What is the competition in the existing market like for this genre magazine? The only real competition for my acoustic genre music magazine is ‘acoustic magazine’ as it clearly states in the title, this magazine only specifies in this genre whereas many other magazines will feature acoustic music and other genres making it a hybrid. Hybrid magazines usually consist of unpopular genres to attract a wider target audience. This magazine is the only magazine featuring just acoustic music. I have used and compared the construction and content to this magazine with it being a successful main competitor. What I found has been very useful to the planning and construction of my magazine. Although my magazine is stated to specifically be an acoustic genre my magazine will feature a lot of rock acoustic music which will be interested by a lot of rock fans who sometimes need a softer, gentler vibe of music that will still appeal to them. This widens my target audience to both rock and acoustic fans. Also being a fan of this sort of rock acoustic genre I will be able to relate to a lot of the songs and advertisements that I will put into my content. I won’t have to research the content and artists that I will show in my magazine as such. Therefore I will use some similar conventions to a rock magazine but I will portray mainly acoustic connotation. What I like about this genre is that it hasn’t been exploited to have huge stereotypes. This allows me to show very diverse characters which aren’t too similar.
Would you say that there is a gap in the market for this type of genre? I think that there is definitely a gap in the market for an acoustic magazine. With it being such a broad genre. Many artists will re-create songs to fit the acoustic genre. This gives the song and softer vibe to the artist and opens up the target audience to whom the artist tries to target. Also there aren’t many magazines featuring just in acoustic music. The fact that the acoustic music genre is broadened to every genre that has re-created a song means that more and more people are looking to find new artists and music within that genre. I have taken ideas from the ‘acoustic magazine’ to use in my own magazine but this magazine is aimed specifically at artists just featuring in acoustic music whereas I will look at songs that have been re-created. This style is very unique and I can’t find any music magazines that show the acoustic genre in this way.
What is the audience like for this music magazine? My audience isn’t as such aimed at a specific age but just people who like the rock/acoustic music genre. I will be featuring many artists like ‘fall out boy’, ‘you me at six’ and ‘Bastille’ along with many other original acoustic artists. This will widen the target audience to my music magazine. By showing both genre this will provokes consumers to look at other artists and songs that share the same genre. It encourages readers to expand their music base showing variety in there playlists. A lot of the time if I really like a song or an artist I will go on specific music websites that show me similar artists to the one that I enter I really enjoy. It allows me to listen to even more music of the same genre without having to keep on playing the same track over and over again. This is what I have tried to show in my music magazine. Show variety and diversity in the same music genre. As I have briefly said, I think my magazine will be more successful due to these reasons and that my magazine is unique on the market. There are also a limited amount of Acoustic music genres, even though the sub-genre to acoustic music is huge. ‘You me at six’ are originally a rock band but they produce a lot of acoustic music as well which is still very popular and successful.
What institution would publish your music magazine? I think that Bauer productions would be the most successful and best possible source to publish my magazine. They are a hugely diverse and large company that has experience in all forms of media from TV programmes, music channels, music magazines and even mobile phone apps. They don’t produce many music magazines so they are less experienced in this sector. Bauer can use horizontal integration to advertise their products. Bauer are less experienced in music magazines but it gives them something to improve on themselves and they will focus on widening that form of media, just as they had to previously do before that form of media became successful within Bauer. Bauer publishing is well known and known to be a successful publishing institution. This is then likely that by Bauer publishing producing my magazine I will gain a larger target audience to ‘Six Strings’ as the audience will know my magazine will be published to a high quality and become successful.
Conventions and Visual and theme production With producing an acoustic magazine there aren’t many restrictions to the stereotypes of conventions and representation of this genre. It allowed me to expand and show many different ideas. I could show many unique techniques and it allowed me to be free when using my colour scheme and layout. I will structure it similar to a rock magazine as there are many rock acoustic songs and this genre does in fact appeal to a lot of rock characters. I won’t use any silly conventions aimed at a younger audience. These conventions are sometimes used in pop magazines as there audience is younger and girly which appeals to them. My target audience is a lot more experienced and older than the pop genre so I will sue a formal and quality lay-out structure. I am still not 100% to what colours I will use in my magazine alongside a contrasting black and white tone to stand out and contrast from each other to highlight parts on the text. I will try to follow the typical conventions to what I can find and not illustrate the wrong conventions of another genre. The acoustic magazine website is a good place to go to use the conventions of the acoustic music genre. This genre has been well-portray on this website and I like the colours and mise-en-scene used on the characters. I will take some conventions from the rock genre as I have said but by showing these conventions, representations and connotations it will be clear who my magazine is aimed at. Also it will attract the audience that I wanted to target.
Will Six Strings be successful? I think that my magazine will be a great successful due to the limited amount of acoustic magazines out today, as well as the diversity of the acoustic music genre. By following all the conventions of this magazine, I should be able to make Six Strings appeal to the acoustic music genre. If I show the same content that is used in other acoustic magazines and show the same content through what my audience wanted to see in a music magazine I should get a lot of revenue and profit from Six Strings. The target audience for music magazines is ever growing. The acoustic music genre is expanding throughout all kinds of sub-genres. A lot of artists re-release there songs in an acoustic version appealing to their same fans. I will try to show these songs as well as artists specifying in just the acoustic genre. Therefore my music genre should appeal to a huge audience which is why I need to use colours and conventions and language that should appeal to most audiences.