NYS Identification Test for English Language Learners NYSITELL Packets to be distributed to participants should contain the following handouts: Copy of NYSITELL Conversion Chart Copy of pertinent pages from the 9.6 version of the Student Information Repository System (SIRS) Manual (cover page, pages 49 & 50 and pages 102, 103, & 104) Copy of the PowerPoint presentation printed in “handouts” version (suggested size is two slides per page, which can be copied double sided) Copy of Steve Katz memorandum from January 2104 as appropriate for the region (one was issued for NYC; another for “Upstate” – meaning Rest of State) Evaluation form for session NYSITELL Turnkey Training Long Island RBE-RN February 4, 2014 February 24, 2014 Trainer reminds participants that they had been advised to bring the actual operational NYSITELL test materials with them (i.e., the Directions for Administration for all 8 levels, the student test booklets for all 8 levels, all answer sheet overlays, and the Scoring Guides for Levels I-IV and Levels V-VIII) for use during different portions of the training session, due to security regulations. If anyone in attendance did not bring these materials, the trainer should ensure that anyone lacking these materials sit next to someone who does have them so they can review the materials together at the appropriate time.
NYSITELL: General Information Effective February 1, 2014, the NYSITELL has replaced the LAB-R as the approved means of initially identifying ELLs in New York State. The purpose of the NYSITELL is to assess the English language proficiency of new entrants whose home language is a language other than English, as indicated on their Home Language Questionnaire. Based on NYSITELL results, students will be categorized into one of four levels (Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced, and Proficient), which will determine the units of study in ESL each student will receive. NYSITELL results will also help teachers inform instruction by determining a student’s relative strengths in each modality (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking). Trainer briefly reviews the information on the slide with participants. 2 2 2 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 2
NYSITELL: General Information The NYSITELL has been developed into eight (8) distinct levels with specific grades and time frames for its use: Trainer briefly reviews the information on the slide with participants. 3 3 3 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Revisions in NYSITELL Administration Dates Students’ English language skills may develop over the summer. Testing of new entrants enrolling in NY schools for the fall semester may begin to be tested no earlier than July 15th. In May and June, tests should only be administered to students entering school for the remainder of the school year and/or students enrolling in a summer school program. The NYSITELL must not be administered between July 1st and July 14th. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants. 4 4 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL: Subtests Level I (for Grade K) consists of only Listening and Speaking subtests. Levels II through VIII assess language proficiency in four modalities: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking with separate subtests. All subtests are mandatory. The NYSITELL Speaking subtest is administered individually at all levels. The student’s spoken responses are scored at the time of administration. The entire Level I Test must be individually administered. The Listening, Reading, and Writing subtests can be administered individually or in a group setting. (Note: It is recommended that Levels II, III, and IV also be individually administered.) Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants. 5 5 5 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 5
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL: Subtests The table below shows the different question types that appear on the four subtests of the NYSITELL. NOTE: The rubrics used to score the NYSITELL Speaking and Writing responses are the same rubrics used to score the NYSESLAT Speaking and Writing responses. Trainer briefly reviews the information on the slide with participants. Trainer ensures that participants understand that the scoring rubrics for Speaking and Writing are exactly the same as those used for the NYSESLAT. 6 6 6 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 6
Who May Administer the NYSITELL Only qualified persons should administer the NYSITELL. Qualified persons include either an ESL or a bilingual teacher, or a teacher trained in language development, the needs of English language learners, and knowledge of diversity to address the needs of students. In public and charter schools, the persons administering the NYSITELL must be certified teachers. In nonpublic schools, it is highly recommended that the persons administering the NYSITELL be certified teachers. In addition, the persons responsible for administering the NYSITELL must have special training in administering the NYSITELL and/or NYSESLAT. NOTE: The name of the Test Administrator must be written on both the Test Booklets and Student Answer Sheets, as well as Speaking Score Sheets. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, emphasizing that the name of the Test Administrator must be written on Test Booklets and Answer Sheets, as well as the Speaking Score Sheets. 7 7 7 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 7
NYSITELL: Estimated Administration Times The table below shows estimated administration times for each level and subtest of the NYSITELL. Trainer briefly reviews the information on the slide with participants, emphasizing the “untimed” nature of the test, so these estimates of time may vary. Keep in mind that this is an UNTIMED test, and students should be given as much time as they need, as long as they are working productively. 8 8 8 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 8
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Materials Note: Materials in boldface are needed for this training session Guide to the NYSITELL Student Test Booklets (There are two per level: Listening/Reading and Writing/Speaking, except for Level I, which has one booklet: Listening/Speaking.) Directions for Administration (one per level) Handscorable Answer Sheet (detachable; found at the back of the Listening/Speaking Test Booklet for Level I and at the back of the Listening/Reading Test Booklet for Levels II–VIII) Speaking Score Sheet (reproducible; found at the back of the Directions for Administration) Scoring Overlays (One per level; Used in ROS Districts ONLY) Writing and Speaking Scoring Guides (one for Levels I–IV; one for Levels V–VIII) Speaking Scoring CDs (one for Levels I–IV; one for Levels V–VIII) Conversion Chart (featuring one row for each level/grade, and is available at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/assessment/nysitell/) Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, ensuring that the required materials for this training (noted in boldface) are available for all participants. If participants are lacking any of the boldfaced materials, the trainer should ensure that they can “pair up” with someone in the audience who does have these materials. NOTE: Trained participants at this session, who will subsequently train other teachers in their districts, need to have all of the above mentioned materials for the persons they will be training. 9 9 9 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 9
Handscoring the NYSITELL Listening/Reading: For Level I, the multiple choice responses are transcribed by the examiner immediately as the students point to their answers. For Levels II–IV, the multiple-choice responses are transcribed by school personnel from the test booklet to the student’s answer sheet. For Levels V–VIII, no transcription is required; students mark their answers on the answer sheet. All multiple-choice sections on the answer sheet are scored using a scoring overlay in ROS Districts only. The raw score for each subtest is then recorded in the boxes provided on the answer sheet. Writing: The Writing Scoring Guides are used to score each student’s writing. The scores are recorded on the student’s answer sheet. Levels IV–VIII include some multiple-choice grammar questions. The multiple-choices questions are scored using the overlay in ROS Districts only. The subtest’s raw score is recorded in the box provided on the answer sheet. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants. Trainer reminds participants that these instructions will be adapted for the level of the test being administered and scored. 10 10 10 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 10
Handscoring the NYSITELL Speaking: Scores from the Speaking Score Sheet must be transcribed onto the student’s Answer Sheet after all other subtests have been administered. The subtest’s total raw score is recorded in the box provided. Total Score: The student’s total NYSITELL raw score is calculated by summing all four subtest scores, then recorded on both sides of the answer sheet. Then the row on the NYSITELL Conversion Chart (applicable to the student’s grade and test level) is used to determine the student’s overall proficiency level. The student’s proficiency level is marked on page 1 of the answer sheet. The NYSITELL Conversion Chart can be found on-line at: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/assessment/nysitell/ Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants. Trainer emphasizes the need to transcribe score for the Speaking subtest AFTER all other parts of the assessment have been administered. This is particularly important for the Level V through VIII tests, where the students mark their answers directly on the answer sheets. Reminders: On the Level I test, all Listening and Speaking responses are entered on the Answer Sheet by the examiner. On the Level II through IV subtests, the responses for Listening, Reading, and Writing Conventions are transcribed by the examiner from the student’s booklet. The scores for the Open-ended Writing and Speaking are on the student’s Answer Sheet entered by the examiner. 11 11 11 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 11
Maintaining Records of NYSITELL Scores After determining the student’s NYSITELL scores, the student’s proficiency level, along with the test date, must be recorded in the student’s permanent record. The completed and scored Answer Sheet and the student’s Writing/Speaking test booklet must be retained for at least one year. The student’s NYSITELL scores must also be reported in the Student Information Repository System (SIRS). The pertinent pages from the current SIRS Manual concerning how to report NYSITELL scores are included in the hand-outs for this training session. NEW Trainer stresses the importance of maintaining a permanent record of each student’s NYSITELL results. Trainer points out that each student’s Answer Sheet and Writing/ Speaking test booklet must also be retained for a year. This documentation supports the information that is reported on the SIRS system, if the need arises. Trainer emphasizes the new requirement to report NYSITELL results on the Student Information Repository System (SIRS), noting that this was not required for the LAB-R results. Trainer briefly reviews the SIRS Manual hand-out, stressing that an internal system for reporting the NYSITELL scores will need to be developed within the district to accommodate this new reporting requirement. NEW Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
STOPPING RULES FOR NYSITELL Listening, Reading & Writing subtests in INDIVIDUAL administration setting: Administer warm-up questions and first three test questions. If the student is unable to respond at all to the first three test questions (not including warm-up questions), discontinue the specific subtest. Be sure to mark the corresponding circle on the answer sheet that states “Tested, but unable to answer any questions” for the specific subtest. If a specific subtest is discontinued for this reason, continue to the next subtest. For “stopped” subtests, count the student’s raw score for the specific subtest as “0” when calculating the total score. If a specific subtest is discontinued, continue to the next subtest allowing a break of at least 3 minutes between subtests. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants. 13 13 13 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
STOPPING RULES FOR NYSITELL Listening, Reading & Writing subtests in GROUP administration setting: Administer warm-up questions and first three test questions. If all students are unable to respond at all to the first three test questions (not including warm-up questions), discontinue the specific subtest. If an individual student is unable to respond to the first three test questions (not including warm-up questions), the test administrator may excuse the student from the subtest while continuing the subtest for the rest of the group. If the test is stopped either for the entire group or for an individual student, be sure to mark the corresponding circle(s) on the answer sheet(s) that state(s) “Tested, but unable to answer any questions” for the specific subtest. For “stopped” subtests, count the student’s raw score for the specific subtest as “0” when calculating the total score. If a specific subtest is discontinued, continue to the next subtest allowing a break of at least 3 minutes between subtests. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, emphasizing the differences in the “stopping” of a subtest for a group vs. an individual student during group administration. 14 14 14 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
STOPPING RULES FOR NYSITELL Speaking subtest (always administered individually): Administer warm-up questions and first three test questions. If the student is unable to respond at all to the first three test questions (not including warm-up questions), discontinue Speaking subtest, and continue with the next required subtest if not yet administered. Be sure to mark the corresponding circle on the answer sheet that states “Tested, but unable to answer any questions” for the specific subtest. Count the student’s raw score for Speaking as “0” when calculating the total score. If a Speaking subtest is discontinued, continue to the next subtest allowing a break of at least 3 minutes between subtests. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants. Since the Speaking subtest is individually administered, if the test is stopped because the student cannot answer the first three operational test questions, the examiner should allow a break of at least 3 minutes before proceeding to the Listening, Reading, and/or Writing subtests if required but not yet administered. Trainer should inform participants that, especially at Level I, it is recommended that the testing begin with the Listening subtest. 15 15 15 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
NYSITELL – Administering LEVEL I The Level I test is designed for students entering KINDERGARTEN, and can be administered only between July 15th and January 31st of the school year in which they enter. The Level I test must be individually administered. Before starting the test, spend a minute or two attempting to put the student at ease and establish rapport. The Listening and Speaking subtests can be administered in either order. (The Listening subtest may be less intimidating since the student does not have to say anything, and simply points to the chosen picture.) Level I Test Contents Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants. Trainer emphasizes that since there is no rule requiring which subtest is to be administered first, it would likely be beneficial to administer the Listening subtest first. In the Listening subtest, the student is not required to respond verbally, and this would allow the student’s affective filter to be lowered somewhat, while simultaneously allowing the student to become more comfortable with the examiner before proceeding to the Speaking subtest. Subtest Administration Number of Questions Listening Individual 18 Speaking 8 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 16
Materials Required for Level I Administration For the Examiner Copy of Level I – Directions for Administration (DFA) NYSITELL Level I Listening/Speaking test booklet Supply of NYSITELL Level I Answer Sheets (prepared for each student taking the two subtests.) Photocopies of the Speaking Score Sheet from pages 21-22 of Level I DFA, prepared in advance for each student taking the Speaking subtest. Note: Both the Level I Answer Sheets and Speaking Score Sheets can be photocopied double-sided. A pencil or pen For the Student Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants. 17 17 17 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Preliminary Planning for Level I Testing Familiarize yourself with both the test booklet and with the Directions for Administration Study the Speaking rubrics as well as listen to the examples of students’ scored responses on the CD with accompanying transcripts on pages 59 to 62 of the Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV. Make sure the physical conditions are satisfactory and post a “Testing – Do not disturb” sign on the door. Be sure to have an answer sheet prepared for each student, using the detachable/reproducible Level I answer sheet in the back of the Level I test booklet. Fill in the student’s demographic information on the answer sheet in advance. Determine whether any students require IEP or 504 accommodations, and provide them accordingly. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, emphasizing the need to have each student’s Answer Sheet partially completed with demographic information before the testing session begins. 18 18 18 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
NYSITELL Level I – Specific Directions All directions and test questions read to students are in boldface text. Read them exactly as written. Use a natural tone and manner. If the examiner makes a mistake in reading a direction or prompt, s/he should stop and say, “I’m sorry, I made a mistake. Listen again.” Then read the direction or prompt again. If necessary, supplement only the directions, including sample questions, with your own explanations in English. Do NOT give help on specific test questions. Test questions may not be modified. Do not repeat the prompt or the question more than the specified number of times unless the student specifically indicates s/he could not hear it. For multiple choice questions, the student will indicate the answer by pointing. The examiner will mark the selected answer directly on the student’s answer sheet. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, making sure that the participants understand what the examiner can and cannot do during the testing administration. 19 19 19 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
NYSITELL Level I – Listening Types of Questions/Prompts There are two types of Listening questions or prompts that are used in Level I. The student is asked by the examiner to choose a picture based on a question. There are two sample questions that introduce the student to this type of question. The examiner reads a “story” that ends with a question. There is one sample question that introduces the student to this type of question. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Listening pages in the Level I Listening/Speaking Student Booklet. 20 20 20 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
NYSITELL Level I – Listening In the Directions for Administration (DFA) Booklet, directions for administering the Listening subtest are contained on pages 9-14; In the Level I Test Booklet, the Listening subtest appears on pages 3-10. Throughout the test, the examiner will point to each question in the student’s test booklet, and make sure that the student is focusing on the correct question. A sheet of blank paper can be used to cover other questions to ensure that the student is looking at the right question. Do not indicate in any way whether the student was right or wrong, with the exception of the three sample questions. Specific “pause times” are suggested to allow the student to respond to each sample or operational question/prompt. At this point, the trainer must use either an ELMO, document camera, or overhead projector to illustrate the pages in the DFA and in the Level I Test Booklet, due to security restrictions. The participants should have copies of all the test materials with them so that they can read the operational test information. The participants will be given sustained silent reading (SSR) time to read the directions in the DFA and correlate questions with the pictures in the test booklet. After the SSR time, the trainer will discuss directions for administering the Listening subtest, using the ELMO, document camera, or overhead projector to enable discussion and to respond to all questions from participants. The trainer should remind participants that the “pause times” suggested in the DFA are not rigid. The NYSITELL is an untimed test, and it is up to the examiner’s discretion to allow more time for a response from the student, if necessary. 21 21 21 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
NYSITELL Level I – Speaking Types of Questions/Prompts There are three types of Speaking Questions or Prompts that are used in Level I. Academic and Social Interaction: The student is asked to respond to open-ended interactional questions. There are three sample “warm up” questions that introduce the student to this type of question. Picture Description: The student is asked to respond to a picture that includes two questions, asked separately. There are two sample questions that introduce the student to this type of question. Story Telling: The student is asked to tell a story about a three-picture sequence. There are NO sample questions to introduce the student to this type of question. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Speaking pages in the Level I Listening/Speaking Student Booklet. 22 22 22 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
NYSITELL Level I – Speaking In the Directions for Administration (DFA) Booklet, directions for administering the Speaking subtest are contained on pages 15-17. In the Level I Test Booklet, the Speaking subtest appears on pages 12-17. Throughout the test, the examiner will point to each question in the student’s test booklet, and make sure that the student is focusing on the correct question. A sheet of blank paper can be used to cover other questions to ensure that the student is looking at the right question. Do not indicate in any way whether the student was right or wrong, with the exception of the three sample questions. Specific “pause times” are suggested to allow the student to respond to each sample or operational question/prompt. At this point, the trainer must use either an ELMO, document camera, or overhead projector to illustrate the pages in the DFA and in the Level I Test Booklet, due to security restrictions. The participants should have copies of all the test materials with them so that they can read the operational test information. The participants will be given sustained silent reading (SSR) time to read the directions in the DFA and correlate questions with the pictures in the test booklet. After the SSR time, the trainer will discuss direction for administering the Speaking subtest, using the ELMO, document camera, or overhead projector to enable discussion and to respond to all questions from participants. The trainer should remind participants that the “pause times” suggested in the DFA are not rigid. The NYSITELL is an untimed test, and it is up to the examiner’s discretion to allow more time for a response from the student, if necessary. 23 23 23 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 Scoring the Level I Speaking Subtest First Question Type: Social & Academic Interaction Trainer reviews the information in the rubric with participants, reminding them that this is the same rubric that is used with the NYSESLAT. Trainer directs participants to appropriate page in the Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV and then plays tracks 1-3 on the “Speaking Exemplars” CD. Trainer notes that the question number named on the 3 tracks played is different from the question number assigned on the operational test. Trainer replays tracks if necessary, and facilitates discussion concerning the score points that are assigned to each track played. Please turn to page 59 in the NYSITELL Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV, and listen to the transcribed Speaking Questions and Anchor Responses for Level I. 24 24 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 Scoring the Level I Speaking Subtest Second Question Type: Picture Description Trainer reviews the information in the rubric with participants, reminding them that this is the same rubric that is used with the NYSESLAT. Trainer emphasizes that although there are two questions for each of the three questions in the Picture Description section, only ONE score is assigned for each question. Trainer directs participants to appropriate page in the Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV and then plays tracks 4-6 on the “Speaking Exemplars” CD. Trainer notes that the question number named on the 3 tracks played is different from the question number assigned on the operational test. Trainer replays tracks if necessary, and facilitates discussion concerning the score points that are assigned to each track played. Note: There are two questions associated with each prompt in this section, but a single score is assigned for the entire prompt of this type. Please turn to page 60 in the NYSITELL Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV, and listen to the transcribed Speaking Questions and Anchor Responses for Level I. 25 25 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Scoring the Level I Speaking Subtest Third Question Type: Storytelling Trainer reviews the information in the Speaking rubrics with participants, reminding them that this is the same rubric that is used with the NYSESLAT. Trainer then emphasizes that the Scoring Sheets used by the examiner contain slightly abbreviated rubrics than the full Speaking rubrics that are printed in the DFA. Trainer asks the participants to quickly compare the differences in this full rubric with the abbreviated rubrics on the Speaking Score Sheet for Level I that will be used during testing. Trainer notes that these differences already existed on prior NYSESLAT Assessments. 26 26 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 Scoring the Level I Speaking Subtest Speaking Questions and Anchor Responses Please turn to pages 61-62 in the NYSITELL Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV, and listen to the transcribed Speaking Questions and Anchor Responses for Level I. Please be aware that the prompt numbers and the prompts used on the CD are somewhat different from those printed on the operational test; there are changes in the order of the directions for Storytelling, and the operational test directions do not contain the sentence “You may name the characters in your story.” Regardless of the differences in the prompts, the examiner must read the prompts as written in the DFA, and the responses are scored according to the prompts as printed. Trainer directs participants to appropriate pages in the Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV and then plays tracks 7-11 on the “Speaking Exemplars” CD. Trainer emphasizes that there are differences between the Storytelling prompt on the CD and the prompt on the operational test, noting that this does not matter. Scoring of the response uses the same rubric. Trainer replays tracks if necessary, and ensures that discussion/concerns about the assigned scores are addressed, but without generating controversy. Trainer should discourage criticism or prolonged discussion of scores assigned to particular Anchor Responses, while emphasizing that these scoring decisions were made by our NYS bilingual and ESL teacher colleagues through the “range finding” process. 27 27 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Handscoring the Level I NYSITELL Test Listening: The examiner will mark the student’s selected response on the answer sheet. Score the Listening Section of the answer sheet using the scoring overlay. Each Listening question is worth one point. Write the Listening raw score in the box provided on the answer sheet. Speaking: The examiner will transcribe the scores from the Speaking Score Sheet onto the student’s Answer Sheet. Add the points and write the Speaking raw score in the box provided on the Answer Sheet. Total Score: Sum the two subtest raw scores and write the result in the Total Raw Score boxes on pages 1 and 2. Use the NYSITELL Level I Conversion Chart to determine student’s overall proficiency level and mark it on page 1 of the Answer Sheet. The NYSITELL Conversion Chart can be found on-line at: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/assessment/nysitell/ Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants. Trainer should demonstrate where the answer sheet for the Listening and Speaking subtests is located. Trainer should demonstrate how the scoring overlay is used, and asks participants to do the same. Trainer must also demonstrate where the individual Speaking Score Sheets are located in the back of the DFA for Level I. Trainer should emphasize that the TOTAL SCORE is written on both sides of the Answer Sheet. Trainer emphasizes the importance of ensuring that ALL of the pertinent information regarding the student and testing conditions is complete and accurate, and that documentation of the NYSITELL results are filed in the student’s permanent record. Trainer reminds participants that the NYSITELL scores must also be entered onto the NYS Student Information Repository System (SIRS). A handout from the SIRS Manual on how the scores are reported on SIRS has been included in the training packet, and the trainer will direct the participants to the handout at this point, asking them to quickly review the items that will be reported. 28 28 28 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL – Administering LEVEL II The Level II test is designed for students entering KINDERGARTEN, between February 1st and June 30th OR for students entering GRADE 1 between July 15th and January 31st of the school year in which they enter. It is recommended that the entire Level II test be individually administered. The Listening and Reading questions are all multiple choice. Students circle their responses in the Listening/Reading test booklet. Their responses will be transcribed onto the answer sheets for scoring purposes. The Writing subtest consists of “constructed response” questions that are written in the Writing/Speaking test booklet, and will be scored according to the rubrics for the Level II-IV Writing subtests on page 6 of the Scoring Guide. The Speaking subtest must be individually administered. The examiner marks the student’s score for each Speaking question on the photocopied Speaking Score Sheet. Trainer reiterates the importance of having pre-written the student’s name on the test booklets for subsequent transcription and scoring on the student’s Answer Sheet. 29 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 Materials Required for Level II Administration For the Examiner Copy of Level II – Directions for Administration (DFA) NYSITELL Level II Listening/Reading and Writing/Speaking test booklets Supply of NYSITELL Level II Answer Sheets from back of Listening/Reading Booklet (prepared in advance for each student) Photocopies of the Speaking Score Sheet from pages 26-27 of Level II DFA, prepared in advance for each student taking the Speaking subtest. Note: Both the Level II Answer Sheets and Speaking Score Sheets can be photocopied double-sided. A pencil or pen For the Student NYSITELL Level II Listening/Reading test booklet NYSITELL Level II Writing/Speaking test booklet Two soft-lead (No. 2) sharpened pencils with erasers Trainer briefly reviews the information on the slide with participants. 30 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
NYSITELL Level II – Test Contents Subtest Administration Number of Questions Listening Individual 16 Reading 18 Writing 8 Speaking 10 Trainer emphasizes that beginning at Level II, students are tested in all four modalities. Trainer points out that addition of the Reading and Writing modalities will require additional transcription and scores to be recorded on the student’s answer sheets. 31 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 Preliminary Planning for Level II Testing Familiarize yourself with both the Level II test booklets and with the Directions for Administration. Study the Speaking rubrics on pages 24 and 25 of the DFA for Level II, as well as listen to the examples of students’ scored responses on CD tracks with accompanying transcripts on pages 63 to 66 of the Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV. Make sure the physical conditions are satisfactory and post a “Testing – Do not disturb” sign on the door. Be sure to have an answer sheet prepared for each student, using the detachable/reproducible Level II answer sheet in the back of the Level II test booklet. Fill in the student’s demographic information on the answer sheet in advance. Write the student’s name on the cover of both Level II test booklets, and write the name of the test administrator and date(s) of testing in the spaces provided. Determine whether any students require IEP or 504 accommodations, and provide them accordingly. Trainer emphasizes that the Level II test requires the student’s name to be pre-written on the cover of both the Listening/Reading and the Writing/ Speaking test booklets. Trainer reminds participants that the Level II test is consumable and cannot be reused, since the student will be writing in the booklets. 32 32 32 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
NYSITELL Level II – Listening Types of Questions/Prompts There are two types of Listening questions or prompts that are used in Level II. The student is asked by the examiner to choose a picture based on a question. There are two sample questions that introduce the student to this type of question. The examiner reads a “story” that ends with a question. There is one sample question that introduces the student to this type of question. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Listening pages in the Level II Listening/Reading Student Booklet. 33 33 33 33 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 33
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level II: Reading Types of Questions/Prompts There are four types of Reading questions/ prompts in Level II: Identifying the letter of the first sound in a spoken word, with sample provided. Identifying the letter of the last sound in a spoken word, with sample provided. Identifying which word goes with a picture, with sample provided. Identifying which picture goes with a statement, with sample provided. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Reading pages in the Level II Listening/Reading Student Booklet. 34 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level II: Writing Subtest – Types of Prompts and Scoring Instructions There are two types of Writing prompts in Level II: Letter Writing with one sample provided; and Word Writing with no sample provided. Scoring Rubric for Letter Writing: See page 6 in Scoring Guide Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Writing pages in the Level II Writing/Speaking Student Booklet. Trainer emphasizes that the Letter Writing rubric has only a 1 or 0 score point. Trainer reminds participants that these are the same rubrics used to score the Letter Writing section of the NYSESLAT. 35 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level II: Writing Subtest – Types of Prompts and Scoring Instructions Scoring Rubric for Word Writing: See page 6 in Scoring Guide Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Writing pages in the Level II Writing/Speaking Student Booklet. Trainer reminds participants that the Word Writing rubric has a 2, 1, or 0 score point. Trainer reminds participants that this is the same rubric used to score the Word Writing section of the NYSESLAT. 36 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
NYSITELL Level II – Writing Subtest Reviewing Anchor Responses Please open the Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV and turn to page 9: Anchor responses to Letter Writing begin on page 10 and continue to page 13. Scores for each question are displayed as either a “1” or “0” with explanations of each score provided. Anchor responses for Word Writing begin on page 14 and continue to page 21. Scores for each questions are displayed as either “2,” “1,” or “0” with explanations of each score provided. Please take a few minutes to read silently through the Anchor Response scores for both question types to ensure that you understand how the rubrics were applied to each question. Trainer makes sure that all participants have the Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV open to the correct pages and that they remain quietly on task in reviewing the Anchor Responses during the sustained silent reading. Trainer reminds participants that scores were assigned using the same rubrics used on the NYSESLAT, so they should be somewhat familiar with them if they have scored the NYSESLAT in the past. Trainer ensures that discussion/concerns about the assigned scores are addressed, but without generating controversy. Trainer should discourage criticism or prolonged discussion of scores assigned to particular Anchor Responses, while emphasizing that these scoring decisions were made by our NYS bilingual and ESL teacher colleagues through the “range finding” process. 37 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level II: Speaking Subtest - Types of Prompts and Scoring Instructions There are three types of Speaking prompts in Level II that are in the same format as in the Level I Speaking subtest: Academic and Social Interaction: The student is asked to respond to open-ended interactional questions. There are three sample “warm up” questions that introduce the student to this type of question. Picture Description: The student is asked to respond to a picture that includes two questions, asked separately. There are two sample questions that introduce the student to this type of question. Story Telling: The student is asked to tell a story about a three-picture sequence. There are no sample questions to introduce the student to this type of question. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Speaking pages in the Level II Writing/Speaking Student Booklet. Trainer notes that the question types for Speaking on Levels I and II are the same, as are the rubrics used to score the Speaking subtest. Trainer emphasizes that although there are two questions for each of the three items in the Picture Description section, only ONE score is assigned for each question. Trainer reminds participants that the Scoring Sheets used by the examiner contain slightly abbreviated rubrics than the full Speaking rubrics that are printed in the DFA. Please take a few minutes to read through the Speaking subtest instructions, boldfaced prompts, and rubrics for scoring that are located on pages 21 to 23 in the Level II DFA and compare with the questions on pages 9 to 15 in the Level II Writing/Speaking test booklet. 38 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level II: Speaking Subtest Scoring Examples Please turn to page 63 to 66 in the NYSITELL Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV, and listen to the transcribed Speaking Questions and Anchor Responses. Please be aware that the prompt numbers and the prompts used on the CD are somewhat different from those printed on the operational test; there are changes in the order of the directions for Storytelling, and the operational test directions do not contain the sentence “You may name the characters in your story.” Regardless of the differences in the prompts, the examiner must read the prompts as written in the DFA, and the responses are scored according to the prompts as printed. Trainer plays tracks 12 through 22 as the participants follow along in the Scoring Guide. Trainer replays tracks if necessary, and facilitates discussion concerning the score points that are assigned to each track played. Trainer ensures that discussion/concerns about the assigned scores are addressed, but without generating controversy. Trainer should discourage criticism or prolonged discussion of scores assigned to particular Anchor Responses, while emphasizing that these scoring decisions were made by our NYS bilingual and ESL teacher colleagues through the “range finding” process. 39 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Recording the Student’s Score Results for the Level II NYSITELL After transcribing the student’s responses for Listening and Reading from the Level II booklet onto the Answer Sheet, the examiner uses the Scoring Overlay to determine the correct responses and sums each subtest separately. The examiner enters the scores for Writing and Speaking and then sums each subtest separately. The examiner enters the scores for each subtest in the appropriate box in the bottom right-hand corner on page 2 of the Answer Sheet The examiner sums the Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking scores and enters that number in the appropriate box in the bottom right-hand corner on page 2 of the Answer Sheet. The examiner will use the NYSITELL Level II Conversion Chart to determine the student’s overall English proficiency level. The NYSITELL Conversion Chart can be found on-line at: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/assessment/nysitell/ The examiner will enter total Raw Score and mark the Proficiency level on page 1 of the Answer Sheet. Trainer directs participants to view the Answer Sheet at the back of the Level II Student Booklet. Trainer should demonstrate how the scoring overlay is used, and asks participants to do the same. Trainer emphasizes the importance of ensuring that ALL of the pertinent information regarding the student and testing conditions is complete and accurate, and that documentation of the NYSITELL results are filed in the student’s permanent record. Trainer reminds participants that the NYSITELL scores must also be entered onto the NYS Student Information Repository System (SIRS). A handout from the SIRS Manual on how the scores are reported on SIRS should be included in the training packet, and the trainer will direct the participants to the handout at this point, asking them to quickly review the items that will be reported. 40 40 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 40
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL – Administering LEVEL III The Level III test is designed for students entering GRADE 1 between February 1st and June 30th OR for students entering GRADE 2 between July 15th and January 31st of the school year in which they enter. It is recommended that the entire Level III test be individually administered. The Listening and Reading questions are all multiple choice. Students circle their responses in the Listening/Reading test booklet. Their responses will be transcribed onto the answer sheets for scoring purposes. The Writing subtest consists of “constructed response” questions that are written in the Writing/Speaking test booklet, and will be scored according to the rubrics for the Level II-IV Writing subtests on pages 6, 7, and 8 of the Scoring Guide. The Speaking subtest must be individually administered. The examiner marks the student’s score for each speaking question on the photocopied Speaking Score Sheet. Trainer reiterates the importance of having pre-written the student’s name on the test booklets for subsequent transcription and scoring on the student’s Answer Sheet. 41 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 Materials Required for Level III Administration For the Examiner Copy of Level III – Directions for Administration (DFA) NYSITELL Level III Listening/Reading and Writing/Speaking test booklets Supply of NYSITELL Level III Answer Sheets from back of Listening/Reading Booklet (prepared in advance for each student) Photocopies of the Speaking Score Sheet from pages 30-31 of Level III DFA, prepared in advance for each student taking the Speaking subtest. Note: Both the Level III Answer Sheets and Speaking Score Sheets can be photocopied double-sided. A pencil or pen For the Student NYSITELL Level III Listening/Reading test booklet NYSITELL Level III Writing/Speaking test booklet Two soft-lead (No. 2) sharpened pencils with erasers Trainer briefly reviews the information on the slide with participants. 42 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
NYSITELL Level III – Test Contents Subtest Administration Number of Questions Listening Individual 16 Reading 18 Writing 7 Speaking 10 Trainer emphasizes that at Level III, students are tested in all four modalities that will require additional transcription of student responses and scores to be recorded on the student’s Answer Sheet. 43 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 Preliminary Planning for Level III Testing Familiarize yourself with both the Level III test booklets and with the Directions for Administration. Study the Speaking rubrics on pages 28 and 29 of the DFA for Level III, as well as listen to the examples of students’ scored responses on CD tracks with accompanying transcripts on pages 67 to 71 of the Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV. Make sure the physical conditions are satisfactory and post a “Testing – Do not disturb” sign on the door. Be sure to have an answer sheet prepared for each student, using the detachable/reproducible Level III answer sheet in the back of the Level III Listening/Reading test booklet. Fill in the student’s demographic information on the answer sheet in advance. Write the student’s name on the cover of both Level III test booklets, and write the name of the test administrator and date(s) of testing in the spaces provided. Determine if any students require IEP or 504 accommodations, and provide them accordingly. Trainer emphasizes that the Level III test requires the student’s name to be pre-written on the cover of both the Listening/Reading and the Writing/ Speaking test booklets. Trainer reminds participants that the Level IV test is consumable and cannot be reused, since the student will be writing in the booklets. 44 44 44 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level III: Listening Subtest Types of Questions/Prompts There are three types of Listening questions/ prompts in Level III. The first two types are the same as those used in Levels I and Level II: Picture-based questions with sample responses “Story-based” questions with a sample response The third question type is new and involves circling a correct answer based on four possible multiple-choice responses. The examiner reads a longer story or conversation aloud, and reads all four possible answers. The student circles the letter of the correct answer. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Listening pages in the Level III Listening/Reading Student Booklet, placing greater emphasis on the new third question type. Trainer emphasizes that the student’s responses in the booklet can be indicated in a variety of ways, as long as the responses are clear for subsequent transcription onto the student’s Answer Sheet. Note: Students are allowed to respond to these questions/prompts by either filling in the circle of the response, circling the letter, placing an “X” on the circle, or drawing a circle around the entire response, so that it can be understood for transcription onto the Answer Sheet. 45 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level III: Reading Subtest Types of Questions/Prompts There are five types of Reading questions/ prompts in Level III: Identifying the letter(s) from a sound in a spoken word, with two samples provided. Identifying which word goes with a picture, with one sample provided. Identifying which one of three pictures answers a simple question, with one sample provided. Identifying which one of three pictures answers a question following a brief passage, with NO sample provided. Reading a longer passage or story and selecting the correct answer from four possible multiple- choice responses, with two samples provided. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Reading pages in the Level III Listening/Reading Student Booklet, placing greater emphasis on three new types of prompts (#3, #4, and #5 on the list of question types). Trainer emphasizes that the student’s responses in the booklet can be indicated in a variety of ways, as long as the responses are clear for subsequent transcription onto the student’s Answer Sheet. Note: Students are allowed to respond to these questions/prompts by either filling in the circle of the response, circling the letter, placing an “X” on the circle, or drawing a circle around the entire response, so that it can be understood for transcription onto the Answer Sheet. Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level III: Writing Subtest – Types of Prompts and Scoring Instructions There are three types of Writing prompts in Level III: Word Writing Sentence Writing Picture-Based Story Writing Scoring Rubric for Word Writing: See page 6 in Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Writing pages in the Level III Writing/Speaking Student Booklet. Trainer emphasizes that the Letter Writing rubric has a 2, 1, or 0 score point. Trainer reminds participants that this is the same rubric used to score the Word Writing section of the NYSESLAT. 47 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level III: Writing Subtest – Types of Prompts and Scoring Instructions Scoring Rubric for Sentence Writing: See page 7 in Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV. Trainer reminds participants that the Sentence Writing rubric has a 2, 1, or 0 score point. Trainer reminds participants that this is the same rubric used to score the Sentence Writing section of the NYSESLAT. 48 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level III: Writing Subtest – Types of Prompts and Scoring Instructions Scoring Rubric for Picture- Based Story Writing: See page 8 in Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV. Trainer emphasizes that the Picture-Based Story Writing rubric has a 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0 score point. Trainer reminds participants that this is the same rubric used to score the Picture-Based Story Writing section of the NYSESLAT. 49 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
NYSITELL Level III – Writing Subtest Reviewing Anchor Responses Please open the Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV and turn to page 22: Anchor responses to Word Writing begin on page 22 and continue to page 30. Scores for each question are displayed as either a “2,” “1,” or “0” with explanations of each score provided. Anchor responses for Sentence Writing begin on page 31 and continue to page 34. Anchor responses for Picture-Based Story Writing begin on page 35 and continue to page 40. Scores for each question are displayed as either a “4,” “3,” “2,” “1,” or “0” with explanations of each score provided. Please take a few minutes to read silently through the Anchor Response scores for both question types to ensure that you understand how the rubrics were applied to each question. Trainer makes sure that all participants have the Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV open to the correct pages and that they remain quietly on task in reviewing the Anchor Responses during the sustained silent reading. Trainer reminds participants that scores were assigned using the same rubrics used on the NYSESLAT, so they should be somewhat familiar with them if they have scored the NYSESLAT in the past. Trainer ensures that discussion/concerns about the assigned scores are addressed, but without generating controversy. Trainer should discourage criticism or prolonged discussion of scores assigned to particular Anchor Responses, while emphasizing that these scoring decisions were made by our NYS bilingual and ESL teacher colleagues through the “range finding” process. 50 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level III: Speaking Subtest - Types of Prompts and Scoring Instructions There are four types of Speaking prompts in Level III. Three of the four types are similar to the Level I and Level II Speaking subtests: Academic and Social Interaction: The student is asked to respond to open-ended interactional questions. There are three sample “warm up” questions that introduce the student to this type of item. NOTE: The interactional questions are printed in the Student Booklet for the first time. Sentence Completion: (New Item) The student is asked to complete a sentence with a picture prompt. One sample question precedes these prompts. Picture Description: The student is asked to respond to a picture that includes two questions, asked separately. There are two sample questions that introduce the student to this type of item. Story Telling: The student is asked to tell a story about a three-picture sequence. There are no sample questions to introduce the student to this type of item. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Speaking pages in the Level III Writing/Speaking Student Booklet. Trainer emphasizes that three of the question types for Speaking on Level III are the same as for Levels I and II, as are the rubrics used to score the Speaking subtest. Trainer notes that the Student Booklet now contains printed prompts for the warm-up question and for the first type of question, the interactional questions. Trainer emphasizes that although there are two questions for each of the three items in the Picture Description section, only ONE score is assigned for each question. Trainer reminds participants that the Scoring Sheets used by the examiner contain slightly abbreviated rubrics than the full Speaking rubrics that are printed in the DFA. Please take a few minutes to read through the Speaking subtest instructions, boldfaced prompts, and rubrics for scoring that are located on pages 24 to 27 in the Level III DFA and compare with the questions on pages 10 to 19 in the Level III Writing/Speaking test booklet. 51 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 51
NYSITELL Level III: Speaking Subtest Sentence Completion Rubric (new question) Sentence Completion Rubric: See page 56 in Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV Trainer briefly reviews the rubric with participants. Trainer notes that this new question will appear in all subsequent Speaking subtests – from Level III through Level VIII.
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level III: Speaking Subtest - Scoring Examples Please turn to page 67 to 71 in the NYSITELL Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV, and listen to the transcribed Speaking Questions and Anchor Responses. Please be aware that the prompt numbers and the prompts used on the CD are somewhat different from those printed on the operational test; there are changes in the order of the directions for Storytelling, and the operational test directions do not contain the sentence “You may name the characters in your story.” Regardless of the differences in the prompts, the examiner must read the prompts as written in the DFA, and the responses are scored according to the prompts as printed. Trainer plays tracks 23 through 36 as the participants follow along in the Scoring Guide. Trainer replays tracks if necessary, and facilitates discussion concerning the score points that are assigned to each track played. Trainer ensures that discussion/concerns about the assigned scores are addressed, but without generating controversy. Trainer should discourage criticism or prolonged discussion of scores assigned to particular Anchor Responses, while emphasizing that these scoring decisions were made by our NYS bilingual and ESL teacher colleagues through the “range finding” process. 53 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 53
Recording the Student’s Score Results for the Level III NYSITELL After transcribing the student’s responses for Listening and Reading from the Level III booklet onto the Answer Sheet, the examiner uses the Scoring Overlay to determine the correct responses and sums each subtest separately. The examiner enters the scores for the Writing and Speaking subtest and then sums each subtest separately. The examiner enters the scores for each subtest in the appropriate box in the bottom right-hand corner on page 2 of the Answer Sheet. The examiner sums the Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking scores and enters that number in the appropriate box in the bottom right-hand corner on page 2 of the Answer Sheet. The examiner will use the NYSITELL Level III Conversion Chart to determine the student’s overall English proficiency level. The NYSITELL Conversion Chart can be found on-line at: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/assessment/nysitell/ The examiner will enter the total Raw Score and mark the Proficiency level on page 1 of the Answer Sheet. Trainer directs participants to view the Answer Sheet at the back of the Level III Student Booklet. Trainer should demonstrate how the scoring overlay is used, and asks participants to do the same. Trainer emphasizes the importance of ensuring that ALL of the pertinent information regarding the student and testing conditions is complete and accurate, and that documentation of the NYSITELL results are filed in the student’s permanent record. Trainer reminds participants that the NYSITELL scores must also be entered onto the NYS Student Information Repository System (SIRS). A handout from the SIRS Manual on how the scores are reported on SIRS should be included in the training packet, and the trainer will direct the participants to the handout at this point, asking them to quickly review the items that will be reported. 54 54 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 54 54
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL – Administering LEVEL IV The Level IV test is designed for students entering GRADE 2 between February 1st and June 30th OR for students entering GRADE 3 between July 15th and January 31st of the school year in which they enter. It is recommended that the entire Level IV test be individually administered. The Listening and Reading questions are all multiple choice. Students circle their responses in the Listening/Reading test booklet. Their responses will be transcribed onto the answer sheets for scoring purposes. The Writing subtest consists of both multiple-choice conventions questions and “constructed response” questions that are written in the Writing/Speaking test booklet. Constructed response questions will be scored according to the rubrics for the Level II-IV Writing subtests on pages 6, 7, and 8 of the Scoring Guide. The Speaking subtest must be individually administered. The examiner marks the student’s score for each speaking question on the photocopied Speaking Score Sheet. Trainer reiterates the importance of having pre-written the student’s name on the test booklets for subsequent transcription and scoring on the student’s Answer Sheet. 55 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 55
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 Materials Required for Level IV Administration For the Examiner Copy of Level IV – Directions for Administration (DFA) NYSITELL Level IV Listening/Reading and Writing/Speaking test booklets Supply of NYSITELL Level IV Answer Sheets from back of Listening/Reading Booklet (prepared in advance for each student) Photocopies of the Speaking Score Sheet from pages 30-31 of Level IV DFA, prepared in advance for each student taking the Speaking subtest. Note: Both the Level IV Answer Sheets and Speaking Score Sheets can be photocopied double-sided. A pencil or pen For the Student NYSITELL Level IV Listening/Reading test booklet NYSITELL Level IV Writing/Speaking test booklet Two soft-lead (No. 2) sharpened pencils with erasers Trainer briefly reviews the information on the slide with participants. 56 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
NYSITELL Level IV – Test Contents Subtest Administration Number of Questions Listening Individual 16 Reading 18 Writing 9 Speaking 10 Trainer notes that at Level IV, students are tested in all four modalities that will require additional transcription of student responses and scores to be recorded on the student’s Answer Sheet. 57 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 Preliminary Planning for Level IV Testing Familiarize yourself with both the Level IV test booklets and with the Directions for Administration. Study the Speaking rubrics on pages 28 and 29 of the DFA for Level IV, as well as listen to the examples of students’ scored responses on CD tracks with accompanying transcripts on pages 72 to 76 of the Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV. Make sure the physical conditions are satisfactory and post a “Testing – Do not disturb” sign on the door. Be sure to have an answer sheet prepared for each student, using the detachable/reproducible Level IV answer sheet in the back of the Level IV Listening/Reading test booklet. Fill in the student’s demographic information on the answer sheet in advance. Write the student’s name on the cover of both Level IV test booklets, and write the name of the test administrator and date(s) of testing in the spaces provided. Determine whether any students require IEP or 504 accommodations, and provide them accordingly. Trainer emphasizes that the Level IV test requires the student’s name to be pre-written on the cover of both the Listening/Reading and the Writing/ Speaking test booklets. Trainer reminds participants that the Level IV test is consumable and cannot be reused, since the student will be writing in the booklets. 58 58 58 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level IV: Listening Subtest Types of Questions/Prompts There are four types of Listening questions/ prompts in Level IV. The first two types are the same as those used in Levels I ,II, and III: Picture-based questions with two sample responses. “Story-based” questions with one sample response. The third question type involves circling a correct answer based on four possible multiple-choice responses, which is the same format for Level III. The examiner reads a story or conversation aloud, and reads all four possible answers. One sample response is provided. The student circles the letter of the correct answer. The fourth question type is new and involves circling a correct answer based on four possible multiple-choice responses, after hearing a “Lesson” based on informational text. The examiner reads a story or conversation aloud, and reads all four possible answers. No Sample is provided. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Listening pages in the Level IV Listening/Reading Student Booklet, placing greater emphasis on the new fourth question type. Trainer emphasizes that the student’s responses in the booklet can be indicated in a variety of ways, as long as the responses are clear for subsequent transcription onto the student’s Answer Sheet. Note: Students are allowed to respond to these questions/prompts by either filling in the circle of the response, circling the letter, placing an “X” on the circle, or drawing a circle around the entire response, so that it can be understood for transcription onto the Answer Sheet. 59 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level IV: Reading Subtest Types of Questions/Prompts There are four types of Reading questions/ prompts in Level IV: Identifying which word goes with a picture, with one sample provided. Identifying which one of three pictures answers a simple question, with one sample provided. Identifying which one of three pictures answers a question following a brief passage, with NO sample provided. Reading two longer passages (one narrative and one informational) and selecting the correct answer from four possible multiple-choice responses, with two samples provided. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Reading pages in the Level IV Listening/Reading Student Booklet, placing greater emphasis on the new type of prompt (#4) on the list of question types. Trainer emphasizes that the student’s responses in the booklet can be indicated in a variety of ways, as long as the responses are clear for subsequent transcription onto the student’s Answer Sheet. Note: Students are allowed to respond to these questions/prompts by either filling in the circle of the response, circling the letter, placing an “X” on the circle, or drawing a circle around the entire response, so that it can be understood for transcription onto the Answer Sheet. Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level IV: Writing Subtest – Types of Prompts and Scoring Instructions There are four types of Writing prompts in Level IV: Multiple-choice questions on English Writing Conventions Word Writing Sentence Writing Picture-Based Story Writing The multiple-choice questions on English Writing Conventions are new questions that appear at Levels IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII. The student will be asked to fill in the circle next to the correct answer in the test booklet. The student’s responses are transcribed onto the student’s answer sheet for scoring purposes. Multiple-choice questions on English Writing Conventions Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Writing pages in the Level IV Writing/Speaking Student Booklet. Trainer reminds participants that they may only read the directions and the sample for the multiple choice Writing Conventions section. The student then completes the four questions in this section on his or her own. 61 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level IV: Writing Subtest – Types of Prompts and Scoring Instructions Scoring Rubric for Word Writing: See page 6 in Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV. Trainer emphasizes that the Letter Writing rubric has a 2, 1, or 0 score point. Trainer reminds participants that this is the same rubric used to score the Word Writing section of the NYSESLAT. 62 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level IV: Writing Subtest – Types of Prompts and Scoring Instructions Scoring Rubric for Sentence Writing: See page 7 in Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV. Trainer reminds participants that the Sentence Writing rubric has a 2, 1, or 0 score point. Trainer reminds participants that this is the same rubric used to score the Sentence Writing section of the NYSESLAT. 63 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level IV: Writing Subtest – Types of Prompts and Scoring Instructions Scoring Rubric for Picture- Based Story Writing: See page 8 in Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV. Trainer emphasizes that the Picture-Based Story Writing rubric has a 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0 score point. Trainer reminds participants that this is the same rubric used to score the Picture-Based Story Writing section of the NYSESLAT. 64 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
NYSITELL Level IV – Writing Subtest Reviewing Anchor Responses Please open the Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV and turn to page 22: Anchor responses to Word Writing begin on page 41and continue to page 46. Scores for each question are displayed as either a “2,” “1,” or “0” with explanations of each score provided. Anchor responses for Sentence Writing appear on pages 47 and 48. Anchor responses for Picture-Based Story Writing begin on page 49 and continue to page 54. Scores for each question are displayed as either a “4,” “3,” “2,” “1,” or “0” with explanations of each score provided. Please take a few minutes to read silently through the Anchor Response scores for both question types to ensure that you understand how the rubrics were applied to each question. Trainer makes sure that all participants have the Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV open to the correct pages and that they remain quietly on task in reviewing the Anchor Responses during the sustained silent reading. Trainer reminds participants that scores were assigned using the same rubrics used on the NYSESLAT, so they should be somewhat familiar with them if they have scored the NYSESLAT in the past. Trainer ensures that discussion/concerns about the assigned scores are addressed, but without generating controversy. Trainer should discourage criticism or prolonged discussion of scores assigned to particular Anchor Responses, while emphasizing that these scoring decisions were made by our NYS bilingual and ESL teacher colleagues through the “range finding” process. 65 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level IV: Speaking Subtest - Types of Prompts and Scoring Instructions There are four types of Speaking prompts in Level IV. All four types of prompts use the same rubrics as the Level III Speaking subtest: Academic and Social Interaction: The student is asked to respond to open-ended interactional questions. There are three sample “warm up” questions that introduce the student to this type of question. NOTE: The interactional questions are printed in the Student Booklet for the first time. Sentence Completion: The student is asked to complete a sentence with a picture prompt. One sample question precedes these prompts. Picture Description: The student is asked to respond to picture that includes two questions, asked separately. There are two sample questions that introduce the student to this type of question. Story Telling: The student is asked to tell a story about a three-picture sequence. There are no sample questions to introduce the student to this type of question. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Speaking pages in the Level IV Writing/Speaking Student Booklet. Trainer emphasizes that three of the question types for Speaking on Level IV are the same as for III, as are the rubrics used to score the Speaking subtest. Trainer notes that the Student Booklet now contains printed prompts for the warm-up questions as well as for the interactional prompts. Trainer emphasizes that although there are two questions for each of the three questions in the Picture Description section, only ONE score is assigned for each item. Trainer reminds participants that the Scoring Sheets used by the examiner contain slightly abbreviated rubrics than the full Speaking rubrics that are printed in the DFA. Please take a few minutes to read through the Speaking subtest instructions, boldfaced prompts, and rubrics for scoring that are located on pages 24 to 29 in the Level IV DFA and compare with the questions on pages 14 to 23 in the Level IV Writing/Speaking test booklet. 66 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 66
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level IV: Speaking Subtest - Scoring Examples Please turn to page 72 to 76 in the NYSITELL Scoring Guide for Levels I-IV, and listen to the transcribed Speaking Questions and Anchor Responses. Please be aware that the prompt numbers and the prompts used on the CD are somewhat different from those printed on the operational test; there are changes in the order of the directions for Storytelling, and the operational test directions do not contain the sentence “You may name the characters in your story.” Regardless of the differences in the prompts, the examiner must read the prompts as written in the DFA, and the responses are scored according to the prompts as printed. Trainer plays tracks 37 through 50 as the participants follow along in the Scoring Guide. Trainer replays tracks if necessary, and facilitates discussion concerning the score points that are assigned to each track played. Trainer ensures that discussion/concerns about the assigned scores are addressed, but without generating controversy. Trainer should discourage criticism or prolonged discussion of scores assigned to particular Anchor Responses, while emphasizing that these scoring decisions were made by our NYS bilingual and ESL teacher colleagues through the “range finding” process. 67 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 67 67
Recording the Student’s Score Results for the Level IV NYSITELL After transcribing the student’s responses for Listening and Reading from the Level IV booklet onto the Answer Sheet, the examiner uses the Scoring Overlay to determine the correct responses and sums each subtest separately. The examiner enters the scores for the Writing and Speaking subtests and then sums each subtest separately. The examiner enters the scores for each subtest in the appropriate box in the bottom right-hand corner on page 2 of the Answer Sheet. The examiner sums the Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking scores and records that number in the appropriate box in the bottom right-hand corner on page 2 of the Answer Sheet. The examiner will use the NYSITELL Level IV Conversion Chart to determine the student’s overall English proficiency level. The NYSITELL Conversion Chart can be found on-line at: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/assessment/nysitell/ The examiner will enter the total Raw Score and mark the Proficiency level on page 1 of the Answer Sheet. Trainer directs participants to view the Answer Sheet at the back of the Level IV Student Booklet. Trainer should demonstrate how the scoring overlay is used, and asks participants to do the same. Trainer emphasizes the importance of ensuring that ALL of the pertinent information regarding the student and testing conditions is complete and accurate, and that documentation of the NYSITELL results are filed in the student’s permanent record. Trainer reminds participants that the NYSITELL scores must also be entered onto the NYS Student Information Repository System (SIRS). A handout from the SIRS Manual on how the scores are reported on SIRS should be included in the training packet, and the trainer will direct the participants to the handout at this point, asking them to quickly review the items that will be reported. 68 68 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 68 68
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL – Administering LEVEL V The Level V test is designed for students entering GRADE 3 between February 1st and June 30th OR for students entering GRADE 4 between July 15th and June 30th of the school year in which they enter. The Level V Listening, Reading and Writing subtests may be group administered or individually administered. The Listening and Reading questions are all multiple choice. Students fill in the circles to their response on the Student Answer Sheet that is located in the back the Listening/Reading test booklet. The Writing subtest consists of both multiple-choice conventions questions and “constructed response” questions that are written in the Writing/Speaking test booklet. Constructed response questions will be scored according to the rubrics for the Level V-VIII Writing subtests on pages 6, 7, and 8 of the Scoring Guide. The Speaking subtest must be individually administered. The examiner marks the student’s score for each speaking question on the photocopied Speaking Score Sheet. Trainer points out that the Level V test is administered to those students entering Grade 3 at the mid-year point (Feb. 1st through June 30th) and to ALL students entering Grade 4 over the course of the entire year. Trainer emphasizes that at the Level V Test and thereafter, students will be completing their Answer Sheets on their own by filling in the correct circles. This process may be unfamiliar to some entering students, so the examiner will need to make sure that the students understand how to enter their responses on the Answer Sheet. Trainer reiterates the importance of having the student’s name written on both test booklets and Answer Sheets for students and on the Speaking Scoring Sheets prior to beginning administration. 69 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 69 69
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 Materials Required for Level V Administration For the Examiner Copy of Level V – Directions for Administration (DFA) NYSITELL Level V Listening/Reading and Writing/Speaking test booklets Supply of NYSITELL Level V Answer Sheets from back of Listening/Reading Booklet (prepared in advance for each student) * Photocopies of the Speaking Score Sheet from pages 30-31 of Level V DFA, prepared in advance for each student taking the Speaking subtest. * Note: The Level V Speaking Score Sheets can be photocopied double-sided. A pencil or pen For the Student NYSITELL Level V Student Answer Sheet * Two soft-lead (No. 2) sharpened pencils with erasers * Note: The Level V student Answer Sheet must be detached from the back of the Listening/Reading Booklet and can be photocopied double-sided. Trainer briefly reviews the information on the slide with participants. 70 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 70
NYSITELL Level V – Test Contents Subtest Administration Number of Questions Listening Individual or Group 16 Reading Individual or Group 18 Writing 11 Speaking Individual 10 Trainer briefly reviews the information on the slide with participants. 71 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 71
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 Preliminary Planning for Level V Testing Familiarize yourself with both the Level V test booklets and with the Directions for Administration Study the Speaking rubrics on pages 28 and 29 of the DFA for Level V, as well as listen to the examples of students’ scored responses on CD tracks with accompanying transcripts on pages 62 to 66 of the Scoring Guide for Levels V-VIII. Make sure the physical conditions are satisfactory and post a “Testing – Do not disturb” sign on the door. Be sure to have an answer sheet prepared for each student, using the detachable/reproducible Level V answer sheet in the back of the Level V Listening/Reading test booklet. Fill in the student’s demographic information on the answer sheet in advance. Write the student’s name on the cover of both Level V test booklets, and write the name of the test administrator and date(s) of testing in the spaces provided. Determine whether any students require IEP or 504 accommodations, and provide them accordingly. Trainer emphasizes that the Level V test requires the student’s name and the examiner’s name to be pre-written on the cover of both the Listening/Reading and the Writing/ Speaking test booklets. 72 72 72 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 72
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level V: Listening Subtest Types of Questions/Prompts There are four types of Listening questions/prompts in Level V. The first two types are in the same format used in Levels I to IV: Picture-based questions with two sample responses. “Story-based” questions with one sample response. The third question type involves choosing a correct answer from four possible multiple-choice responses, which is the same format for Levels III and IV. The examiner reads a story or conversation aloud, and reads all four possible answers. One sample response is included. The fourth type involves choosing a correct answer to three questions with four possible multiple-choice answers. The examiner reads one much longer passage, called a “lesson,” that is read to the student(s) twice, and then reads all four possible answers. Students may take notes only during the second reading. This note-taking practice is new on Level V and subsequent test levels, but no sample is provided. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Listening pages in the Level V Listening/Reading Student Booklet, placing greater emphasis on the new fourth question type. Trainer emphasizes that students must fill in the circles to indicate the selected answer on the Answer Sheet. Since this may not be a familiar process for some students, it is important to make sure they understand how to do this. Trainer stresses that some students may not be familiar with note-taking during listening, and the examiner may need to emphasize to the student that his/her notes will not count toward the score for this question. This may be particularly important for students who opt not to take notes. Note: Students indicate their answers by filling in the circles on the Answer Sheets. 73 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 73
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level V: Reading Subtest Types of Questions/Prompts There are four types of Reading questions/prompts in Level V: Identifying which one of three word goes with a picture, with one sample provided. Identifying which one of three pictures answers a simple question, with one sample provided. Identifying which one of three pictures answers a question following a brief passage, with NO sample provided. Reading two passages (one narrative and one informational text) and selecting the correct multiple-choice answer to four questions for each passage, with one sample provided. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Reading pages in the Level V Listening/Reading Student Booklet, placing greater emphasis on the fourth question type. Trainer emphasizes that students must fill in the circles to indicate the selected answer on the Answer Sheet. Since this may not be a familiar process for some students, it is important to make sure they understand how to do this. Note: Students indicate their answers by filling in the circles on the Answer Sheets. Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 74
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level V: Writing Subtest – Types of Prompts and Scoring Instructions There are four types of Writing prompts in Level V: Two types of Multiple-choice questions on Writing Conventions Sentence Writing Descriptive Writing Paragraph Multiple-choice questions on English Writing Conventions There are two types of tasks for Writing Conventions The student is asked to choose the grammatically correct sentence from four possible answers. One sample is provided. The student is asked to decide if the sentence in the prompt is correct or incorrect, and choose from four possible answers. Two samples are provided. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Writing pages in the Level V Writing/Speaking Student Booklet, emphasizing the introduction of the “Descriptive Paragraph” prompt, and pointing out the inclusion of the “Checklist” for reviewing their work. Trainer reminds participants that they may only read the directions and the samples for the multiple-choice Writing Conventions section. The student then completes the following questions on his or her own. Trainer notes that correct answers for Writing Conventions’ prompts score one point each. Note: Students indicate their answers by filling in the circles on the Answer Sheets. 75 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 75
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level V: Writing Subtest – Types of Prompts and Scoring Instructions Scoring Rubric for Sentence Writing: See page 6 in Scoring Guide for Levels V-VIII Trainer reminds participants that the Sentence Writing rubric has a 2, 1, or 0 score point. Trainer reminds participants that this is the same rubric used to score the Sentence Writing section of the NYSESLAT. 76 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 76
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level V: Writing Subtest – Types of Prompts and Scoring Instructions Scoring Rubric for Descriptive Writing Paragraph See page 7 in Scoring Guide for Levels V-VIII. Trainer emphasizes that the Descriptive Writing Paragraph rubric has a 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0 score point. Trainer reminds participants that this is the same rubric used to score the Descriptive Writing Paragraph section of the NYSESLAT. 77 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 77
NYSITELL Level V – Writing Subtest Reviewing Anchor Responses Please open the Scoring Guide for Levels V-VIII and turn to page 9: Anchor responses to Sentence Writing begin on page 9 and continue to page 12. Scores for each question are displayed as either a “2,” “1,” or “0” with explanations of each score provided. Anchor responses for Descriptive Writing Paragraph begin on page 13 and continue to page 16. Scores for each question are displayed as either a “4,” “3,” “2,” “1,” or “0” with explanations of each score provided. Please take a few minutes to read silently through the Anchor Response scores for both question types to ensure that you understand how the rubrics were applied to each question. Trainer makes sure that all participants have the Scoring Guide for Levels V-VIII open to the correct pages and that they remain quietly on task in reviewing the Anchor Responses during the sustained silent reading. Trainer reminds participants that scores were assigned using the same rubrics used on the NYSESLAT, so they should be somewhat familiar with them if they have scored the NYSESLAT in the past. Trainer ensures that discussion/concerns about the assigned scores are addressed, but without generating controversy. Trainer should discourage criticism or prolonged discussion of scores assigned to particular Anchor Responses, while emphasizing that these scoring decisions were made by our NYS bilingual and ESL teacher colleagues through the “range finding” process. 78 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 78
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level V: Speaking Subtest Types of Prompts and Scoring Instructions There are four types of Speaking prompts in Level V. Academic and Social Interaction: The student is asked to respond to open-ended interactional questions. There are three sample “warm up” questions that introduce the student to this type of question. NOTE: The interactional questions are printed in the Student Booklet for the first time. Sentence Completion: The student is asked to complete a sentence with a picture prompt. One sample question precedes these prompts. Picture Description: The student is asked to respond to a picture that includes two questions, asked separately. There are two sample questions that introduce the student to this type of question. Story Telling: The student is asked to tell a story about a three-picture sequence. There are no sample questions to introduce the student to this type of question. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Speaking pages in the Writing/Speaking Student Booklet for Level V, placing greater emphasis on the third question type that is now one question with two phrases, both parts of which need to be answered in order to obtain a score of 2. Prior to this level, the two questions were asked separately. Trainer notes that the Level V Student Booklet contains printed prompts for the warm-up questions and for the first interactional type of questions, which began at Level IV. Trainer reminds participants that the Scoring Sheets used by the examiner contain slightly abbreviated rubrics than the full Speaking rubrics that are printed in the DFA. Please take a few minutes to read through the Speaking subtest instructions, boldfaced prompts, and rubrics for scoring that are located on pages 24 to 29 in the Level V DFA and compare with the questions on pages 12 to 21 in the Level V Writing/Speaking test booklet. 79 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 79 79
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level V: Speaking Subtest - Scoring Examples Please turn to pages 62 to 66 in the NYSITELL Scoring Guide for Levels V-VII, and listen to the transcribed Speaking Questions and Anchor Responses. Keep in mind that the question numbers on the CD Anchor Responses will differ from the actual numbers on the operational test. There are no audio tracks available for the Sentence Completion Prompt, but the Scoring Guide does contain written transcriptions for illustrative purposes. Be aware that there are some differences in the prompts for Storytelling on Level V on the CD vs. the prompts written on the DFA that also exist at prior levels. You must read the prompts to the students exactly as written in the DFA. Trainer plays tracks 1 through 11 from the Speaking Exemplars CD for Levels V-VIII as the participants follow along in the Scoring Guide, reminding participants that they will not hear any audio Anchor Responses for the Sentence Completion question. (Note: There is a transcribed set of responses for Sentence Completion in the Scoring Guide). Trainer replays tracks if necessary, and facilitates discussion concerning the score points that are assigned to each track played. Trainer ensures that discussion/concerns about the assigned scores are addressed, but without generating controversy. Trainer should discourage criticism or prolonged discussion of scores assigned to particular Anchor Responses, while emphasizing that these scoring decisions were made by our NYS bilingual and ESL teacher colleagues through the “range finding” process. 80 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 80 80
Recording the Student’s Score Results for the Level V NYSITELL The examiner uses the Scoring Overlay on the student’s Answer Sheet to determine the number of correct responses for Listening, Reading, and Writing Conventions. The examiner sums the correct answers for Listening and Reading. The examiner enters the scores assigned for the Writing and Speaking subtest onto the Answer Sheet and then sums each subtest separately. The examiner enters the scores for each subtest in the appropriate box in the bottom right-hand corner on page 2 of the Answer Sheet. The examiner sums the Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking scores and enters that number in the appropriate box in the bottom right-hand corner on page 2 of the Answer Sheet. The examiner will use the NYSITELL Level V Conversion Chart to determine the student’s overall English proficiency level. The NYSITELL Conversion Chart can be found on-line at: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/assessment/nysitell/ The examiner will enter total Raw Score and mark the Proficiency level on page 1 of the Answer Sheet. Trainer directs participants to view the Answer Sheet at the back of the Level V Listening/Reading Student Booklet. Trainer should demonstrate how the scoring overlay is used, and asks participants to do the same. Trainer emphasizes that for the Writing subtest, the score will consist of both the sum of the Writing Conventions multiple choice questions the student filled in on the Answer Sheet PLUS the scores for the Open-ended Writing questions that were determined by the examiner. Trainer emphasizes the importance of ensuring that ALL of the pertinent information regarding the student and testing conditions is complete and accurate, and that documentation of the NYSITELL results are filed in the student’s permanent record. Trainer reminds participants that the NYSITELL scores must also be entered onto the NYS Student Information Repository System (SIRS). A handout from the SIRS Manual on how the scores are reported on SIRS should be included in the training packet, and the trainer will direct the participants to the handout at this point, asking them to quickly review the items that will be reported. 81 81 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 81 81 81
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL: Administering LEVELS VI, VII, and VIII The Level VI test is designed for students entering GRADE 5 and Grade 6 between July 15th and June 30th of the school year in which they enter. The Level VII test is designed for students entering GRADE 7 and Grade 8 between July 15th and June 30th of the school year in which they enter. The Level VIII test is designed for students entering GRADE 9 through Grade 12 between July 15th and June 30th of the school year in which they enter. The Level VI , VII , and VIII Listening, Reading, and Writing subtests may be group administered or individually administered. Trainer points out that the test at Levels VI, VII, and VIII are administered as appropriate to ALL students entering Grades 5 and 6, Grades 7 and 8, and Grades 9 through 12 over the course of the entire year. Trainer may wish to review the “Stopping the Test” instructions for Group vs. Individual Administration at this point. 82 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 82 82
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL: Administering LEVELS VI, VII, and VIII (cont’d) The Listening and Reading questions are all multiple choice. Students fill in the circles to their response on the Student Answer Sheet that is located in the back of the Listening/Reading test booklet. The Writing subtest consists of both multiple-choice conventions questions and open-ended “constructed response” questions that are written in the Writing/Speaking test booklet. Constructed response questions will be scored according the rubrics for the Levels V-VIII Writing subtests on pages 7 and 8 of the Scoring Guide. The Speaking subtest must be individually administered. The examiner marks the student’s score for each speaking question on the photocopied Speaking Score Sheet. Trainer reiterates that at the Level V Test and thereafter, students complete their Answer Sheets on their own by filling in the correct circles. This process may be unfamiliar to some entering students, so the examiner will need to make sure that the students understand how to enter their responses on the Answer Sheet. Trainer reiterates the importance of having the student’s name written on both students’ test booklets and Answer Sheets and on the Speaking Scoring Sheets prior to beginning administration. 83 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 83 83
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 Materials Required for Level VI, VII, and VIII NYSITELL Administration For the Examiner Copy of Levels VI, VII, or VIII – Directions for Administration (DFA) (as appropriate for student(s) at the grade levels being tested). NYSITELL Levels VI, VII, or VIII Listening/Reading and Writing/Speaking test booklets (as appropriate for student(s) being tested). Supply of NYSITELL Levels VI, VII, or VIII Answer Sheets from back of Listening/Reading Booklet (prepared in advance for each student) * Photocopies of the Speaking Score Sheet from pages 30-31 of the DFA, prepared in advance for each student taking the Speaking subtest. *Note: The Levels VI-VIII Speaking Score Sheets can be photocopied double-sided. A pencil or pen For the Student (as appropriate to the level at which tested) NYSITELL Levels VI, VII, or VIII Listening/Reading and Writing/Speaking test booklets. NYSITELL Levels VI, VII, or VIII Student Answer Sheet. * Two soft-lead (No. 2) sharpened pencils with erasers. * Note: The student’s Answer Sheet must be detached from the back of the Listening/ Reading Booklet and can be photocopied double-sided. Trainer briefly reviews the information on the slide with participants. 84 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 84
NYSITELL Levels VI, VII, and VIII: Test Contents Subtest Administration Number of Questions Listening Individual or Group 16 Reading Individual or Group 18 Writing 10 Speaking Individual Trainer briefly reviews the information on the slide with participants. 85 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 85
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Levels VI, VII, and VIII: Listening Subtest Types of Questions/Prompts There are three types of Listening questions/prompts for all three levels: The first type is in the same format used in Levels I to V: Picture-based questions with two sample responses. The second type involves choosing a correct answer from four possible multiple-choice responses, which is the same format for Levels III, IV, and V. The examiner reads a story or conversation aloud, and then reads all four possible answers. One sample response is included. The third type involves choosing a correct answer to three questions with four possible multiple-choice answers, first used in Level V. The examiner reads two much longer passages, called “lessons,” that are read to the student(s) twice, and then reads all four possible answers. Students may only take notes during the second reading. No sample is provided. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Listening pages in the Listening/Reading Student Booklet for Level VI, VII, or VIII placing greater emphasis on the third question type. (Note: The level of the Listening/Reading booklet that the trainees view may be different, depending on the grade levels taught.) Trainer emphasizes that students must fill in the circles to indicate the selected answer on the Answer Sheet. Since this may not be a familiar process for some students, it is important to make sure they understand how to do this. Trainer stresses that some students may not be familiar with note-taking during listening, and examiner may need to emphasize to the student that his/her notes will not count toward their scores on these two questions. This may be particularly important for students who opt not to take notes. Note: Students indicate their answers by filling in the circles on the Answer Sheets. 86 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 86
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Levels VI, VII, and VIII: Reading Subtest Types of Questions/Prompts There are two types of Reading questions/ prompts for all three levels: Identifying which one of three pictures answers a simple question, with one sample provided. Reading four passages of increasing length and difficulty (with an emphasis on informational texts), and selecting the correct multiple-choice answer to questions for each passage, with one sample and two questions provided. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Reading pages in the Listening/ Reading Student Booklet for Levels VI, VII, or VIII, placing greater emphasis on the increase in the number of passages, and the different genre types involved. (Note: The level of the Listening/Reading booklet that the trainees view may be different, depending on the grade levels taught.) Trainer emphasizes that students must fill in the circles to indicate the selected answer on the Answer Sheet. Since this may not be a familiar process for some students, it is important to make sure they understand how to do this. Note: Students indicate their answers by filling in the circles on the Answer Sheets. Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 87
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level VI, VII, and VII: Writing Subtest: Question Types and Scoring Instructions There are four types of Writing prompts for all three levels: Two types of Multiple-choice questions on Writing Conventions Descriptive Writing Paragraph Fact-Based Essay There are two types of tasks for Writing Conventions The student is asked to choose the grammatically correct sentence from four possible answers. One sample is provided. The student is asked to decide if the sentence in the prompt is correct or incorrect, and choose from four possible answers. Two samples are provided. Multiple-choice questions on English Writing Conventions Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Writing pages in the Writing/Speaking Student Booklet for Levels VI, VII, or VIII, placing greater emphasis on the third item, the Fact-Based Essay. (Note: The level of the Listening/Reading booklet that the trainees view may be different, depending on the grade levels taught.) Trainer reminds participants that they may only read the directions and the samples for the multiple-choice Writing Conventions section. The student then completes the following questions on his or her own. Trainer notes that correct answers for these prompts score one point each. Note: Students indicate their answers by filling in the circles on the Answer Sheets. 88 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 88
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Levels VI, VII, and VIII: Writing Scoring Rubrics: Descriptive Paragraph Scoring Rubric for Descriptive Writing Paragraph See page 7 in Scoring Guide for Levels V-VIII. Trainer emphasizes that the Descriptive Writing Paragraph rubric has a 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0 score point. Trainer reminds participants that this is the same rubric used to score the Descriptive Writing Paragraph section of the NYSESLAT. 89 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 89
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Levels VI, VII, and VIII Writing Scoring Rubrics: Fact-Based Essay Scoring Rubric for Fact-Based Essay See page 8 in Scoring Guide for Levels V-VIII. NOTE: The Fact-Based Essay section of the test includes a “Planning Page.” Trainer emphasizes that the Fact-Based Essay rubric has a 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0 score point. Trainer reminds participants that this is the same rubric used to score the Fact-Based Essay section of the NYSESLAT. Trainer stresses that the Fact-Based Essay has a “Planning Page” that the student may use, but which is not counted in the score for the item. Some students may not be familiar with this kind of “planning” for their writing and may need to have this explained to them very clearly so they understand that using this page is optional. 90 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 90
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Levels VI, VII, and VIII: Speaking Subtest - Types of Questions/Prompts There are four types of Speaking prompts for all three levels: Academic and Social Interaction: The student is asked to respond to open-ended interactional questions. There are three sample “warm up” questions that introduce the student to this type of question. NOTE: The interactional questions are printed in the Student Booklet for the first time. Sentence Completion: The student is asked to complete a sentence with a picture prompt. One sample question precedes these prompts. Picture Description: The student is asked to respond to a picture that includes two questions, asked separately. There are two sample questions that introduce the student to this type of question. Story Telling: The student is asked to tell a story about a three-picture sequence. There are no sample questions to introduce the student to this type of question. Trainer notes that the Level VI Student Booklet contains printed prompts for the warm-up questions and for the first interactional type of questions, which began at Level IV. Trainer reviews the information on the slide with participants, while they look at the Speaking pages in the Writing/Speaking Student Booklet for Levels VI, VII, or VIII, placing greater emphasis on the third question type that is now one question with two phrases, both parts of which need to be answered in order to obtain a score of 2. (Note: The level of the Writing/Speaking booklet that the trainees view may be different, depending on the grade levels taught.) Trainer reminds participants that the Scoring Sheets used by the examiner contain slightly abbreviated rubrics than the full Speaking rubrics that are printed in the DFA. 91 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 91 91
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 Recording the Student’s Score Results for the NYSITELL Levels VI, VII, and VIII The examiner uses the Scoring Overlay to determine the number of correct responses for Listening, Reading, and Writing Conventions. The examiner sums the correct answers for Listening and Reading. The examiner enters the scores assigned for the Writing and Speaking subtest and then sums each subtest separately. The examiner will enter the scores for each subtest in the appropriate box in the bottom right-hand corner on page 2 of the Answer Sheet. The examiner will sum the Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking scores and enter that number in the appropriate box in the bottom right-hand corner on page 2 of the Answer Sheet. The examiner will use the NYSITELL Level VI Conversion Chart to determine the student’s overall English proficiency level. The NYSITELL Conversion Chart can be found on-line at: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/assessment/nysitell/ The examiner will enter the total Raw Score and mark the Proficiency level on page 1 of the Answer Sheet. Trainer directs participants to view the Answer Sheet at the back of the Level VI Student Booklet. Trainer should demonstrate how the scoring overlay is used, and asks participants to do the same. Trainer emphasizes that for the Writing subtest, the score will consist of both the sum of the Writing Conventions multiple-choice questions the student filled in on the Answer Sheet PLUS the scores for the Open-ended Writing questions that were determined by the examiner. Trainer stresses the importance of ensuring that ALL of the pertinent information regarding the student and testing conditions is complete and accurate, and that documentation of the NYSITELL results are filed in the student’s permanent record. Trainer reminds participants that the NYSITELL scores must also be entered onto the NYS Student Information Repository System (SIRS). A handout from the SIRS Manual on how the scores are reported on SIRS should be included in the training packet, and the trainer will direct the participants to the handout at this point, asking them to quickly review the items that will be reported. 92 92 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 92 92 92
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 Preliminary Planning for Level VI Testing Familiarize yourself with both the Level VI test booklets and with the Directions for Administration Study the Speaking rubrics on pages 28 and 29 of the DFA for Level VI, as well as listen to the examples of students’ scored responses on CD tracks with accompanying transcripts on pages 67 to 71 of the Scoring Guide for Levels V-VIII. Make sure the physical conditions are satisfactory and post a “Testing – Do not disturb” sign on the door. Be sure to have an answer sheet prepared for each student, using the detachable/reproducible Level VI answer sheet in the back of the Level VI Listening/Reading test booklet. Fill in the student’s demographic information on the answer sheet in advance. Write the student’s name on the cover of both Level VI test booklets, and write the name of the test administrator and date(s) of testing in the spaces provided. Determine whether any students require IEP or 504 accommodations, and provide them accordingly. Trainer emphasizes that the Level VI test requires the student’s name and the examiner’s name to be pre-written on the cover of both the Listening/Reading and the Writing/ Speaking test booklets and on the Student’s Answer Sheet, as well as on the Speaking Scoring Sheet. 93 93 93 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 93
NYSITELL Level VI – Writing Subtest Reviewing Anchor Responses Please open the Scoring Guide for Levels V-VIII and turn to page 17: Anchor responses for Descriptive Writing Paragraph begin on page 17 and continue to page 20. Scores for each question are displayed as either a “4,” “3,” “2,” “1,” or “0” with explanations of each score provided. Anchor responses for Fact-Based Essay begin on page 21 and continue to page 27. Please take a few minutes to read silently through the Anchor Response scores for both question types to ensure that you understand how the rubrics were applied to each question. Trainer makes sure that all participants have the Scoring Guide for Levels V-VIII open to the correct pages and that they remain quietly on task in reviewing the Anchor Responses during the sustained silent reading. Trainer reminds participants that scores were assigned using the same rubrics used on the NYSESLAT, so they should be somewhat familiar with them if they have scored the NYSESLAT in the past. Trainer ensures that discussion/concerns about the assigned scores are addressed, but without generating controversy. Trainer should discourage criticism or prolonged discussion of scores assigned to particular Anchor Responses, while emphasizing that these scoring decisions were made by our NYS bilingual and ESL teacher colleagues through the “range finding” process. 94 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 94
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level VI: Speaking Subtest - Scoring Examples Please take a few minutes to read through the Speaking subtest instructions, boldfaced prompts, and rubrics for scoring that are located on pages 24 to 29 in the Level VI DFA and compare with the questions on pages 14 to 23 in the Level VI Writing/Speaking test booklet. Please turn to page 67 to 71 in the NYSITELL Scoring Guide for Levels V-VIII, and listen to the transcribed Speaking Questions and Anchor Responses. Keep in mind that there are slight differences in the number of the prompts on the CD, but the directions for Storytelling are exactly the same as in the operational test, which was not the case for the prior Levels of the test. Trainer plays tracks 12 through 25 from the Speaking Exemplars CD for Levels V-VIII as the participants follow along in the Scoring Guide. Trainer replays tracks if necessary, and facilitates discussion concerning the score points that are assigned to each track played. Trainer ensures that discussion/concerns about the assigned scores are addressed, but without generating controversy. Trainer should discourage criticism or prolonged discussion of scores assigned to particular Anchor Responses, while emphasizing that these scoring decisions were made by our NYS bilingual and ESL teacher colleagues through the “range finding” process. 95 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 95 95
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 Preliminary Planning for Level VII Testing Familiarize yourself with both the Level VII test booklets and with the Directions for Administration Study the Speaking rubrics on pages 28 and 29 of the DFA for Level VII, as well as listen to the examples of students’ scored responses on CD tracks with accompanying transcripts on pages 72 to 76 of the Scoring Guide for Levels V-VIII. Make sure the physical conditions are satisfactory and post a “Testing – Do not disturb” sign on the door. Be sure to have an answer sheet prepared for each student, using the detachable/reproducible Level VII answer sheet in the back of the Level VII Listening/Reading test booklet. Fill in the student’s demographic information on the answer sheet in advance. Write the student’s name on the cover of both Level VII test booklets, and write the name of the test administrator and date(s) of testing in the spaces provided. Determine whether any students require IEP or 504 accommodations, and provide them accordingly. Trainer emphasizes that the Level VII test requires the student’s name and the examiner’s name to be pre-written on the cover of both the Listening/Reading and the Writing/ Speaking test booklets, student Answer Sheets, as well as the Speaking Scoring Sheet. 96 96 96 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 96
NYSITELL Level VII – Writing Subtest Reviewing Anchor Responses Please open the Scoring Guide for Levels V-VIII and turn to page 28: Anchor responses for Descriptive Writing Paragraph begin on page 28 and continue to page 32. Scores for each question are displayed as either a “4,” “3,” “2,” “1,” or “0” with explanations of each score provided. Anchor responses for Fact-Based Essay begin on page 33 and continue to page 42. Please take a few minutes to read silently through the Anchor Response scores for both question types to ensure that you understand how the rubrics were applied to each question. Trainer makes sure that all participants have the Scoring Guide for Levels V-VIII open to the correct pages and that they remain quietly on task in reviewing the Anchor Responses during the sustained silent reading. Trainer reminds participants that scores were assigned using the same rubrics used on the NYSESLAT, so they should be somewhat familiar with them if they have scored the NYSESLAT in the past. Trainer ensures that discussion/concerns about the assigned scores are addressed, but without generating controversy. Trainer should discourage criticism or prolonged discussion of scores assigned to particular Anchor Responses, while emphasizing that these scoring decisions were made by our NYS bilingual and ESL teacher colleagues through the “range finding” process. 97 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 97
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level VII: Speaking Subtest - Scoring Examples Please take a few minutes to read through the Speaking subtest instructions, boldfaced prompts, and rubrics for scoring that are located on pages 24 to 29 in the Level VII DFA and compare with the questions on pages 16 to 25 in the Level VII Writing/Speaking test booklet. Please turn to pages 72 to 76 in the NYSITELL Scoring Guide for Levels V-VIII, and listen to the transcribed Speaking Questions and Anchor Responses. Keep in mind that there are slight differences in the number of the prompts on the CD, as well as in the directions for Storytelling. However, you must read the directions and prompts exactly as they are written in the DFA for the operational test. Trainer plays tracks 26 through 39 from the Speaking Exemplars CD for Levels V-VIII as the participants follow along in the Scoring Guide. Trainer replays tracks if necessary, and facilitates discussion concerning the score points that are assigned to each track played. Trainer ensures that discussion/concerns about the assigned scores are addressed, but without generating controversy. Trainer should discourage criticism or prolonged discussion of scores assigned to particular Anchor Responses, while emphasizing that these scoring decisions were made by our NYS bilingual and ESL teacher colleagues through the “range finding” process. 98 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 98 98
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 Preliminary Planning for Level VIII Testing Familiarize yourself with both the Level VIII test booklets and with the Directions for Administration Study the Speaking rubrics on pages 28 and 29 of the DFA for Level VIII, as well as listen to the examples of students’ scored responses on CD tracks with accompanying transcripts on pages 77 to 81 of the Scoring Guide for Levels V-VIII. Make sure the physical conditions are satisfactory and post a “Testing – Do not disturb” sign on the door. Be sure to have an answer sheet prepared for each student, using the detachable/reproducible Level VIII answer sheet in the back of the Level VIII Listening/Reading test booklet. Fill in the student’s demographic information on the answer sheet in advance. Write the student’s name on the cover of both Level VIII test booklets, and write the name of the test administrator and date(s) of testing in the spaces provided. Determine whether any students require IEP or 504 accommodations, and provide them accordingly. Trainer emphasizes that the Level VIII test requires the student’s name and the examiner’s name to be pre-written on the cover of both the Listening/Reading and the Writing/ Speaking test booklets, student Answer Sheets, as well as the Speaking Scoring Sheet. 99 99 99 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 99
NYSITELL Level VIII – Writing Subtest Reviewing Anchor Responses Please open the Scoring Guide for Levels V-VIII and turn to page 28: Anchor responses for Descriptive Writing Paragraph begin on page 28 and continue to page 32. Scores for each question are displayed as either a “4,” “3,” “2,” “1,” or “0” with explanations of each score provided. Anchor responses for Fact-Based Essay begin on page 33 and continue to page 42. Please take a few minutes to read silently through the Anchor Response scores for both question types to ensure that you understand how the rubrics were applied to each question. Trainer makes sure that all participants have the Scoring Guide for Levels V-VIII open to the correct pages and that they remain quietly on task in reviewing the Anchor Responses during the sustained silent reading. Trainer reminds participants that scores were assigned using the same rubrics used on the NYSESLAT, so they should be somewhat familiar with them if they have scored the NYSESLAT in the past. Trainer ensures that discussion/concerns about the assigned scores are addressed, but without generating controversy. Trainer should discourage criticism or prolonged discussion of scores assigned to particular Anchor Responses, while emphasizing that these scoring decisions were made by our NYS bilingual and ESL teacher colleagues through the “range finding” process. 100 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 100
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL Level VIII: Speaking Subtest - Scoring Examples Please take a few minutes to read through the Speaking subtest instructions, boldfaced prompts, and rubrics for scoring that are located on pages 24 to 29 in the Level VIII DFA and compare with the questions on pages 16 to 25 in the Level VIII Writing/Speaking test booklet. Please turn to pages 77 to 81 in the NYSITELL Scoring Guide for Levels V-VIII, and listen to the transcribed Speaking Questions and Anchor Responses. Keep in mind that there are slight differences in the number of the prompts on the CD, as well as in the directions for Storytelling. However, you must read the directions and prompts exactly as they are written in the DFA for the operational test. Trainer plays tracks 40 through 53 from the Speaking Exemplars CD for Levels V-VIII as the participants follow along in the Scoring Guide. Trainer replays tracks if necessary, and facilitates discussion concerning the score points that are assigned to each track played. Trainer ensures that discussion/concerns about the assigned scores are addressed, but without generating controversy. Trainer should discourage criticism or prolonged discussion of scores assigned to particular Anchor Responses, while emphasizing that these scoring decisions were made by our NYS bilingual and ESL teacher colleagues through the “range finding” process. 101 Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 101 101
Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014 NYSITELL RESOURCES The NYSED Web Page for all NYSITELL Information: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/assessment/nysitell/ NYSITELL Ordering Information: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/assessment/nysitell/1360-14.pdf Most Recent Version of the SIRS Manual: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/irs/sirs/ Office of Bilingual Education & Foreign Language Studies http://www.p12.nysed.gov/biling/ Regional Bilingual Education Resource Networks http://www.p12.nysed.gov/biling/bilinged/betac.html Trainer ensures that participants have sufficient time to ask any additional questions they may have and responds to them. Trainer should make notations for questions in which there are no clearly available answers in the Guide to the NYSITELL, in the DFA, or in the Scoring Guides. Such questions should be referred to the appropriate staff at NYSED. Trainer asks participants to complete evaluations for the session and collects them. Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014
DISPOSING OF UNUSED LAB-R MATERIALS Please ensure that all unused LAB-R materials are securely destroyed. Trainer reminds participants that the LAB-R was also a secure test, and that all unused LAB-R materials must be securely destroyed. THANK YOU! Statewide RBE-RN Network – February 2014