ReadiStep and PSAT/NMSQT Summary of Answers and Skills & Advantage: SAT PSAT/NMSQT
Mission The College Board's mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. We are a not-for-profit membership organization committed to excellence and equity in education.
Today’s Agenda Overview of ReadiStep and PSAT/NMSQT Critical Reading Mathematics Writing Summary of Answers and Skills Report Overview Skills Analysis Question Analysis Comparable Group Analysis Advantage: SAT 3
A Pathway to Performance College and Career Readiness Expectations for All Students Three integrated assessments – one powerful tool The College Board’s College and Career Readiness Pathway is a series of integrated diagnostic assessments that measures college and career readiness from the eighth through the 12th grades Intervening Early Identifying Opportunity Providing College Access
A Pathway to Performance The College and Career Readiness Benchmarks provide a cohesive way to measure, monitor and help direct student progress.
Critical Reading One section 45 questions : - sentence completion - passage based reading 40 mins Mathematics One section 36 questions total: - 18 calculator - 18 noncalculator 40 mins Writing One section 50 questions: - improving sentences - identifying sentence errors - improving paragraphs 40 mins ReadiStep Overview Content and Question Types
Critical Reading Two 25-minute sections 48 questions total : - 13 sentence completion - 35 passage based reading 50 mins Mathematics Two 25-minute sections 38 questions total: - 28 multiple choice - 10 student produced response 50 mins Writing Skills One 30-minute section 39 questions total: - 20 improving sentences - 14 identifying sentence errors - 5 improving paragraphs 30 mins PSAT/NMSQT Overview Content and Question Types
Performance compared to the state and nation Question-by-question analysis College Readiness Benchmark provides an early wake-up call Tools included to help teachers and curriculum leaders with instructional and curricular planning (Understanding by Design) ReadiStep and PSAT/NMSQT Overview
Critical Reading Overview
5 skills Determining the Meaning of Words Author’s Craft Reasoning and Inference Organization and Ideas Understanding Literary Elements ReadiStep and PSAT/NMSQT Critical Reading
Mathematics Overview
4 Content Skills Number and Operations Algebra and Functions Geometry & Measurement Data, Statistics, & Probability 5 Process Skills Problem Solving Representation Reasoning Connections Communication ReadiStep and PSAT/NMSQT Mathematics
PSAT/NMSQT Student-Produced Response Data, Statistics, and Probability Solve abstract and practical problems, applying and adapting a variety of strategies. Monitor progress and evaluate answers in terms of questions asked. Algebra and Functions Solve problems using algebraic expressions and symbols to represent relationships, patterns and functions of different types.
Writing Skills Overview
5 Skills Manage Word Choice and Grammatical Relationships between Words Manage Grammatical Structures Used to Modify or Compare Manage Phrases and Clauses in a Sentence Recognize Correctly Formed Sentences Manage Order and Relationships of Sentences and Paragraphs ReadiStep and PSAT/NMSQT Writing Skills
Correctly Formed Sentences Recognize correct sentence structure. PSAT/NMSQT Identifying Sentence Errors
As educators, you are asked to look at the results of many different types of assessments—especially state assessments. What additional information do you expect to learn from your students’ PSAT/NMSQT and ReadiStep results? How can results from the these assessments inform efforts to help students meet the Common Core State Standards? For example, can your analysis of PSAT/NMSQT results be used to examine how well your students are equipped with strategies to evaluate informational text? Who on your faculty should be involved in teaching students who have yet to master these strategies? After Test Tools & Resources
Audience Administrators Department heads Curriculum specialists Teachers Other staff interested in students’ college preparatory skills Note: the more inclusive the testing within each grade, the more meaningful and applicable the results. Summary Of Answers and Skills (SOAS) Introduction
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SOAS Resources Supporting Materials
Page(s) Title Page Performance Overview1 Skills Analysis2, 6-7, 11 Question Analysis3-4, 8-9, Comparable Group Analysis5, 10, 14 Report Orientation Table of Contents
Number of students in report Mean scores and score distribution College and Career Readiness Benchmark Performance Overview Page 1
Pages: 2, 6-7, 11 Skills Analysis Skills Triangles show a comparison to the state and nation Each test question is linked to a skill
Question Analysis Student responses and answer patterns Comparisons to the state and nation
Tips: Question Analysis Look for questions your students answered incorrectly that the students in the state and nation answered correctly Look for commonly wrong answers
Pages: 5, 10, 15 Comparable Group Analysis
What is a comparable group? A useful statistical model A statistically created group (virtual group) Mirrors your group’s performance profile This creates an expected performance indicator for your group on each question Provides more “actionable” feedback than state or national averages on questions/skills SOAS Comparable Group
Pages: 5, 10, 15 Comparable Group Analysis Darker blue = significantly below the comparable group Lighter blue = significantly above the comparable group
Looking Ahead: 2014 Readistep October PSAT/NMSQT W ednesday, October 15 th Saturday, October 18 th
The SAT is a reliable measure of college readiness as well as a fair and valid indicator of likely college success for students from all backgrounds. Colleges use SAT scores: As one of several factors to make admission decisions As a check against grade inflation and variation in high school programs For class placement and scholarship opportunities Introduction
The SAT tests the same things that are taught every day in high school classrooms: reading, writing and mathematics. SAT questions represent high school curricula, testing students’ skills in geometry, algebra, grammar and critical reading. Teachers and educators review every SAT question for relevance and coherence. The critical thinking skills measured in the SAT are 21st-century skills that will help students succeed in college. What the SAT ® Measures
The SAT contains 10 sections, beginning with a 25-minute essay. The total time for the test is 3 hours and 45 minutes, not including three 5-minute breaks. This results in more time per question than other tests. Sections are no longer than 25 minutes, and there is not more than 50 minutes between breaks. The Structure of the SAT ®
The SAT ® is rigorously researched and designed to be fair. Every question goes through internal and external reviews, including a sensitivity review to avoid concerns about: Gender Ethnicity Disabilities War/Violence Every question is field tested and eliminated if students from different groups perform differently. Fairness
SAT Subject Tests allow students to differentiate themselves by showcasing how well they know a particular subject area and their ability to apply that knowledge. The tests provide a more complete story about their academic abilities and help to distinguish them in the admission process. About the SAT Subject Tests ™
– College Search: The Web’s most comprehensive database of college profiles, which can help students find the right fit. – My College QuickStart ™ : A college and career planning resource powered by PSAT/NMSQT ® results. – More information on: Financial aid Scholarships AP ® More Than Just a Test As a program of the College Board, the SAT ® includes access to many academic and college planning resources, including:
The SAT ® is a useful tool for colleges to get to know each student. It is rigorously developed to be a fair test for all students, and it is a good predictor of first-year GPA in college. Summary For more information about the SAT, visit the Counselor Resource Center at
Additional Materials: Advanced Placement (AP) Accuplacer & MyFoundationsLab CLEP