Cracking the Code to the Performance Based Assessment (PBA) PARCC
Goal Deepen understanding of each Task Type for the Performance-Based Assessment (PBA) # of passages for each task # of item types (EBSR or TECR) and PCR Practice a PARCC assessment online Explore resources to integrate PARCC like tasks into instruction
Agenda PBA/Performance Based Assessment Overview & PARCC Specifications Sample PARCC Practice Tests PARCC writing Rubric Resources & hyperlinks
How are teachers preparing students to be successful for the ELA summative assessments? Read and comprehend complex texts: Are students using language and vocabulary to comprehend what the text says? Are students using topics, themes, and main ideas to comprehend what the text means? Express understanding of complex texts: Are students building opinions about the text using evidence (through discussion) Are students asserting claims about the text using evidence (through writing)
Overview of test specifications
Notice How is the Performance Based Assessment (PBA) different from the End of Year Assessment (EOY)? Which part of the ELA assessment is weighted more (PBA or EOY)? How many passages will students be responsible for on each task? How is the narrative writing task different from the other two tasks? Wonder
Analyze a sample PARCC task and determine which items on the task are evidence-based student response (EBSR), technology enhanced constructed response (TECR) and prose constructed response (PCR)? Notice Wonder How many passages in the task? How many evidence based selected response EBSR (2 part) questions for each passage? What do you notice about the EBSR questions? How many TECR Questions? What do you noticed about these question types? What do you notice about the Prose Constructed Response? Let’s take a look at the pattern Let’s take a look at the pattern !
Online PARCC Practice
PARCC Writing Rubric
STOP AND REFLECT What have we done so far with cracking the code to the Performance-Based Assessment test? Round Robin Share one thing new you have learned so far!
Based on what you have learned, why is it important for student to…. Use language and vocabulary to comprehend what the text says Use topics, themes, and main ideas to comprehend what the text means Build opinions about the text using evidence (through discussion) Assert claims about the text using evidence (through writing)
How do we start “looking” at ELA instruction through a different lens? 3B Using Questions and Discussion 3C Engaging Students in Learning 3D Using Assessment in Instruction
Other PARCC ELA Resources: PARCC Model Frameworks English/Language Arts Grades 3-11 PARCC Model Frameworks English/Language Arts Grades 3-11 PARCC Assessment Guides PARCC Released Practice Test PARCC Sample Items Common Core State Standards for ELA ELA Guidebook ELA Observation & Feedback Form LDOE website: Teacher Toolbox EAGLE
How are teachers preparing students to be successful for the Math summative assessments? Develop a conceptual understanding of math (math) Develop procedural fluency and accuracy (math) Apply their understanding to real-world examples (math) Demonstrate mathematical reasoning by explaining, justifying or critiquing with precision (math) The Shifts of Math
Notice How is the Performance Based Assessment (PBA) different from the End of Year Assessment (EOY)? Which part of the Math assessment is weighted more (PBA or EOY)? Wonder
Based on what you have learned, why is it important for student to…. Use language and vocabulary to comprehend what the standards & prompts say How do we get students there?
How do we start “looking” at Math instruction through a different lens? 3B Using Questions and Discussion 3C Engaging Students in Learning 3D Using Assessment in Instruction
Other Math Resources: Common Core State Standards for Math PARCC Model Frameworks Math Grades 3-11 PARCC Math Assessment Guide PARCC Math Sample Items PARCC Released Practice Test Achieve the Core Illustrative Math (site & video introduction) Illustrative Math LDOE website: Teacher Toolbox EAGLE Math Guidebook Math Observation & Feedback Form List of other recommended sites
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