined as the unwelcome, unreciprocated imposition of sexual attention, usually in the context of a relationship of unequal power Sexual assault or conduct or rape is defined as an act of sexual contact or penetration with a person against his/her will.
Verbal abuse or sexist behavior may include: Whistling humor and jokes about sex or male or female specific traits suggestive or insulting sounds sexual innuendoes about your or someone else's personal appearance sexual innuendoes about your or someone else's sexual activities demands for sexual favors accompanied by implied or overt threats Physical abuse may include any inappropriate touching, brushing, pinching or patting against someone else's body. Also, coerced sexual intercourse and assault
I know someone who was sexually assaulted... Stand up. Justice Keep written details File a complaint through DPS Get medical treatment Support system Rape crisis center YWCA of Grand Rapids 25 Sheldon Blvd. Grand Rapids, MI (616) 776-RAPE (24 hour crisis hotline) Center for Women in Transition 411 Butternut Drive Holland, MI (616) or (800)
Firearms Possession or use of a firearm or explosive device on chapter property or during an event is forbidden
Accidents and Death Follow Crisis management plan counselors dont spread rumors dont call family Suicide attempt- do not assemble due to privacy
Insurance How much am I covered for what? We have 11 MILLION dollars blanket coverage for bodily injury, property damage, slander, invasion of privacy, etc What voids my coverage? Not following party policy and BYOB Illegal activities Spontaneous social functions Being unsafe and stupid
Member Accident Protection Program Supplemental insurance!!!! $100,000 Accidental Medical/Dental $5,000 Dismemberment and death Not covered: o tackle football, hockey, rugby, and all intercollegiate sport participation
Directors and Officers Insurance Wait, they are responsible for our actions? Financial injury Discrimination, harassment, or wrongful terminiation