Year 9 English Assessment Ibstock Community College
Tuesday 2 nd June Location: Sports Hall at 9am Duration: 1 hour and 45 minutes Exam: An AQA Year 9 Assessment paper that tests your Reading and Writing skills. All questions will test you on Non-Fiction reading and writing Equipment: A blue or black pen, a ruler and a highlighter for annotating
The Reading Questions You will be given two booklets The first will contain two non-fiction texts. You are advised to spend about 15 minutes reading and annotating the texts. Tip : Apply the GAP method for each text – identify the G enre, A udience and P urpose The second booklet is split into Section A and Section B. In Section A you will be assessed on your reading – there will be 4 questions, worth a total of 40 marks. This booklet is also where you write your answers. You are advised to spend about 45 minutes answering these questions. Tip : Highlight how many marks are awarded for each question
The Writing Question In Section B you will be assessed on your writing – there will be 1 question, which is worth 40 marks. You will write your answer in the space provided in your booklet. The question will ask you to write a non-fiction text type (e.g. letter, website, report, etc.) for a particular purpose (e.g. to explain, to argue, to describe, to persuade etc.) You are advised to spend about 45 minutes answering this question. There are 24 marks for content and organization. There are 16 marks for technical accuracy. Tip : Edit and improve as you go along. Do not be afraid to make changes. Leave time to proof read and identify errors.
TIPS The Learning Zone : Make time to look at the resources in the English/Year 9 area of the Learning Zone. 1.You will find supporting PowerPoints that will help you revise the features of Non-Fiction writing styles. 2.The ‘Reading Skills’ PowerPoint will direct you to the Word Documents (Jonah, Bear Grylls) – you can read the texts and then answer the questions on the PowerPoint. 3.There are AQA Practice papers that your teachers will use as a teaching resource next week. Time Management: During the exam make sure that you do not spend too long on each question. If time is an issue remember to get your easy marks first! There will be regular time reminders throughout your exam. Proof reading: It is essential that you check your punctuation and that you make sure your writing is clear and makes sense. Remember to organize your writing into paragraphs.
GOOD LUCK Thank you for your efforts so far this year!